Vol 2 Chapter 946: [The last madness, the tranquility before the storm]

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Not long after Luo Sheng entered his special car, Zheng Tao also came. After getting on the car, the team also left the Hyatt Hotel in a mighty manner.
In the car on the way, Zheng Tao looked at Luo Sheng and said, "Mr. Luo, you should know about the advancement of the storm."
Luo Sheng nodded.
Zheng Tao went on to say: "It will take 13 months for the core main building of the tower base to be completed and capped. Now the storm is only left for the construction window of three months for the project. If it is forced to stop and wait for the storm to pass, When construction starts, the concrete curing will cause hidden dangers in the main body of the tower, which will threaten the entire ladder project."
Hearing this, Luo Sheng immediately looked at him and said:
Listen to me. This hidden danger must not be buried. The main building of the Sky Tower must be completed in the last three months. I don’t care what you use to make sure at all costs. The quality of the project met the standards and was completed."
Zheng Tao wanted to speak but stopped.
After a while, Luo Sheng thought and said, "In this way, I will first allocate an additional 1 trillion yuan in special emergency funds. If it is not enough, it will not be capped. The construction team will be expanded at any cost, and construction will be carried out around the clock for 20 hours. Every second can’t be wasted. Shipping is too slow and inefficient. Then all materials are transported by air, and the airport near the inkpad is packaged for me. If the other party dares to sit on the ground and delay the price, I will let him evaporate the next day.
As soon as Zheng Tao heard the last sentence, he was inexplicable, the big boss was really decisive at this moment.
Luo Sheng added: "Tomorrow I will go to the capital for a few days, I will apply to the above to allocate the national air transportation resources to you as much as possible. Three months later, before the solar wind blows over, I want to see Tiantaki. The main building meets the quality standards and is topped."
Zheng Tao nodded solemnly, and said concisely: "Okay!!"
Luo Sheng left the Hyatt Hotel, and the deputy of his negotiating team stayed with the staff to sign a memorandum of understanding with the people of Magnesia. At the same time, a press conference was held in a multimedia lobby of the Hyatt Hotel.
It is officially announced that the two parties have reached a preliminary consensus on the chip issue, and the formal contract signing will be signed in one month.
Originally, Luo Sheng asked to announce the result of the price doubling on the same day, but all the semiconductor giants in North America tried their best to postpone the announcement of specific cooperation rules for a week. For this reason, they were willing to privately release the last three The monthly order capacity purchase amount is reduced by 50% for price settlement. Just one request, delay the announcement of specific cooperation details, not too long, one week is enough.
When Luo Sheng’s negotiating team learned of such a request, they knew that the North American technology giants were about to start their final craziness. This was a rhythm to wipe out and cut off the leek roots of global investors.
In this regard, Luo Sheng’s team has no reason to agree. Anyway, it does not matter if the announcement is delayed. The last three months of order capacity is also a large number, which can reduce the purchase price by half. Why not send the money to the door?
As for the other party to cut the leeks of North American investors, I love it.
As the news of the two sides shaking hands and reconciliation spread, the biggest recent negative landing, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
The major semiconductor giants in North America are using their contacts, media and other resource channels to promote outwardly with the fastest efficiency. At the same time, some company executives have announced increases in their own companies' stocks.
A bad landing is good. Even the executives of these companies have increased their holdings of their own companies' stocks. Investors took a look and bought them quickly.
As a result, technology stocks ushered in a collective skyrocketing market. The stock prices of major semiconductor manufacturers have plummeted by more than 40% due to the "chip hoarding" incident, which was nearly cut.
However, as the two sides reached a settlement, a series of measures such as the increase of executives' holdings have appeared one after another, and the stock price is being pulled up frantically.
Luo Sheng has already rushed to the capital for a meeting. During this time, in just three days, the share prices of major semiconductor manufacturers have not only recovered their previous highs, but also broke through their previous highs and advanced by about 30%.
The enthusiasm of global investors to do long is unprecedentedly high, and they are all caring for this retaliatory rebound in global stock markets. The global market once again has a prosperous landscape.
However, few people realize that this is the final madness. The major international semiconductor manufacturers are ready to press the "nuclear button" at any time, ready to start high-level shipments of their own companies' stocks.
While arranging profits, by the way, the stock price was plunged into the abyss, and then bargain-hunting repurchases, almost taking back these bargaining chips at the price of cabbage, and after eating longs and shorts, the ultimatum is clean.
In this way, the blood of global investors will be drawn to make up for the amount of loss caused by the impact of the solar storm on the company, and to ensure that the company will not go bankrupt due to the storm.
In just a few days, the market value of well-known international semiconductor manufacturers such as Intel, AMD, Nvidia, Micron, NXP, Toshiba, etc. has soared from a low level by 220%. Over-the-counter funds have been running in these days, and some institutions are good. , Hot money, wealthy individuals, super retail investors, and small and medium investors have formed strong consistency in the short term.
Venture capital fund headquarters.
"Mr. Liu, looking forward to the third quarter report, the performance of our venture capital fund in the third quarter is expected to increase by 460%, and the scale of asset management exceeds RMB 8 trillion for the first time. Following this trend, the venture capital fund is expected to become Shengfeng Capital by the end of this year. The second domestic private asset management institution with an asset management scale of more than 10 trillion yuan. Now investors have stepped through the threshold. The entry barrier has increased five times compared to the original, and it cannot stop investors' enthusiasm."
At this moment, Liu Wen’s assistant is reporting to him. After experiencing a series of simple godly operations by Liu Gamblers, no one from the management of the venture capital fund opposes his decision. Now he is respected as Liu Gambler. Up.
Although Mr. Liu's operations seem to be foolish, he is based on a brave man, but he has created a performance increase of nearly five times. What can you do with the actual performance?
"Mr. Liu, what's the matter with you?" The assistant saw the boss holding a copy of the research report and looked at it. He didn't say a word, and it didn't look like he was reading the research report. It was more of a daze.
Finally, Liu Wen shook the research paper aside, then turned on the work computer on the desk and moved the screen more than 90 degrees to his assistant.
"What do you think about these trends?"
The assistant didn't know which one the boss was going to sing suddenly. He glanced at the trend of major global indices on the screen and said: "The differences will turn into the same again, and the situation is very good for long."
Liu Wen said in a deep voice, "But the consistency is too strong. The Nasdaq has rushed to a record high of more than 17,000 points, and the Dow has reached a record high of 37,000 points and set a new record high... Bluestar Technology is about to return. The peak of US$4 trillion has only taken less than half a month. I feel panicked at such a momentum, and the global semiconductors in the past few days have also gone crazy..."
In the past two days, Liu Wen became more and more restless. He didn't know why but his heart was upset. He was awakened by a nightmare when he slept last night, but he didn't know what went wrong.
At this moment, when his assistant saw him like this, he also stood silently, waiting for instructions from the boss.
After a while, Liu Wen took out his mobile phone and opened the address book column. Luo Sheng's personal contact number was placed on the top by him, and he could see it when he opened the address book.
Liu Wen clicked, and when he was about to click the call virtual button again, his thumb froze on it.
He was wondering whether to disturb the boss, and wanted to get inside information from the boss. Don’t look at Liu Gambling’s prestige in the venture capital fund now ~EbookFREE.me~ But here in Luo Sheng, He is very careful, always humble and respectful.
After struggling for a long time, Liu Wen finally made the call. After a while, the communication was connected. Liu Wen subconsciously stood up to answer the call: "Mr. Luo, it’s me. I have been struggling for a long time when calling you. Nightmare, I want to ask for peace of mind from you... Pray for gods to worship Buddha? Hahaha, those gods and Buddhas are unreliable, your is the most reliable, so I come to you for peace of mind..."
The assistant who stood by and said nothing heard the boss's words, and his heart was frantically white and slander: I was going to lick it and called a Shunli...
Liu Wen who was answering the phone had already stood by the window sill unknowingly. He was surprised when he heard Luo Sheng's words on the other side: "...Oh? Are you in the capital now? Have you stayed for four or five days?"
At this moment, Liu Wen felt more and more wrong. A big-time figure like Luo Sheng ran to the capital at this time, and it took four or five days to go there. The outside world did not know his schedule at all.
Just now when Luo Sheng was on the phone, he was going to the capital to climb the Great Wall. Liu Gambling said in his heart that I believe in you.
At the same time, Liu Gambling also counted the date. It was not that he left for the capital on the same day that he had just discussed the chip issue with the people of Magnesium, indicating that he rushed over in a hurry.
It's like climbing the Great Wall, what's a joke?
Suddenly, Mr. Liu suddenly realized something. Luo Sheng was able to reveal his itinerary to him at this time, but he was talking nonsense about the obvious flaws in visiting the Great Wall. It seemed like old friends chatting, but this was already true. Implied.
Adults don’t speak too bluntly, and they don’t need to speak too bluntly when communicating with smart people. Those who understand will immediately understand.
Liu Wen firmly believes that something big must have happened.
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