Vol 2 Chapter 947: [The sign of blood collapse has first appeared]

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The more he thought about it, the more he felt that the past few days were too paradoxical. After a while, he put away his mind and gave up the riddle and couldn’t help asking directly:
...Mr. Luo, has it happened recently? What's the big deal?"
On the other side of the communicator, Luo Sheng replied with a rather relaxed tone: "Reconciled with Lao Mei. Now the situation is very good, and major events are also good. Except for Mr. Liu, I am now on the Great Wall. Beacon Tower, it was quite clean when I came in the morning. Now it is crowded with people. My popularity is as high as before, but I am not used to it because there are too many people. I will withdraw first and talk later."
Finally, I made a few polite words, and the communication between the two sides was over. Liu Wen couldn't help but muttered in his heart when he recalled what Luo Sheng had just said.
"Xiao Li, check immediately if there is any news report about Mr. Luo appearing on the Great Wall." Liu Wen immediately said to his assistant, as long as a celebrity like Luo Sheng appears in public view, he will definitely appear in the first time. In the media.
Seeing his assistant was about to leave, Liu Wen stopped him: "Don't go to your office, just use my computer to check it online, and check it carefully."
The assistant immediately opened several web pages on the boss's computer, and then conducted a targeted search.
After a few minutes, Liu Wen asked, "Is there any?"
The assistant shook his head and said, "Mr. Liu, I haven't seen any related reports. That... Isn't Mr. Luo just playing you?"
Liu Wen glanced at his assistant: "Does he need to perfuse me? Does he need to perfunctory?"
The assistant knew that he had said the wrong thing, so he quickly confessed his mistake and agreed with him, telling him intuitively that it is better not to mess with the boss now.
At this moment, Liu Wen suddenly froze in general, his face was shocked, but his mind was very active, deconstructing the strange words and strange words that Luo Sheng just said, and his heart was crazy:
He indirectly admitted that there was a major event, but when he said it was not good for people to be at the Great Wall, he said that he was standing at the beacon tower. What does the beacon tower do? In ancient times, it was used to convey information. Using beacon towers to convey major events is often a bad thing.
The popularity is super high, so I withdrew first...
"Oh my God……"
Liu Wen murmured to himself subconsciously, thinking back to the crazy market these days as if he was still watching movies, combined with Luo Sheng suddenly hurried to the capital...
"Mr. Liu, what's the matter with you?" The assistant cautiously asked, and interrupted Liu's gambler's thoughts. Suddenly, his whole body's vellus was upright, and he subconsciously took a breath, which scared his assistant. Jump, muttering in my heart that the boss is convulsions?
Liu Wen suddenly turned around and said to his assistant: "Immediately carry out large-scale realization of all its investment targets, for all stocks that hold no more than 5% of stocks, and issue a reduction announcement tomorrow for all stocks that hold more than 5%. The announcement was made on the grounds of profit settlement, and all futures, stocks and other investment products of the fund that are above the risk of arbitrage will be realized. All positions will be closed for me. I will close as many as I can. Don't be afraid of smashing the market. "
The assistant was shocked when he heard such a decision. He didn't know what happened. Why did he call Luo Sheng and his boss was so panic boiled. Could it be that he had learned any terrible inside information?
"Mr. Liu, is it limited to the domestic market or...?"
Liu Wen did not hesitate to say: "In the global market, venture capital funds will now turn to a comprehensive contraction hedging strategy. They will not make any offensive investments and keep profits. Cash RMB is king, gold is king, and they have greatly increased their holdings of gold and RMB cash. Assets... What are you still doing? Hurry up and let me know, hurry up and run!"
The assistant looked unprepared, and did as the boss said after a few "Oh", and really ran out of the office to pass on his decision.
Mr. Liu was left alone in the office. Gambler Liu returned to the boss chair at the desk and muttered to himself: "You must run fast..."
He didn't know what happened, but Luo Sheng's hint had told him that he should run away if he didn't want to die.
In the last half hour of today’s trading hours, the venture capital fund’s stock assets in Big A were sold in large sums, and no block trades were taken. Negotiations would take time, and they would go directly to the secondary market to sell them.
Today, more than 180 billion in cash was cashed out in Big A alone, accounting for 7% of the total turnover of Big A on that day, but the net inflow of funds has increased by 20 billion, which means that there are still off-market funds running in. The market picks up to see more.
Venture capital funds were also cashing out in other capital markets around the world that day, and even its technology pioneer preferred hybrid funds directly closed their positions to lock in profits. This 30-billion-plus fund plate is very large and small. For ordinary citizens, it is of course a big plate, but for the entire venture capital fund, it is not even a fraction.
In the current market, multi-party forces have completely suppressed short-term forces. The shipment of venture capital funds has not caused too much fluctuation in the entire market, and can even be ignored.
The Bluestar Technology stocks held by the venture capital fund were all cashed out. They were dumbfounded as short-term investments. It took less than half a month to buy the bottom, and even the stocks with stable holdings were also sold out.
On the second day, venture capital funds will begin to ship and produce large quantities of stock. Many stock assets that hold more than 5% in the country must be released in advance for major shareholders to reduce their holdings. Venture capital funds are listed in many Among the companies are the top ten tradable shareholders.
On this day, the announcement of shareholding reduction was officially released. As soon as the announcement was released, it attracted the attention of countless investors. The venture capital fund also held a press conference on the same day to explain the reduction.
The first is the settlement of normal investment profits;
The second is that frequent recent attacks have had a major impact on the liquidity of funds, and it is necessary to supplement its own liquidity;
The third is the venture capital fund hopes to further increase the investment willingness of the ladder project
The three reasons are all big lies. To stabilize the market and ensure smooth shipments at a high level, the ladder project is not short of money, but there is nothing wrong with the venture capital fund saying that, it is just a unilateral desire to invest in the ladder project. Whether it can be done is another matter. A lot of articles can be written in it, and it is legal.
But this is enough for venture capital funds. If a reasonable explanation is given to the capital market to reduce holdings, this explanation is not that systemic financial risks have appeared in the market, but that my venture capital funds want to invest in better targets, long-term Investing in the future, the market is still very healthy, don't panic.
At first glance, the major investors, oh, it makes sense, don't panic.
But I was still quite panicked. When the announcement of the reduction in holdings came out, it was once killed in the intraday but later turned up.
As a result, a large number of investors including the media turned their heads to consult with Shengfeng Capital. Although venture capital funds are still in full swing, Shengfeng Capital is the real king and the vane.
On the same day, some investors asked whether Shengfeng Capital would also launch a shareholding reduction action in the near future, and Shengfeng Capital answered investors’ questions online on the same day. The answer is: there will be no large-scale shareholding reduction actions in the past year .
This is a very positive reply.
In fact, Shengfeng Capital had almost reduced its holdings half a year earlier. Now it is guarding its own companies, neither attacking nor retreating, guarding its one-acre three-century land with them, while Luo Sheng family fund is two early. Completed a global run in the year.
In fact, Shengfeng Capital also wants to run away, but there is no way.
Although Shengfeng Capital is a privately managed institution, more than half of it is state-owned, so it is more like a state capital with a privately managed institution.
At this time, even if you don't come out to protect the plate, you can't take the lead in smashing the village head in the face. This is a big problem.
However, on the same day, a securities analyst under Shengfeng Capital issued a research report, reminding investors to pay attention to potential risks in the near-term market.
Shengfeng Capital has already made a risk warning ~EbookFREE.me~ But most investors do not believe it, you are not willing to run away, but also publish this kind of research report, I want everyone to throw away the bargaining chip. Hello, take it. Is not it?
As a result, the analyst was scolded by a lot of investors on the Internet and accused him of bad intentions to prevent everyone from making a fortune.
The analyst is very helpless. He knows some news, but he can't say it clearly.
Venture capital funds are shipping wildly. On the same day, the market collapsed and broke a bardo line. The entire market went an "M" pattern that day, because the shipment was too strong, but investors see After Shengfeng Capital gave a clear reply that he would never run away, I was a little panicked, but didn't panic anymore.
If such a large organization can't go away, it will definitely not go away, or it will be fraud. Once more people lose and the amount increases, the crime will increase accordingly.
At this moment, the market is approaching the 5000 point mark. After confirming that Shengfeng Capital will not run away, the majority of small and medium investors are looking forward to breaking 5000 points, although they know that the current position is very high and the risk is not small. , But still expect to leave at 5000 points.
Even though the overcast is closed today, I think it is a short-term correction of the main rising wave. In order to accumulate stronger upward momentum, we have to rise after the adjustment is over. How to say this wave of bull market will end before the solar storm. It is unanimously approved by more than 80% of investors in the market.
To run is to run again at the end of next year, at least one year.
However, this wave of venture capital fund operations has alarmed many other institutions. They seem to smell it and want to run away. There are even some institutions whose main force and venture capital funds begin to ship and run on the same day. road.
No matter what, let's just run a step.
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