Chapter 722: Stress for the elders (below)

"No trouble." Yang Chen smiled and replied calmly: "These things are actually from different sources."
Yang Chen began to introduce, the master of the palace and several core elders are immediately sitting in danger, very serious listening, for fear that they have missed a bit.
"The disciples collected from various places in the past years and those obtained from the Qinglan Cave House are completely without problems." Yang Chen pointed out some of them: "The jade disciples of Qinglan Mountain have been translated and selected. Some are suitable, the rest can only be used for reference, and some are outdated."
Qinglanshan Dongfu does not know how many years have been idle. In particular, the words recorded in the jade slips are now unknown. These things will naturally not be problematic. Yang Chen did not have to worry about collecting it. It was all exchanged by Yang Chen with various kinds of medicinal herbs. The name was justified. Even if the Tiantianmen were not destroyed, they could not take Yang Chen to say things.
"The batch that Zhaojia Manor got may be a little troublesome in the future, but it is all after the spiritual world. There is no one in the world who dares to pursue it." Yang Chen continued.
When listening to Yang Chen’s words, everyone nodded. Zhao Jia Manor is indeed a bit troublesome, but as Yang Chen said, it is a trouble in the future. It is impossible for anyone to pursue it. Moreover, these classics, the Tao Demon and the Scattering Alliance have purchased, even if it is in the spiritual world, Zhao can not risk the crime of simultaneously offending all the sects to pursue this matter.
It’s not good to say that this matter has even a share of Taitianmen. Does Zhao really dare to confront Xuantianmen? Therefore, in this part, everyone can not think too much.
"As for the last one, there are some minor problems." Yang Chen continued to calmly say. I heard that Yang Chen said that there was some minor trouble. Everyone was frowning, and Yang Chen’s mouth was a little trouble. It’s not really a little trouble. This disciple, every thing that seems to be involved, is not a small matter.
In front of the elders, Yang Chen did not lay a triple ban on the face of the face, and then he began to say: "This part is the core inheritance of Taitianmen."
When Yang Chen said this, everyone suddenly changed his face. The core inheritance of Taitianmen is said to have been taken away when Li Tianmen, the owner of Taitianmen, escaped, and even the major gates were not obtained. How could it fall in the hands of Yang Chen?
At this time, the people who are in charge of the palace and the other people really remembered that before the event of the Tianmenmen’s death, Yang Chen once said that the Pure Yang Palace would only follow a few major gates, and should not be strong, and don’t want to share the benefits. The real intention of not showing the mountain without dew.
If the core inheritance of Taitianmen has already fallen in the hands of Yang Chen, then it means that Yang Chen has clearly understood the consequences of the destruction of the gates of Taitianmen. How is this possible? No one is a god. Who can judge in advance that the giant monster of Taitianmen will fall down one day and never climb again?
Being able to intercept this batch of core inheritance means that Yang Chen not only knows the whereabouts of the Tianmen Limen, but even holds the upper hand in his hands. After the Tianmen Gate was extinguished. The whole world’s monks searched for a hundred years without finding the whereabouts of Li Men’s Lord. What does this mean?
An analysis of the things that add up before and after, it is easy to draw a conclusion that makes people feel terrified. Tai Tianmen’s door-to-door event has a deep relationship with Yang Chen. Even from the meaning of Yang Chen, at least it is a direct relationship. How can such a big thing be scared by everyone present?
"That said, the thing of Taitianmen..." The teacher of the palace only opened this mouth. Did not ask the back of the thing, but his eyes fixed on Yang Chen face. It seems that I am looking forward to a clear answer from Yang Chen, and it seems that I am afraid that he will give a clear answer.
Yang Chen didn't let everyone down, and nodded in the eagerly awaited by everyone: "There is some relationship, Taitianmen wants me to kill the pure palace, and the disciples naturally can't make them better."
When I heard that Yang Chen said that there was some relationship, everyone was taking a breath and then looked at each other and saw the full of surprises and joys in their eyes.
At that time, Taitianmen was identified for the arrangement of the Pure Yang Palace. The people present at the time hated not being able to die with Taitianmen. It was just that the strength of the two sides was too great, and everyone could only swallow their voices and even accept the humiliation of Ming Guang. .
Now Yang Chen is just a sentence, let everyone vent their suffocation. Taitianmen’s annihilation is a wrath, and everyone is happy, but there is no such feeling of exuberance from the heart. But Yang Chen gave everyone the answer, but let everyone have a kind of unspeakable refreshment. It turned out that Taitianmen was out of the door, or because of my pure Yanggong disciple.
The feeling of being completely revenged in the past is so smooth, so people have access to ideas. Although no one laughed, it seems that for a moment, everyone has a clear feeling of smog in front of them, and even the repair seems to have improved a bit.
After the joy, everyone remembered other things, and immediately asked the palace owner to ask: "Where is Li Men and their people?"
Even Chunyang Palace has a back road of Qinglan Mountain Cave House, not to mention Taitianmen. The main man of Limen fled with people, and the major gates could not be found. Now Yang Chen has the core inheritance of Taitianmen. Where did the reserve disciples of Taitianmen go?
"Things are in the hands of disciples, and people are no longer there." Yang Chen did not conceal it. He replied directly: "The disciple left alone for more than seven years because of this."
These things, Yang Chen was carefully considered to tell the master of the palace. Sometimes people are like this. When they are under some pressure, they will have the motivation to move forward. Once there is no pressure, they will fall into a kind of unsatisfactory slack. This situation is very bad. For the practice. Especially terrible.
The high-rises of Chunyang Palace now have such a little bit of clues. The gates of Tianmenmen are destroyed. The body gates and other large gates are well-connected. There is only one disciple of the five-in-one alchemy in the door. It can be said that all the world gives face. There must be materials and materials, human resources, and many disciples. There are countless masters. The people of Chunyang Palace seem to have no pressure at all. It is almost impossible to guard against Taitianmen in the past.
Yang Chen must give everyone some pressure to let the masters of the palace maintain their past fighting spirits. Otherwise, this kind of slack is enough to make Yang Chen’s efforts before the torch. Yang Chen will never allow such things to happen.
Therefore, let the top management know these things, and let them always think of it, but also face the huge monster of Xuantianmen, and maintain a more vigorous fighting spirit.
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