Chapter 123: Prepare to build a pure Yang Palace (on)

My disciples even killed the doorkeeper of Taitianmen, and even copied the back road of Taitianmen. This matter, even if it has passed more than 100 years, they still scared a cold sweat.
Once this matter is known to Xuantianmen, the pure Yang Palace can only die if it is ascended to one, and there will be no other possibility. Such a big event, how can we not let the cores fear?
For Taitianmen, the high-level of Chunyang Palace is absolutely hateful, but even so, it does not suppress the taboo against Taitianmen. Without him, there is a more horrible Xuantian Gate above Taitianmen.
Yang Chen’s purpose was completely achieved, and the high-level expression was absolutely cautious, and his mind began to focus on how to cope with the huge threats in the future.
When the pure Yang Palace only had eight yuan in total, it dared to stand up against Taitianmen. Now the Pure Yang Palace is so powerful, the strength is more than 10,000 times higher than the original, and several cores are short-lived. After the worry, it immediately became a high-spirited look.
This is the right thing to do. It is not for the mortal people who are born in sorrow and death. It is more important for the monks. It is the right way to practice and practice, but not to fight the world, but to fight against the heavens, to compete with the land, to compete with others, and to fight with others. If it is really for the sake of the world, then why bother to improve what realm? To advance the realm is to surpass yourself and to compete with yourself.
Looking at the resurgence of several elders, Yang Chen opened his heart and smiled on his face. Such a pure Yang Palace will have the opportunity to stabilize the super-large gates in the future and be qualified to stand in the fairy world.
They taught the palace masters that they did not ask how Yang Chen solved the Taitianmen Limen. Everyone only knew that the core inheritance of Taitianmen had fallen into the hands of Chunyang Palace, which is enough. As for how these inheritances make the core disciples of Chunyang Palace practice, it is even simpler. Xuantianmen does not know that the core inheritance has no rumor, and proper outflow of several Taitianmen core exercises is enough to make Xuantianmen unable to pursue this matter.
Since there is a core inheritance left, Yang Chen is not embarrassed, and many high-level materials on hand have also been contributed and handed over to Zongmen for disposal. These were given to the Zongmen by the Li Men, and they have not been counted as the backup storage of Taitianmen, but even so, it is a huge and heinous wealth.
At this point. Zongmen did not account for Yang Chen’s cheapness, and he was directly rejected by the head of the palace and several elders. Something is Yang Chen’s hand, and that’s Yang Chen’s. Yang Chen can go through the Wanbao Building in a timely manner. Now the size of the Wanbao Building is large, and it is not a problem to digest the daily figures. And own industry. More secret security.
As for the Zongmen, you can buy it from the Wanbao Building at the price of Zongmen whenever you need it. Anyway, you have to count it to Yang Chen Lingshi, and you will never take advantage of your own disciples.
This kind of disposal is also good, anyway, for a long time, Wanbaolou such a large-scale business has several high-end goods is not a big deal. Now the pure Yang Palace is not the same, there is something in hand that has to be checked by others. Who dares to do this, do not need Yang Chen and Chun Yang Palace to start, do not know how many masters who want to tie up with Yang Chen will take the initiative to solve the problem for Yang Chen.
"The palace owner, elders. Have Zongmen considered it, and occupied a large area in another place to build a stove and build a pure Yang Palace?" After processing the property, it gave the elders pressure. Yang Chen turned to discuss another matter.
When Yang Chen’s words were opened, several high-level officials immediately became stunned. Wang Yong, a teacher, asked with some surprise: "Where are the other places? Are they willing to give up one of the gates of Taitianmen?"
Do not blame the ancestors for asking. It is really the door to the door now, in addition to the annexation of some small sects, where is there a suitable place to open the school? Isn't that the meaning of the so-called another stall? In the past few hundred years, the vacant place seems to have only the gate of Taitianmen. It is a good place to be blessed, but it is divided by the four main gates. Is this the four major sects of the door?
"Not too Tianmen." Yang Chen shook his head directly. Now the gate of Taitianmen is a time bomb. Except for the four main gates, it is impossible to change the door. From the beginning to the end, Yang Chen did not hit the idea of ​​Taitianmen. He referred to another place.
"Not too Tianmen, what is it?" The teacher of the palace was also confused, frowning and asked.
"Can't say." Yang Chen replied with a smile. This is also the place that makes him uncomfortable. Knowing this place, he still can't say that he can only see whether his elders in Zongmen are extremely trusting to him.
The faces of several elders are wide, and where they can't be said, Yang Chen still wants to pull them to build a pure Yang Palace? If Yang Chen’s performance before it was always satisfactory, I can’t say how to make Yang Chen say it well this time.
The place that Yang Chen said is the demon continent. The core of the demon Continental has been refining Yang Chen hundreds of years ago, and there is no magic spill. According to Yang Chen’s estimation, those species that are entrenched in the core of the demon continent have no strong magic, and will definitely go mad.
There may only be one consequence of the madness of the beast, that is, the entire demon continent will no longer have ordinary monks dare to enter. The strongest immortal level of the beast can definitely kill the monks on the demon continent, unless you escape quickly, quickly leave the demon continent, leaving the demon world is definitely a dead end.
However, that is the initial situation. As time goes by, those species will not be nourished by the magic, and their strength will slowly decline. The longer the time, the more strength it will fall. The same is true of the strength of the demonized monster. If a monk enters, as long as the strength is strong enough, he will survive.
The important point is that the magic of the demon continent will be slowly absorbed by the demonized monster, the magic is getting weaker and thinner, and will eventually disappear. The demon world without magic is definitely a treasure land. There have been many large gates in the past. Now it is a blank virgin land, waiting for outsiders to open up.
Such a super big cheap, how could Yang Chen not want to Zongmen? There is a part of the 100,000 mountains in the pure Yang Palace. There are Meishan Mountain and Qinglan Mountain Cave House. However, it is not a bad thing to have one more road. In any case, Yang Chen will also let Chunyang Palace get enough benefits on the demon continent.
Because of the reason of the vows, Yang Chen can't tell the people about the demon world. But now it is an excellent opportunity, and it is also the best time for the expansion of Chunyang Palace. If you don't take the opportunity to seize the opportunity, you will cry nowhere after crying.
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