Chapter 293: Black Sand Bone Sea

Chapter 293:
The island of greed landed on the plain, and the Lantern Festival stared at a small room not far away.
Realizing the reward of a designated card card, he finally chose the recycling room in the real card manufacturing technique.
The recycling room, number 036, requires a lot of rare materials that he has not even heard of. The effect of the finished product is to put the broken things in this room. After 24 hours, it will be repaired as if it were new. But. Never open the door before the scheduled time.
He tried to use cards that can only be used in the island of greed, not in the golden continent.
As a result, this kind of card can only repair items below the LV9 level of Dark Iron in the island of greedy, and every time it is repaired, it will consume the reserve energy of the sand table according to the degree of damage to the repaired item. In general, the gains and expenditures are completely at a loss. Sale.
But the one used now is different. This is a recycling room directly rewarded by the will of gold.
There are naturally no restrictions on the reward of the Golden Will, and even repairing things does not require any consumption. The only limitation is that this Golden Will reward card can only repair one thing, and it will destroy itself after the repair.
After much consideration, Yuanxiao finally chose to throw the Infinite Snake into it.
The fused Domination Magic Net controls the central sub-body, and he does not expect to be able to repair the real Domination Magic Net. This kind of thing is impossible to think about. He is very satisfied if he can repair the broken part of the control center sub-body. Up.
Twenty-four hours are about to end, and there is no certainty about the success or failure of the Lantern Festival.
The entire recycling room suddenly collapsed and disappeared like weathering.
The Infinite Snake rushed out from the ashes, hitting the palm of the Lantern Festival in twos or twos, and the Domination Magic Net controls the central sub-body to connect with Ultrain. The Lantern Festival has found that the perception of Domination Nets is enhanced, and the damaged parts on it are repaired. As always.
The successful repair of the sub-body of the control center of the Domination Magic Net is the most direct manifestation is that the enveloped area is no longer one or two worlds around the Forgotten World. As long as it is the Domination Magic Net area that this child once governed, it can now be easily sensed. World coordinates.
Through these different world coordinates. With the help of Domination Demon Net, he can travel between these worlds at will.
Although the Forgotten World is already good, there are only three or two cats in the wizarding civilization here. Sooner or later, he will leave here to go to the real wizarding civilization. Only there can he learn the most advanced magic knowledge.
"There are more than 100,000 world coordinates..."
The Lantern Festival gasped. Really know a little about the prosperity of the magical civilization.
Some of these world coordinates are in hell, some are in the abyss, all kinds of underground worlds have everything they have, even the star realm outside the starry sky, and even various element planes. The furthest kind of space coordinates even need tens of millions of plane origin points to be transmitted once.
During the War of Extermination, there were ten major battle lines in the magical civilization. The master net in his hand controls the sub-body. It might be one of the ten strongest sub-body centers. If so, it will become his most important one. Bargaining chips.
The Lantern Festival’s spiritual power locks in the entire Forgotten World, and the whole person disappears out of thin air. It has come to the famous Black Sand Bone Sea of ​​the Forgotten World. It is backed by the oldest shadow bone fort of the three major forces in the Forgotten World, and holds the largest of the Forgotten World and the Shadow World. Space cracks.
The range of five thousand miles in vertical and horizontal directions, all belong to the enveloped range of the sea of ​​black sand and bones.
The sea of ​​black sand and bones, as the name suggests, is a black desert, and the sea of ​​bones represents the bones under the desert. Before the wizarding civilization Ansel discovered the Forgotten World, this seems to be an ancient battlefield in the War of Extermination.
Too chaotic energy merged with the shadow power of the shadow world, resulting in many special lives in the Black Sand Bone Sea.
The most terrifying among them is the Black Sand Bone Beast, a mutant species of half-undead and half-element life. The body is full of undead bones full of magical energy, and the outside is a body made of black sand full of shadow power.
The lowest black sand bone beast, the strength rank is at least above the third rank.
Legend has it that some of the strongest have even reached bronze strength. If it weren’t for these Black Sand Bone Beasts, they would not leave the Black Sand Bone Sea. At the same time, the stronger they are, the closer they are to the gaps in the space connecting the shadow world. Dare to rely on here to develop.
All the way to the edge of the Black Sand Bone Sea. Lantern Festival hides its identity and enters Heisha City here.
Heisha City are all adventurers who are preparing to enter the sea of ​​black sand and bones. The Lantern Festival stayed here for a day to collect the latest news. Early the next morning, he drove the black sand bone lizard puppets bought deep into the sea of ​​black sand bones.
It did not arrive directly because of fear of attracting the legendary bronze species.
Although the teleportation that dominates the magic web is based on legendary spells. But that needs to consume at least one hundred thousand or more plane origin points, and the plane origin point with the lowest starting price of 1,000 points, the spatial fluctuations that occur when it is teleported are easy to perceive.
What's more, the black sand bone lizard golem is also the primary designated equipment for adventure in the black sand bone sea.
By hollowing out the entire abdomen of the black sand bone lizard, the professional can not only lie in it to rest, but also avoid most of the black sand bone beasts' attacks, even if the most terrifying storm of forbidden magic blows in the desert. The black sand-bone lizard puppet can also recover a small life by drilling into the desert.
More importantly, the black sand bone sea is full of various quicksand vortices, and it is difficult to survive the gravity disorder falling in it. There are even many chaotic spell traps that are enough to kill high-level professionals. These require black sand bone lizard puppets. In order to discover and bypass.
It took a full fifty miles to run at a constant speed for a before the Lantern Festival controlled the black sand bone lizard puppet to stop and rest.
The most important thing about adventures in places like the Black Sand Bone Sea is that you must not run too fast, otherwise some top aircraft can traverse the entire Black Sand Bone Sea in an hour, but once you do so, you will wait for the flight. Was beaten down.
Even if one accidentally ran into the territory of tyrannical life, then it would definitely be more than worth the loss.
"Three hours……"
Yuanxiao changed to a comfortable position and lay down and started meditating.
The chaotic energy fluctuations of the Black Sand Bone Sea are poisons for ordinary legal professions, but the high radiation of the energy itself is a great tonic for the wizard. He has been meditating for more than an hour before waking up on the Lantern Festival.
Not actively waking up, but Ultrain's control of the Wizard's Eye to monitor the surroundings and actively wake him up.
About 300 miles away from him, six black sand bone lizards in front and five back ran straight to his direction. It is impossible to be an accident in the direction of the black sand bone sea, unless these five people started from the beginning. He came after him. (To be continued.)
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