Vol 2 Chapter 1990: 1 shot 2 scattered

?1990, two shots
Click~~~~ The crisp crackling of the ceramic fruit bowl rang throughout the reception hall. The disputed Truber and Newt Gunley couldn't help but stop fighting and turned back to look over there. Tang Yu stood up in shock and looked at the fainted white queen.
He was very anxious in his heart, but he couldn't show it at the moment. Tang Yu's response was also very fast, he made a very impatient expression and said: "Who sent this sick maid to such a solemn occasion!? Let me drag her down and let her go!" !"
As Queen Bai fainted and the spiritual link was broken, Tang Yu notified Tang Jiu through the mechanical field to come over immediately and send Emma to the hospital for care.
Such trouble caused Coleman Truber and Newt Gunley to calm down. Truber lifted his robe, lit up the metal sword hilt around his waist, and said sharply: "Newt- Gang Lei, you must give an explanation! Otherwise, I have the right to arrest you now!"
The Jedi Knights have a transcendent status in the Galactic Republic. They have extremely high authority and can even be said to be the spiritual symbol of the Republic. Although the stormy republic has been plagued by corruption scandals and the status of the Jedi Knights is not as good as before, at least for now, the Jedi Knights still have the influence that makes the trade union dare not confront it head-on.
What's more, Coleman-Truber is one of the twelve-member council of the Jedi Knights and one of the most respected Jedi masters. His stern rebuke made Newt Gunley retreat again and again, saying: "No! You have no authority to arrest me! I was commissioned by the Galaxy Council to open the guardian planet route!"
"Which commissioner was entrusted?" Truber continued to ask.
"This is not something you can know." Newt Gunley retreated while retreating.
"Whether I can know it or not, I only understand that no one can intervene until the Republican Mission officially completes the procedure for the Guardian Planet to join the Republic!" Truber said.
Chen Gang walked over quickly, blocking the two of them and said, "Master, although I don't quite understand what happened between you, the present situation should not be suitable for this... I think we should talk about it."
"I need to warn you, the ruler of the guardian planet." Truber pointed to Newt-Gunlei and turned to Tang Yu. "This guy is a liar, a rogue who does whatever he can to achieve his purpose!" Eight standard years ago, it was he who launched the invasion war against Naboo, which had a bad influence on the Republic!"
Tang Yu gasped in surprise. He looked at Newt Gunley with a searching eye, but the latter ignored him. So Tang Yu waved his hand and said, "We don't know anything about the internal disputes in the Galactic Republic, but to be honest about this development makes us a bit worried. I hope to get a reasonable explanation."
Truber bowed slightly to Tang Yu and said: "On behalf of the Jedi Knights, I promise to give you a reasonable explanation, Your Excellency Tang Yu. As for you! Newt Gunray, I suggest you leave immediately! I will report everything that happened here to the Jedi Knights, and you will not end well!"
"Hehe..." Newt Gunley stepped back a few steps away from Truber, and then said: "I have a valid reason, you have no right to accuse me!"
"Then we met in Parliament." Truber snorted and left.
Seeing him leave, Newt Gunley breathed a sigh of relief, and the timid Lun Hako got out from under the table. However, in the face of Tang Yu, they also restored their previous pride immediately.
"So, was this agreement valid just now?" Newt Gunley asked, dusting his clothes.
Tang Yu pondered for a moment, and slowly answered: "We really need the help of the trade union, but... what the Jedi Master just said makes me a little scared. What is the war that he said about the outbreak of Planet Naboo? "
"Oh, it's no big deal. Nab Sing owes money and does not repay it. Their queen uses all the credit points obtained from the loans for those impoverished palaces and pleasures. So, we just follow the rules of the market. "" Newt Gunray replied lightly, he bit the word "market law" very hard.
Chen Gang sighed and walked over to take that agreement in his hand and shook his head. "Actually, I have to say that the conditions you have just put forward are really tempting. We will definitely consider them carefully. I hope you can take your credit issues into consideration. Give an explanation..."
"There is nothing to explain! Either sign the agreement, or we will leave immediately!" Newt Gunley said sharply.
"This...if you can wait two days..." Chen Gang said with a smile.
"That's a refusal?" Newt Gunray turned around and left, leaving a sentence, "Then, do it yourself, guardian planet..."
Looking at their backs, Tang Yu's face became more ugly.
"They are not here to negotiate." Chen Gang emphasized this point for the third time. "Their behavior is more provocative."
"Without knowing the details of the other party, they came directly to threaten and provoke...that's how the trade union does business?" Tang Yu asked.
"If I were a trade union, then I would definitely not do it. And what you need to know is that Newt-Ganley does not represent the entire trade union." Chen Gang replied.
Shao Liwen frowned and pondered, "Even if the trade union launches a war and beats us down, or even implements ground occupation, will it do them any good?"
"We cannot sign this agreement. Rejection is a positive result. The trade union may have other plans, but now... we can only wait." Chen Gang said.
Tang Yu stood up and said, "I'm going to see Emma's situation. The negotiations here are handed over to you. Taking advantage of the sudden visit of Newt-Ganray, I put some pressure on Truber and Organa respectively. See if you can ask for more information. In addition, we must also get enough benefits for us~EbookFREE.me~ In short, our goal is a seat of the Galaxy Council. For this purpose, we can make any Concession, this is our bottom line. In addition, Truber and Organa are good people worth associating, especially Organa, we must establish a good relationship with them."
Chen Gang nodded and said, "Leave it to us."
Huh~~~~ The aircraft that Tang Yu was riding on landed on top of the largest and most advanced hospital in Yucheng. He jumped off the aircraft and walked non-stop towards Emma's ward.
Kara-Radames greeted her and followed Tang Yu. Before Tang Yu asked, she immediately said: "Emma is not awake yet, but according to our scan, her cerebral cortex is undergoing very intense movements. , The X gene in her body is also very active. This state...much like a fighting stance..."
"Fight?" Tang Yu frowned.
Coming to a special ward, Tang Yu looked at Emma lying in an advanced medical instrument through several layers of thick glass. Her eyes were closed, her lips were trembling, and she seemed to want to say something. .
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