Vol 2 Chapter 1991: Darkness shrouded

?1991, Darkness
The outer ring of the Galactic Republic, the Laxus galaxy, the main planet of Laxas.
This is a terrible world. Endless garbage is piled up on the planet. Some huge garbage dumps are even piled into huge garbage hills over 10,000 meters in height!
Almost everything can be found here, and there are even a large number of rusty wrecks of ancient annihilated stars on the ground, and countless industrial wastes are randomly thrown here. Toxic waste flows like choppy waves like rivers, and toxic gases permeate the entire atmosphere.
In addition to these rubbish, there are a large number of scavengers wearing simple gas masks to move around on this deadly planet. They searched for some usable things in this pile of rubbish, and then used these things in exchange for some meager income. Even if the toxic waste and the atmosphere had already eroded their bodies, they were still working around the clock.
Similarly, some waste recycling companies have also opened bases on this planet, trying to find equipment that can be repaired and used from this terrible dump site all over the planet. In fact, what the scavengers pick up will be sold to these waste recycling companies nearby. The bases of these waste recycling companies are also some of the safest places on the planet.
In the main planet of Laksas, a low-lying area that was once a lake, a large-scale waste recycling company base is located here. However, unlike the bases of other waste recycling companies, this base occupies a larger area, the garbage in the control area is emptied, the ground is leveled, and a complex building complex is built. Moreover, there are a large number of combat robots patrolling around the base at any time. Once there are scavengers approaching, shoot immediately!
Among the sharp high towers in the center of the base, an elaborate and spirited old man is walking along the long spiral ladder step by step toward the top of the tower. He did not choose a quick and convenient elevator, but insisted on using his own. Climb step by step evenly and forcefully.
The old man seemed to be only about 60 years old, but his hair and beard were all white, and it seemed to be more than this age. His hair was combed very carefully behind his head, and the beard was trimmed and trimmed neatly. The sharp eyes glowed with sharp eyes, and the wrinkles on his face were just right to make his fortitude look more obvious. majesty.
He wore a precious black velvet cloak, covering his whole body. Only when he lifted his feet up the stairs, would he reveal the lean combat clothing under the cloak.
Along the way to the top of the tower, here is a command center with various state-of-the-art inter-galaxy quantum communication systems, and a huge star map of the entire galaxy is holographically projected in the middle. He came to the communication system to stand and pressed the communication button, and suddenly two holographic projections appeared in it. It was the governor of the trade union, Newt Gunley, and his aide, Lun Harco! !
I only saw that these two people did not have the kind of arrogance and incompetence in front of Tang Yu, but they were replaced by incomparably humility. They bent down and folded their hands respectfully on their chests, as if they were arching their hands. This arching movement is an instinctive movement produced by the Nemoidians' body structure, but it is generally only done when facing the superior.
"Dear Count Duku... We have gone to the newly discovered Guardian Planet as planned, and have proposed to their rulers a negotiation proposal that is absolutely impossible to accept." Newt Gunray said bowed.
It turned out that this old man was Earl Ducout! Once the strongest and one of the most respected members of the Jedi Knights, but could not bear the corruption of the Galactic Republic and the compromise and concessions of the Jedi Knights, so he left the Jedi Knights two years ago. Just a year ago, he just used the main planet of Laksas as a secret base and gave a highly inflammatory speech calling on those unbearable galaxies to openly oppose the Galactic Republic, which is also called separatism by the Republic. motion.
Duku nodded slightly and asked slowly: "So, how did the other party react?"
"Except for the young ruler who showed a bit of anxiety, the people who came to the negotiations maintained a very good mood, and there was no too violent reaction. It can be seen that they are all old fritters in the mall. Even at the end, they did not specifically reject the proposal. However, during the negotiation process, a maid fainted, and the Jedi Master Coleman Truber also appeared in the lobby, which also disrupted our negotiations... …" Newt Gunley replied.
"I understand, you go back and use the plan as an excuse to launch a trade embargo against the guardian planet. You don't have to control anything else." Du Ku replied expressionlessly.
"Master Duku... I don’t quite understand one thing. Why do you want to push the guardian planet to such an end? I mean, this action will make the republic side pressure on us again after the Naboo war, they will Connect this matter with the previous Nabq war, in this case, we..."
"I said, you don't have to do anything else." Duku waved his hand and interrupted Newt-Ganley's words, looked at them contemptuously, and turned off the communicator directly.
After the picture disappeared, Duku extended and gently waved, the communicator on the table was immediately thrown out by invisible force, and fell to the ground with a crack. Then he took out a precious white silk handkerchief, wiped it carefully, and threw the handkerchief aside.
A cleaning robot came immediately and swept away the handkerchief and damaged communicator.
"Hum, insatiable, bullying and fearing, Nemoidians? Is a lowly race." Duku said to himself, he waved again, another robot immediately sent another special black communicator, This communicator is different from the previous general-purpose communicator. It is equipped with several signal encryption devices to ensure that the communication signal is absolutely impossible to be eavesdropped.
Then, Duku sorted out his clothes very carefully before turning on the communicator. In the holographic projection immediately appeared a figure surrounded by a black cloak.
Seeing this man, Duku stepped back, lifted his cloak, knelt down on one knee in an extremely respectful and chic posture, and bowed his head and said, "Sovereign Lord, Newt Gunley has visited the Guardian Planet, Now it’s only a matter of time before the Guardian Planet and the Trade Union reverse their faces."
"Hehehehe..." This figure covered in a black cloak made an unpleasant grin, "Very well, I will make further preparations here, and then you will go to the Guardian Planet in person after three months. "
"Observe ~EbookFREE.me~ My Lord. But why do you value this seemingly backward planet so much? Please also ask Lord to point out the maze for your disciples." Du Ku bowed his head.
"You have to see the purest and most essential thing in the Force, it will give you guidance. Then you will see the huge potential contained in the guardian planet. Just before, one of them can actually touch My spirit, which makes me more interested in them." The voice of the black cloak is slow and distorted: "And you have to understand that the guardian planet is imperial, and their emperor is also the object of their people’s faith, and such a A planet...hehehehehe..."
He smiled somberly for a while, "They will become the sharpest sword in your hand, and the best food when a new order is established."
Du Ku said in a deep voice: "The disciple understands that since this Tang Yu is a person with such a respectful status and also a noble human being, I think I will have many common languages ​​with him."
"You have to remember, Duku, what we are about to do is to rebuild the order of the entire galaxy. In order to achieve this goal, we must at all costs!"
"Disciples follow orders!"
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