Vol 2 Chapter 2250: Midpoint competition

   2250, contention for the midpoint station
   "Traitor? Now there are traitors everywhere at the midpoint!" Chen Gang said coldly.
"Not the same! When everything was normal, a technician took a thing in the direction of the communication host. At that time, we thought he was working in the past, but it didn't take long for the entire midpoint to communicate. Severed!" Sambo said, looking at the black long knife in Shi Mingdong's hand with a lingering fear.
   "Are you in contact with your main force?" Shi Mingdong asked, and the long knife in his hand was not recovered.
"After the rebellion, we returned to the divisional command, but it was captured by the rebels. From the scattered population, we only knew that the communication at the midpoint was cut off. So we only remembered the previous technology. Person! It must be him! Fuck, I thought he was too nervous at the time, but I thought he was worried about something breaking. It is only now known that this guy is completely haughty!!!" Sambo said angrily.
   "How is the midpoint station now?" Chen Gang asked.
Sambo shook his head and said, "Now many people are gone. There are not many gangsters who will fight. I saw a lot of deserters on the road. They didn't want to return to the team at all. They just wanted to find a place to hide and wait for this battle. After having the result, go to the victors. But the rebels are still moving around, indicating that they have not yet completely controlled the midpoint."
"Okay, now you take us to the communication host, we need to restore the communication, send out the message that the midpoint station has not fallen into the hands of Dan Solo, and also help to get in touch with Girard Perrine . In this way, the plan of the Republican empty glove white wolf was defeated!" Chen Gang said.
   Sambo was stunned, "Republic? Are you saying that the Republic has also joined in?"
With a whimper, Shi Mingdong withdrew his long sword and said, "The whole rebellion is a conspiracy of the Republic, and the restoration of the Soro family is also secretly supported by them. Don't say this, go as soon as possible!"
After talking, he and Chen Gang started to take out all the 00 terminators in their personal space. With the help of Peacock, all the members of the Lanxiang team have a very wide personal space, and only saw one 00 Appearing out of nowhere on the open space next to him, Sambo and others looked dumbfounded.
   A total of Terminator and 00 Terminator were taken from their personal space, this very spacious landing platform was suddenly crowded! Immediately afterwards, all the liquid metal on the surface of the T-X Terminator began to twist and deform, and finally became a soldier wearing the Corella Guardian costume! ! And those T-1000 Terminators all turned into liquid metal and collapsed, turned into a pool of liquid flowing into the sewer or hiding close to the foot of the wall.
   "You...you...you...you..." Sambo was terrified by the sight in front of him, his tongue was not straight, this kind of plasticine that can be deformed at will... robot? ? It's unbelievable, I haven't seen it in my life! !
"Okay, the soldiers are divided into two ways. It's just to restore the communication. It doesn't need too much troops. I will take the T-1000. It's enough to bring the rest of you to support Gillard Perrine." With the help of glasses, take out the set of mechanized exoskeleton equipment specially made for him from personal space, and suddenly a person like a night devil covered in metal heavy armor appeared in front of them!
"You don’t have to worry, after all, I told the top executives of Corella the starting point of the midpoint station, I don’t want to give this thing to the Republic! Besides, it’s really bad for you, you can live to the present ?" Chen Gang saw Sangbo's doubts and said.
   Sambo hesitated and pointed in a direction: "The command center is over there, about 10 kilometers from here. I think you need some transportation."
  The soldiers were divided into two groups. Chen Gang led most of the Terminator troops to the direction of the command center of the midpoint station, while Sambo directed Shi Mingdong to march toward the communication center. Along the way, Sambo saw the horror of these robots. They are not like ordinary robots. Once they find the enemy, they spread out at an alarming speed and then rushed from all directions!
And when they started to charge, it was constantly changing, some of them became like the royal soldiers, screamed for help, some became injured civilians, and even worse, some robots even became terrible Goblin ghost! And those robots that seem to be a pool of liquid hidden in the dark have also got up and become a variety of people to disturb their minds. If this kind of trick is to face elite clone soldiers, it may not have a great effect, but their opponents are originally lacking in combat effectiveness. Morale is also relying on rewarding and forcibly improving the party soldiers, their formation was suddenly Disrupted, some even frightened to escape.
   But it is impossible to escape. These robots run extremely fast and have great power. They can beat a person more than ten meters away with a slap. The battle quickly turned into a slaughter. Although the explosive energy gun can effectively destroy the liquid metal, it is not a problem for the professional killing machine 00 Terminator! Maybe they can't use their expertise on the frontal battlefield, but in the complex terrain area inside the midpoint station, they are just killing machines!
The party-supporting soldiers were soon slaughtered, and Shi Mingdong was not even needed along the way. The Terminator forces destroyed several party-supporting troops and successfully broke through to the communication center. The smooth progress made Sambo feel very incomparable Surprised.
   咣当! ! The gate blocked by debris was kicked off by a T-X, and Shi Mingdong and Sambo entered the host area of ​​the communication center. I only saw a technician sitting on the ground, looking at the huge host with a frantic face, and he kept smiling.
Seeing this person, Sambo angered from the bottom of his heart, and stepped forward in two or two steps as if to lift a person up like a chicken, and shouted and asked, "You traitor!!! You cut off the midpoint station. communication!!"
   "Hehehehe, yeah, you stupid pig! I cut off the communication at the midpoint station under your eyelids! Hehehehehe! Glory belongs to the Soro family!!!" The scientist grinned.
   "Asshole!!!" Sambo punched him fiercely in the stomach, and the scientist was suddenly blown out and fell to the ground constantly vomiting.
   "You... how dare you do something to the nobility!!! I'm... I'm Lord Viscount of the Thoreau's royal family!!!" The scientist still muttered.
   "Boss! The console was broken by him!!" said a soldier next to him.
   "Your dog day, fix it for me!!" Sambo raised the scientist again and shouted loudly.
  Scientists showed a mocking smile: "You inferiors, can never understand the greatness of the midpoint station! You will never be able to fix this... Hahahaha!"
  Shi Mingdong sneered and waved his hand gently, and the two T-1000 Terminators stepped forward to drag the scientist aside, took his personal terminal, and threw it to a T-X. Then several T-Xs came over and picked up the personal terminal. One of them extended his right index finger, and a steel needle flashing blue light came out. It was a KLD universal repeater. These T-Xs were produced after Tang Yu came to the "Star Wars" world. Naturally, they also use a lot of cutting-edge technology, and this universal repeater has also been upgraded.
  In the incredible eyes of the scientist, these people T-X have opened their personal terminal, cracked the password, and began to quickly copy and learn the content!
"It's impossible! Even if you cracked my terminal, but there are some theoretical and basic data, it can't be used directly!" the scientist shouted inwardly, he began to feel fear now, so I just hope that those terrible robots will spare him.
   But he saw one of the T-Xs raised his head and smiled coldly at him. This smile obviously contained emotions like ridicule and pity. But is this an expression that a robot can make? ?
   At this time, one of the T-X walked over, ripped off the broken console shell, and then began to repair the damaged console. And another T-X came to the device that he had plugged into the main unit before, turned on the switch very skillfully, and began to operate in an orderly manner.
   The scientist's jaw is about to fall to the ground, he murmured: "Impossible... This is impossible! You are just robots! Robots cannot do this!!"
  But now is not the time for him to worry about robots! I only saw that the two T-1000 Terminators suddenly turned into two terrible monsters that could not be described in words, forcibly opened his eyelids with long tentacles, and then pointed sharp claws slowly towards his eyes. near! The T-1000 said in a horrible voice: "Now, say everything you know!"
After a while, the scientist who had been cut by the T-1000 was not in the shape of a human, and the scientist who was actually still breathing was thrown to the side like garbage. The wound on his body was hard to see directly, and the skin on his face and chest was alive. Peeled off, a piece. Sambo, who has witnessed the entire torture process, has been scared to stand even if he is more than two meters tall!
Then the two T-1000s responsible for torture walked to the console and began to talk to those TXs in a very strange language. This is the language of the mechanical life. It transmits information through the high-frequency vibration of sound waves. The language contained in seconds is enough for humans to talk for 5 minutes!
  T-1000 transmitted the tortured information to the two-phase seal to confirm the correct information, and began to repair the most critical parts. In the process, the soldiers holding the royal party and the pirates also sporadically attacked the communication center, but they were all blocked by the Terminator forces.
   Finally, the screen on the host of the communication center lights up again and the repair is complete! Seeing that the console was successfully repaired, another T-X walked in front of the scientist who was covered in blood rolling on the ground and slammed his head with one foot.
   The main force with the royal party is still attacking the command center of the midpoint station. They are continuously supported by pirates, and their morale is high. The total strength has reached more than 5,000 people. On the other hand, the guards led by Girard Perrin have only gathered less than 3,000 people so far, and most of the broken soldiers would rather hide in corners than return to the team.
But this is also the case. The soldiers of the Guards who can come back are also very tenacious, and the command of Colonel Perrine is watertight. Therefore, although the defense line of the Guards is crumbling under the attack of the royal party, but...it is not falling. !
And the 00s that had contacted him before were also very well used by Perrin, making them pirates and invading the army and logistics of the royal party, and for a time let their defenses swell, without bringing detection Don't dare to go out at all! Moreover, Perrine often arranged some T-1000s to become roadside debris or flowers and grass or even corpses, and then the frontal troops pretended to be defeated, waiting for the Royal Party soldiers to rush over to clean the battlefield and suddenly jumped up and slaughtered in the crowd. !
However, the number of T-1000 is still too small, and the explosive energy guns in the "Star Wars" world are not comparable to those of the 20th century weapons in the "Terminator" world. They can cause very effective damage to liquid metals, so although T-1000 The existence of 1000 makes the King of the Party very troublesome, but still cannot completely stop their offensive.
   At this moment, suddenly the soldiers descend! An army of clones and Bakula arrived on the battlefield! There are more than 3,000 people in this support army! Of course, the most terrible thing is the commander of the support army-Anakin Skywalker! !
I only saw him wearing a brown robe with a lean samurai costume, handsome hair and murderous eyes under his flowing hair~EbookFREE.me~ There was almost no pause, he raised his hand Waving and shouting: "Follow me! Kill!!!"
   His voice is not loud, but it seems to have spread throughout the battlefield. Although he has just arrived here, the soldiers with the royal party have involuntarily raised the idea of ​​wanting to listen to his command. The guard soldiers on the opposite side were disturbed by this voice, and almost couldn't even hold the gun.
At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped on the wreck of a car next to it. It suddenly turned into the hood of the car. At the same time, at another angle, a small tree suddenly turned into a liquid The long metal knife swept over!
Anakin-Skywalker didn't look back, but just looked ahead, and the blue lightsaber waved his hands twice on both sides randomly. Poof... Poof... Two T-1000s were cut into several pieces at once. The lightsaber's high temperature melted into a pool of liquid that could never be recovered.
At this critical juncture, a commander of the royal party suddenly ran over, looked at Anakin with some fear, and bowed his head and said, "Master... The communication at the midpoint station suddenly resumed! Now Iblis Executive We are continually mobilizing troops! The Independence Star... well, there seems to be action on the side of separatism! If this continues, if the situation inside the midpoint station spreads, it will be very detrimental to our great cause!!!"
"Your so-called great cause has nothing to do with me!! I only care about the republic!!" Anakin Skywalker glanced at him and looked at the line of defense of the guard in front, thinking for a while and saying, "You lead the main force Continue to attack the command center, I took a team to regain control of the communication center! That's it!!!"
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