Vol 2 Chapter 2251: Lundilli's Rebellion (Part 1)

2251. Lundilli's Rebellion (Part 1)
A shuttle sprayed with the Lundi Interplanetary Power Company's logo secretly took off from Hutt Space, and then joined a merchant fleet to take Corusan to another planet in the core circle of the Milky Way-Lundilli Planet .
This is not a very easy journey. As the war continues to expand, the transportation between the Republic and the Confederation of Independent Galaxy becomes more and more difficult. But fortunately, as a veteran super enterprise that lasts for thousands of years, Lundilli Interstellar Power has some energy, and the galactic gaze is now staring at the Corella galaxy, so that their small movements have not been noticed. .
Hundreds of large and small space docks are scattered around the planet Lundilli. Unlike the Quart planet, which connects the space dock into a star ring and surrounds the planet, the dock around the planet Lundelli is very different. These docks are based on a spherical engineering spaceship as the core, and then connected to a huge fixed frame for shipbuilding work.
The shuttle flew directly into a magnificent building with a height of several kilometers. This building was composed of countless small buildings and a huge projection device in the middle projected a huge tens of kilometers in diameter in the air. The logo of the Lundilly Star Power Company, to everyone high-profile declared that this place belongs.
The shuttle stopped in a huge hall inside the building, the cabin door opened, and Tang Yu, Peacock and Christina walked out. It was just that they had greeted Tang Yu many times, but only now The first meeting of Bangila-Ulan-the top executive of Lundili Star Power Company.
In his forties, his hair was neatly groomed backwards, and there was already some grayness. From his pale face, it was obviously long-term esteem and excessive indulgence. He wore a galaxy's usual gown and did not wear it on his chest. Wearing a gorgeous brooch decorated with feathers.
After Tang Yu walked off the shuttle, Bangla-Ulan welcomed him very politely, holding Tang Yu's hand very kindly and laughing: "Hahaha, I finally wait for you, Mr. Tang Yu. Our The preparation is ready, the next step is to act according to the plan! Just the Jedi Knight..."
"Jedi Samurai, I'll deal with it." Tang Yu waved his hand, and the peacock beside him raised his hand, only to see a space crack appeared out of thin air, and then three huge figures came out!
Bangla Ulan and all the people present were stunned. Even as the leader of the most developed planet in the galaxy industry, they have seen countless giant warships and various high-end armed forces, but have never seen Something like this! !
These are three earth-colored humanoid robots, about 5 meters tall, with slender limbs, no obvious facial features on the head, and only a pair of round eyes flashing purple light. It seems that this robot is full of mystery and oppression, because it seems like three hazy figures, like nothing, nothing. What makes Benjira-Ulan even more horrifying is that the three robots are covered with fine scales all over them. These scales are no more than 05 at most, and it is obviously not made of metal!
Everyone, including Bangla-Ulan, stepped back a few steps involuntarily, because the feeling of these three robots was so terrible, and seeing them seemed to see the indescribable deep inside The same terrifying fear! Yes, maybe they are fear itself!
"This... this is..." Bangira-Ulan asked, pointing at the three robots.
"Oh, sentinel robot, k-hunter!" Tang Yu replied somewhat proudly: "They are specifically used to hunt Jedi Knights! In front of these k-h, there is no difference between Jedi Knights and ordinary people."
Ulan shook his head and said: "I don't deny that this kind of robot is top-level in design or workmanship, but I must say that it is impossible to rely on robots to fight the Jedi. The force is a threshold. There are two different things: the original force and the lack of the original force. The original force users can unconditionally kill the non-main force users. So, I think you are just exaggerating."
"If I tell you, this k-h sentinel robot's material is mixed with a special substance, which can completely invalidate the force?" Tang Yu said lightly.
"This is not the time to laugh, Tang Yu." Bangila-Ulan frowned.
Tang Yu spread his hands and said: "If you don't believe it, you can give it a try. I don't believe that for so many years, you, Lundilli, haven't even taken in a Jedi who fell into the dark side."
Ulan thought for a long time, then turned sideways and whispered: "Go and invite Master Vos... come straight and say that there is a robot that can invalidate the original force. I hope he comes to test."
A confidant nodded and turned away. A moment later, this man led a man wearing a somewhat worn black cloak to come here. The man saw the three sentry robots k-h at first glance, and in surprise he lifted the cloak of his cloak, his face emerging from the shadows.
It was a middle-aged man with brown skin. His hair was combed into countless braids, and two war patterns were painted on his face. It looked quite like the Indian style Tang Yu had seen before.
Bangla Ulan introduced: "This is Master Kunlan-Worth. The Jedi Knights think he is missing, but in fact, he has been staying with us for practice. He..."
Before the words were finished, Quinlan Vos raised his hand at will, and an invisible force suddenly made Bangira Ulan speechless! He didn't pay attention to Ulan, who was struggling to cover his neck, but just stared at the three sentry robots k-h, his eyes gradually deepening.
"Master Voss, this is our newly invented k-hunter sentinel robot. This robot is specially made for hunting Jedi warriors. The force around them is ineffective. So, do you want to test it?" Tang Yu said very politely.
Quinlan Vos didn't speak, just raised his hand and pushed in the void, a strong force swept away! Normally, with his current strength, even heavy units like at-te walking machines will be overturned at once! But a terrible thing happened. The force he released was like a mud bull entering the sea, and even a breeze didn't set off in front of the three k-hs! !
Quinlan-Worth's face changed a lot, and suddenly only one of the k-hs moved! ! It clenched its fists, its body stretched out, and the countless scales began to vibrate, smashing it with a very standard human punching action! ! Quinlan Vos quickly stepped into the air, jumped a few meters high, a backflip pulled away, and the red lightsaber was already in hand when landing!
But to his surprise, this k-h didn't punch out, but just turned a circle and took a stand again.
"It seems that you can't predict kh's action through battlefield prediction." Tang Yu's voice came from the side, his face filled with pride, "So I said, in front of the sentry robot kh, Jedi Knights are not much different from ordinary people."
"You invented this kind of robot?" Quinlan Vos finally spoke. His voice was very hoarse, as if a sputum was stuck in his throat.
Tang Yu smiled slightly and responded with a big bag. "Yes, I invented it and I made it."
"I...should kill you..."Quanlan Voss's killing intention flashed through.
"Unfortunately, you can't do it, understand?" A voice resembling a silver bell came beside him, and Vos was shocked, but after seeing that the peacock didn't know anything, he was already standing beside him. Nine small lightsabers appeared inside, pointing steadily at his neck! He suddenly stiffened.
Pappappap! ! Applause sounded, but Bangla Ulan was applauding. He smiled and said: "Your Excellency Tang Yu is really hidden, ha ha ha ha! Very good, only people with such a powerful force can make me truly at ease. "
Tang Yu also nodded to Kunlan-Worth and said: "Technology is constantly improving, and one day it will surpass manpower. This is not surprising. But I also hope that you can see that although the sentry robot kh can easily overcome Jedi Warriors, but there is no way to lead an army to victory like Jedi Warriors, or even to guide the people in the direction. So, I respect you very much."
Quinlan Vos took a deep look at Tang Yu, said nothing, and turned away after receiving the lightsaber. He whispered as he passed by Bangira-Ulan: "If this robot has 20 If you put it in the Temple of the Jedi Knights, then the Jedi Knights will be completely extinct."
After talking, the path walked away, but the figure seemed lonely.
Ulan twisted his head and whispered to the confidant: "Go and treat Master Voss well, don't be neglected." Then he smiled and said to Tang Yu: "Your Excellency Tang Yu, please come here. Command of this operation The center is ready, the Lundillier Defensive Fleet has entered combat, all space docks are closed, and they are in defensive mode. Just wait for a suitable time."
Tang Yu nodded and walked forward with Peacock and Christina.
On the way, Bangila-Ulan said: "I have prepared a hyperspace channel that extends directly to Hutt space. The fleet of the independent Confederacy of galaxies will be able to send the fleet directly through this channel. I installed a shielding device in the channel It should be possible to reduce the time for the Republic to discover this large-scale fleet jump to within 20 hours. In other words, we need to stay on the planet of Lundilli for 20 hours."
"The confrontation between the main fleets of the two sides in the Marastal Galaxy has ended, and the Republic has forcibly withdrawn from the battlefield. For this, it has paid the price of more than 50 hunter-class cruisers. However, we also need to invest part of our strength in the Corella Galaxy. Go, so the fleet used to support Lundilli has about 150 warships of various types, including 10 battleships of the Rookley Hook class, and 2 million robotic marines. The commander is General Griffiths, He has led the fleet to Hutt Space." Tang Yu said.
Bangira-Ulan's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly: "Then we will immediately begin to expel the Republican officials, close the border, and place blocking field generators near those hyperspace channels, waiting for the arrival of Confederate reinforcements!"
"Wait a minute!" Tang Yu stopped him and said, "You must know that after the Republic discovers these small movements, their fleet can arrive in up to 2 hours, and things are not as simple as you think! And, although you claim to be a rogue Dili Interplanetary Power Company has thousands of years of accumulation and heritage, but why has the Republic not been infiltrated by those who have owned you for thousands of years?"
"Don't worry about this! Because of the repression of the Republic, in the past year, the market revenue of our Lundili Interplanetary Power Company has dropped to about 20 years ago." Ulan's face was a little sad, "We also have no way This is the only way to make a decision, and no one will think about surrendering to the Republic."
Tang Yu was undecided, but just asked: "Who is the commander of the Lundilly Defense Fleet?"
"It is General Jace Darling, he is also our best fleet commander in Lundilli. He had participated in the Stark hyperspace battle before the outbreak of the civil war, and he was an excellent commander who had been tested by actual combat." Ulan said.
"Yes, so in that battle, he established a very close comradeship with two people-Jedi Master Pro-Kong, and General Yang-Dodena. His recognition of the Republic is more than you think "It's more deeply rooted." Tang Yu shook his head and said: "What we need is not a famous general, but someone who is willing to die with the Republic! And Jess Darling is not such a person."
In the original plot, it was Jess Darling who was swaying between the Republic and the Independent Confederacy of galaxies, so he refused to order the Lundilly defensive fleet to fire on the Republican fleet, thus giving Pro-Kong and others to directly receive the entire defense The fleet's chances are thus lost in full. Although Master Pro-Kong is currently a captive on the 4th star of Lassax, another General Yang Dodenner, who has a good relationship with Darling, is still in the Republic, so he must not be allowed to command the fleet.
"I... don't quite understand what you mean..." Bangla-Ulan's face sank down~EbookFREE.me~He thought this might be the meaning of Tang Yu's desire to seize power.
"I don't know anything about your Lundilian stuff, so I will give you this suggestion. If you really want to succeed in breaking away from the Republic, you must dismiss Jace Darling's military power! Otherwise, The Confederate fleet will not be dispatched." Tang Yu said directly.
At this moment, Ulan's communicator suddenly rang, he looked down at the message sent, and his face suddenly changed! He raised his head and looked at Tang Yu unnaturally. "The Republic... sent a special envoy and came with a fleet!!! Did they... hear the wind?"
"Oh, do you think Palpatine is a fool? He has been staring at you since the day he crushed Lundilli, and now Corella’s galaxy is in full swing, and he will of course guard Lundilli from catching Take this opportunity to do things." Tang Yu said.
"Then...what should we do? What should we do? The Republic sent the fleet!!!" Bangila-Ulan appeared to be somewhat godless, and the Republic has impressed him for a long time, even if it was called No matter how loud it is, I still fear the Republic deeply.
Tang Yu said decisively: "I can't appear in front of the Special Envoy of the Republic for the time being, hide it first. You first talk to the mission to delay the time, and then tell them that Lundelli is willing to immediately show his loyalty to the Republic. Withdraw the command of Jace Darling and put the defensive fleet into a state of rest...I immediately sent a message to General Griffiths to let him set off immediately! Remember, jumping from Hutt Space to Lundillie Planet requires a total of 68 Hours, and in the last 20 hours, the Republic will find traces of this fleet! At that time, it was time for a showdown!"
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