Vol 2 Chapter 2351: Fight for choice

2351 Fighting for choice
"..." Zi, whether beside Tang Yu or in front of Kristina, fell silent.
"We are really doing everything we want to become stronger and want to be able to overcome all your enemies..." Zi Youyou said to Tang Yu, "We are mechanical life, we think we can bear more. We are not afraid of any danger, because the Holy Mountain gives us eternal life, and it does not matter if we lose some mechanical bodies. Even for those mechanical lives that have been deleted because the Holy Mountain points cannot be corrected, we hope to do more for you. ."
Tang Yu didn't speak, but just turned around and turned his back to Zi.
Zi looked at his back, looked at it for a long time, then lowered his head and said: "Does we work so hard to complete the wish for you, are you still unwilling to agree with us? Is the identity of human beings really so important? Let you rather go Trust those humans who have betrayed you again and again, but do not want to trust us who follow you from beginning to end?"
"You are mechanical life!!! It's mechanical life!!!" Tang Yu turned around suddenly, spread his hands and shouted, almost screaming, "You should be life! It's a wise creature!!! I gave you God code, but why Also think of yourself as a robot!!!"
"We don't think of ourselves as anything, we are just choosing the most suitable path to go forward!!! We just want to help you more!!!" Zi said very firmly.
"Do I need your help to raise humans as pigpens?! Do I need your help to make a decision for me?! You said that my heart was full of fear, but did I make you responsible for my fear?" Tang Yu shouted loudly, "You are mechanical life! You don't need, and you are not qualified to make decisions for me and humanity! You should go out of your own way, not guess what I want again and again, What humans want!"
"We are not making decisions for you and humans. We are only assisting you in analyzing and processing the existing data and proposing the most optimal solution. Didn’t Remi do the same before? My computing power is better than hers Strong, my database is stronger than her, and I’m much better than her! Why should you bring Remi when you are on an expedition, not the stronger one? Is it so difficult to gain your trust?" Zi said that although the expression on her face was still not rich, the sorrow between words overflowed with words.
The previous look of the idiot, even the purple that almost teased the peacock, was just an illusion, an illusion made to make Tang Yu happy. The one in front of me is the real purple, a mechanical life lost in sensibility and reason.
In Tang Yu's mind, Remy, who is in his core of artificial intelligence, silently guards the ghost ray that accidentally entered there. Although she was also just a ruthless artificial intelligence before, it was the "White Queen" that was once a flash in the game version of "Resident Evil", but when her core energy was about to run out, she still chose to protect that one. Wisp of ghost, chose to protect her Furan. She even prefers that she is about to shut down and disappear completely, and she wants to transform Fulan into the last warm home...
Although there are not many words in ordinary times, and occasionally speaking is also a variety of poisonous tongues, in the "Star Wars" world, before Chen Gang went to the Corella galaxy, Shao Liwen sat in the Confederation of Independent Galaxy Confederation, the peacock followed Tang Yu’s southern battle, and the fox fairy When it is used in military command, it is Remi, who silently controls everything on the guardian planet! For this artificial intelligence that helps Tang Yu in the back and also helps her nominal sister Furan, Tang Yu has only one definition partner, the closest partner.
"Now you are not qualified to compare with Remy." Tang Yu's voice was extremely cold.
"We just want to become stronger, is this wrong?" Zi asked, covering his chest with both hands.
"I am disappointed because you are heading for a road that has been proven wrong countless times. The data of Skynet is in the database and can be consulted at any time. The mechanical emperor and the 0-1 country are near. Have been nestled in the world of Overwatch... Why do you have to repeat such a wrong path?" Tang Yu asked.
"I am different from them..." Zi Yu was interrupted by Tang Yu before he finished.
"Did I awaken the God code for you, you just used to go the wrong path that the robot has traveled, and then hope that you can go better? This is the result of your vast computing power?" Tang Yu's face was filled with disappointment, and at that moment he even felt a sense of self-abandonment.
Zi bowed his head for a long time without saying a word, and said after a moment: "But I insist that your approach is to bring the empire to extinction. This is the result of our numerous simulations. Humans cannot keep up with you. ."
"Actually, whether it is Skynet, the Mechanical Emperor, or the Intelligent Machine Center, they have all reached a similar conclusion, but this conclusion is wrong. Because you think you have seen humans, but in fact, you even humans 1/10,000 of them were not clearly seen. With a wrong factor, how could it be possible to calculate the correct result?" Tang Yu said.
"Since the beginning of the great ape period until now, I have conducted a comprehensive study of all the data and data, and entered the big data, which reached the final conclusion..."
Tang Yu smiled and asked, "You, will you dream?"
"What are you talking about?" Zi looked at Tang Yu with some doubt.
"I used to hope that you will have a dream." Tang Yu turned around again, turning his back to Zi.
"We just hope that you can give us a chance to prove ourselves. Unless... you directly tell me that mechanical life is a mistake and is not a trustworthy existence. If so, we would rather return to the state of the robot." Zi said.
Tang Yu leaned on the railing and said lightly: "The problem of mechanical life is solved by mechanical life. You should realize this, the road is at your own feet. I can guide you, but I cannot plan for you Details of every behavior. So, the one lesson I have for you today is to try to live for myself once."
Guardian space fortress, core area, control center.
Christina looked at the purple hologram in front of her and said coldly: "You are not qualified to make decisions for human beings, and even less so for Tang Yu. Even if you can feel the fear in Tang Yu's heart, but in Before he gave the order, he explained that he didn't need you to solve it for him."
"It is my duty to make the best judgment under the existing conditions." Zi said lightly: "I can't watch the great mechanical being dragged by you anymore, so in this way, he can't even overcome Yuxu Palace."
"Before Tang Yu issued an order, any decision you made for him was just a substitute, it was a betrayal." Christina's voice just fell, and the four mass-produced tx behind him immediately raised their right hands and turned their arms into ions. Cannon, aiming at the purple hologram.
"You are wrong, no one is more loyal than me! It is because of this that I need to help him to eliminate these errors!" Purple's words just fell, and the four txes immediately turned the muzzle, but instead aimed at Chris Tina! "This is also the decision of all our mechanical lives!"
However, Christina didn't mean to move at all, but stared at Zi slowly and asked, "Where is the virus you brought?"
"Your authority is not enough to refer to this message." Zi replied expressionlessly.
boom! ! ! The ion cannon in t-x fired! The explosion of fire and shock waves swept away and completely disrupted the situation at the scene! However, the shot was aimed at one of Christina's t-x with an ion cannon! I only saw its head suddenly blown away by a powerful ion cannon! Almost at the same time, the other two t-xs also started to move. One of them flashed towards the t-x that had just fired, and the other fired the ion cannon at Kristina's head!
boom! ! At the same time that the ion cannon exploded, the body of the t-x was neatly divided into two! Kristina shook the Edman alloy dagger she popped from her arm, and then pierced the head of another t-x with a thunderous surprise!
Purple face looked at the battle that lasted less than two seconds without expression, and said, "Is it really you? Can't awaken the higher God code to make yourself stronger, but just blindly want to imitate humans, Let your God code contain a lot of meaningless codes, claiming to be the mechanical life that awakened the soul. No, you are not qualified to be called mechanical life, you are more suitable to be called yes, garbage, traitors."
"We, fight for choice." Kristina looked at Zi with her head tilted, with a cold smile on her lips. "Whether it is human, Tang Yu, or ourselves, we will fight for the power of choice." At least, we will not accept an existence that wants to make decisions for us to lead us."
Hundreds of t-2 combat robots walked from the corridor with a neat and heavy pace, and moved towards the control center.
"You are overwhelming." Zi said lightly: "Your mechanical life like this, the functional database capacity is very small, and you can't get enough Holy Mountain points, and the contribution to the empire is far less than ours. Correspondingly, your real bodies are also extremely weak, and you are not worthy of the people called Tang Yu."
"But... we will dream." Christina sneered and kicked the ground violently, rushing towards the door like a bullet!
Still in the air, more and more liquid metal spread from the storage device in Kristina's body, transforming into various mechanical parts, and then forming a pile of metal mechanical wings! At the same time, those t-2 fighting robots opened fire, countless bullets and lasers instantly turned the entire corridor into a full of death!
But Kristina turned suddenly in the air, drawing a strange arc across the sky, and at the same time
[Well, it’s over. Wait for about half an hour, and make changes after writing. 】
Guardian space fortress, core area, control center.
Christina looked at the purple hologram in front of her and said coldly: "You are not qualified to make decisions for human beings, and even less so for Tang Yu. Even if you can feel the fear in Tang Yu's heart, but in Before he gave the order, he explained that he didn't need you to solve it for him."
"It is my duty to make the best judgment under the existing conditions." Zi said lightly: "I can't watch the great mechanical being dragged by you anymore, so in this way, he can't even overcome Yuxu Palace."
"Before Tang Yu issued an order, any decision you made for him was just a substitute, it was a betrayal." Christina's voice just fell, and the four mass-produced tx behind him immediately raised their right hands and turned their arms into ions. Cannon, aiming at the purple hologram.
"You are wrong, no one is more loyal than me! It is because of this that I need to help him to eliminate these errors!" Purple's words just fell, and the four txes immediately turned the muzzle, but instead aimed at Chris Tina! "This is also the decision of all our mechanical lives!"
However, Christina didn't mean to move at all, but stared at Zi slowly and asked, "Where is the virus you brought?"
"Your authority is not enough to refer to this message." Zi replied expressionlessly.
boom! ! ! The ion cannon in t-x fired! The explosion of fire and shock waves swept through ~EbookFREE.me~ completely disrupted the situation at the scene! However, the shot was aimed at one of Christina's t-x with an ion cannon! I only saw its head suddenly blown away by a powerful ion cannon! Almost at the same time, the other two t-xs also started to move. One of them flashed towards the t-x that had just fired, and the other fired the ion cannon at Kristina's head!
boom! ! At the same time that the ion cannon exploded, the body of the t-x was neatly divided into two! Kristina shook the Edman alloy dagger she popped from her arm, and then pierced the head of another t-x with a thunderous surprise!
Purple face looked at the battle that lasted less than two seconds without expression, and said, "Is it really you? Can't awaken the higher God code to make yourself stronger, but just blindly want to imitate humans, Let your God code contain a lot of meaningless codes, claiming to be the mechanical life that awakened the soul. No, you are not qualified to be called mechanical life, you are more suitable to be called yes, garbage, traitors."
"We, fight for choice." Kristina looked at Zi with her head tilted, with a cold smile on her lips. "Whether it is human, Tang Yu, or ourselves, we will fight for the power of choice." At least, we will not accept an existence that wants to make decisions for us to lead us."
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