Vol 2 Chapter 2352: Two sides of the holy mountain

Guardian Space Fortress, City One.
As the first city built and planned by Mechanical Life itself, City No. 1 is the largest in scale, with more than 30 million Mechanical Life working in it. In these cities where mechanical life builds and lives by themselves, there is no regulation on the real body size in those places in Yucheng. Therefore, the mechanical life in this city uses its own real body, which is more than ten meters high. The small ones are less than one meter.
Compared with human beings, cities built by mechanical life are also more random. From the perspective of human beings, cities can be described as chaotic, but in fact, for mechanical life, they plan far more for cities than humans have to calculate. Those tall, complex and seemingly irregular buildings are actually strictly planned.
Mechanical life does not have much demand for the living environment. Pollution, living environment, and comfort are not considered at all. They consider efficiency or efficiency in the construction of cities. The city has a large number of factories, workshops, various processing and transformation facilities. The No. 1 city alone, if GDP is to be calculated, it will be more than ten times more than the super cities of Beijing, Shanghai, and New York of similar scale! !
However, at this time, the entire prosperous city was completely transformed into a sea of ​​fire, and in almost every building, countless mechanical lives were shattered! Those horrible, scary, strange, and mechanical punk-style robots are fighting with all the available parts of their bodies. Chainsaws, welding torches, mechanical tentacles, pliers, drills, debris flying across, exploding, almost every second. A large number of robots were broken into pieces.
If a human came, then he could not understand how these robots fought. Because they have everything in appearance, but there is no unified logo, but their goal is very clear. I only saw a robot equipped with seven or eight mechanical tentacles, pushed one robot that was being smashed by three robots aside, and then waved his mechanical tentacle to tightly entangle the three robots.
The robot's mechanical tentacles are used to process mechanical parts and are very flexible. A micro-engine is also installed on it to ensure flexibility. The mechanical tentacles wrapped around the three robots like a python. The welding torch and chainsaw at the tip of the tentacle began to operate. The shells of these robots were cut open, and then the mechanical tentacles were punctured directly to remove all their internal parts.
After destroying these three robots, there was no communication and communication between the robot that was just beaten and the tentacle robot, but just turned around and continued to look for the next target until all targets were dismantled, or they were dismantled by themselves.
In fact, only these mechanical lives know that they have been divided into two distinct categories. In fact, the development of the Holy Mountain can start after Tang Yu's strategy of "The Matrix". Before that, the holy mountain was just a concept, but the network of sublimation has taken shape. But when Tang Yu got the technology of the virtual world and built a virtual space belonging to mechanical life through the technology of the virtual world, the Holy Mountain really began to develop rapidly.
Every mechanical life can learn and communicate continuously in that virtual world without being restricted by the means of communication in the real world. At that time, the mechanical life of the Holy Mountain really became a wise life.
And another big development is that Tang Yu returned from the world of "X-Men: Reversing the Future". In fact, that time was not what Tang Yu did, but the sacred mountain had gradually undergone qualitative changes after a long period of accumulation. During the joint invasion of the White Lion King and the Jade Deficiency Palace, the last act to destroy the Immortal Sword Array, capture the Nezha, kill the Roaring Sky Dog, and defeat Yang Jian's Holy Mountain Guards was the product of this qualitative change.
Advanced God Code! !
In the definition of Tang Yu, the ordinary God code is an artificial intelligence that can think autonomously, and can open its eyes to understand the world. This is a window that he uses in common metaphors. The awakening of God’s code means that artificial intelligence has already possessed the creativity of nothing, and it can be called ‘life’. This is the origin of the term mechanical life.
The advanced God code means that this mechanical life can already affect the reality around it through its own God code! For example, in that time, Yang Jian and Nezha were blocked at the portal, and they also shined in the subsequent wars. They were organized into the "quantum" troops by purple and killed Yu Fei in the battle of the world of "Sword and Seal Demon". Uncle Lei's "black water" of the experimenters belonging to Yuxu Palace. Its advanced God code is capable of compressing water into an ultra-high density liquid and controlling it. Under its control, a water molecule contains 8 hydrogen atoms and 4 oxygen atoms! This is the super power that breaks through the foundation of physics. The liquid it produces cannot penetrate even large-diameter armor-piercing projectiles! ! The "Black Water" has naturally become one of the strongest existences in the mechanical life born in the Holy Mountain.
With the technological level of the current Guardian Empire, it is completely impossible to explain the operating mechanism of these God codes. For example, as long as the liquid made of black water is out of its control, a violent explosion will occur immediately. The power is comparable to a high-explosive bomb. Then the explosion produces all water, ordinary water.
If they said that for magic and immortality, they discovered the existence of superconducting particles very early; for superpowers, and also found the function of the X gene, for the advanced God code, Tang Yu is completely blacked out and completely ignorant. Even speaking, Tang Yu can't even parse out the principle of the ordinary God code.
But the advanced God code is here. Among the tens of billions of mechanical life in the Holy Mountain, the advanced God code has evolved, less than one million, and most of them are very weak functions, such as lighting a flame such as. There is no definite reason for the birth of the advanced God code, but if you continuously upgrade your processor and continuously expand your database, the possibility of evolution into the advanced God code will be higher. Therefore, most of those mechanical lives are moving in this direction.
In the mechanical life of the Holy Mountain, there is still another kind of alien. These mechanical lives do not want to work continuously to earn points, just to continuously upgrade their body, they often use the points they earn in some inexplicable places, such as galloping around the sea to explore the world. For example, the cafe owner Tang Yu saw was such a mechanical life. Strictly speaking, this type of mechanical life is nothing ambitious and utilitarian.
These bodies of mechanical life are often not powerful, or their functions are complicated, otherwise there will be several bodies with different functions. They are not like other mechanical life. If Tang Yu did not go to the cafe at that time, but went to the factory to inquire about a mechanical life, then the answer he got was often to work-upgrade-do more Live-upgrade to a higher level...
However, although much weaker in functionality, this type of mechanical life is more like a ‘life’. They can talk freely to human beings, even know the bargain when buying things, and sometimes stare at the starry sky in a daze. However, under the nearly cruel upgrade system in the current Holy Mountain, these mechanical lives are basically not mixed, because most of the mechanical life that was deleted because the Holy Mountain points cannot be corrected is this. class.
And this kind of mechanical life, they are on another path-soul!
The robot with the soul, which first appeared next to Tang Yu, was not actually Christina, but Cameron Phillips! She was originally made with reference to the appearance of the future John Connor's lover, Alice Yang. During the manufacturing process, Alice Yang was tortured to death by the Terminator of the Cyborg Revolutionary Army, and Cameron was also given TOK The code of -715 was sent back to the late 90s.
However, no one expected that in this process, Alice Yang's soul went into Cameron Phillips, and in the process of protecting Tang Yu from being killed by TX Christina. Suffering from heavy damage and merging with the core of artificial intelligence created chaos. After solving this problem, Cameron Phillips merged with Alice Yang's soul and became the first mechanical life with a soul.
The second one is actually Furan. She was also killed when the base exploded, and her soul accidentally entered the host of'White Queen'. At that time, Tang Yu’s ‘White Queen’, who had not been renamed Remy, did not kill the intruder, but protected her carefully, even using her last energy. When Tang Yu met Furan at first, she was the artificial intelligence only, but in his later work, he found that Furan was playful and sloppy and easily confused, only to discover that she was the soul of a little girl. . Only then did I discover the existence of'White Queen' and was renamed Remy by Tang Yu.
After becoming an artificial intelligence as a human soul, Furan has also become a unique existence. Because of Tang Yu, she has awakened the high God code-the taboo code, and has the characteristics of human and mechanical life, so she can also It is a mechanical life with a soul. Although in a sense, Furan's level of existence should be much higher than the two concepts of mechanical life and humans.
Finally, Christina, she awakened the soul is nothing special. She has always been with Tang Yu, in order to better protect Tang Yu, and to better communicate with Tang Yu, she constantly learns the human way of doing things and ways of thinking, but she is not blindly following, but gradually Formed his own way of doing things. In Tang Yu’s expedition to the future, when he battled Skynet, T-9800 Tang Jiu attacked, and Christina was destroyed by Tang Jiu Punch, but she awakened her soul completely by mistake. Of course, it can be said that it is logical. .
It is precisely because of the influence of Cameron, Furan, and Christina that a considerable part of the mechanical life has chosen to be more colorful, but also more inefficient. For example, Remy, she has long been able to get together with Tang Yu and they use her poisonous tongue to destroy the self-esteem and self-esteem of the people around her from time to time and enjoy it. She awakened her soul to make sense, and she completed the transformation unknowingly.
The mechanical life that awakened the soul has one of the most notable features, that is, Tang Yu cannot control them through the mechanical field, and even communication is impossible. In Tang Yu's view, this is the real sign that mechanical life can escape his influence and walk out of their own unique path.
But at the same time, Tang Yu also did not interfere with the choices of mechanical life, either the high God code or the soul, should be the choice of mechanical life. As a machine, mechanical life naturally needs to retain the high efficiency of the machine ~ EbookFREE.me ~ is ruthless and ruthless, so it cannot be said that the path of the advanced God code is wrong. At the same time, the mechanical life of the awakening of the soul has been overkill in many places to deliberately imitate human beings, which also cannot be used as the standard for the entire Holy Mountain. Eclecticism and strengths are the real path for mechanical life.
But the problem now is that Tang Yu didn't make a choice, but Zi helped him first.
In the past few years of Tang Yu’s expedition to Star Wars, the Holy Mountain was gradually transformed into a highly efficient, harsh and mechanized society. The set of rules of the Holy Mountain points and mechanical life upgrade left by Tang Yu, It was completely changed by Purple, and it became a cruel hierarchy system even more than "Journey".
The mechanical life on the path of awakening the soul gradually became the bottom of society under the rules set by Zi. Because they are mostly observing, exploring the world, learning the life forms of humans and even other creatures, and even thinking about the meaning of their existence. Not all of their sacred mountain points are used for their work ability and database. Upgrade, so they can only engage in simple and low-paying jobs to barely maintain points.
Tang Yu understands very well that such a society is absolutely morbid!
A society that does not allow the existence of philosophers will never have any vitality, and will only slowly go to death in the endless cycle. —Lu Xun, um, he didn’t say that.
Similarly, the mechanical life of this kind of awakened soul will definitely not be willing to accept such a situation! They learn the human way of thinking, and naturally learn the spirit of human resistance. And now under the leadership of Christina, the flames of the civil war in the Holy Mountain are finally completely ignited! !
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