Chapter 159: Key to unlocking treasure

Werewolf is a very perfect creature. It can switch between human and wolf shape to adapt to different living environments. They have sufficient wisdom, high strength and physique, and agility has been strengthened. Not to mention the strong 'self-healing' ability.
Werewolves are inherently strong and proficient in hand to hand, and their claws are powerful weapons. They retain instincts, are sensitive to sniffing, and respond quickly to dangers. They are good at using their agile talent to break through to the opponent's difficult defense side and attack.
But such a perfect hunter was born under a curse. Werewolves are extremely bloodthirsty and have an insatiable desire to kill, unable to live like ordinary people. They have many advantages, and the disadvantages are also obvious. Silver weapons do bonus damage to them.
Succubus Maidez reminded Zhou Qingfeng that if she wanted to absorb the power of the werewolf's laws through constant magic, it would be easy to absorb the curse attached to the werewolf. Many laws are tied to the curse, even the effects of the curse itself.
If you don't want to become a furry wolf on a full moon night; if you don't want to have a unique appetite for raw meat; if you don't want to move, you will be irritable and emotionally out of control; then you must make a choice in constant magic.
"Mr. Mondino, I want to borrow your ability." Zhou Qingfeng popped up the "Dementing Coin" and paid a red crystal for the young man's request. The necromancer had no objection. He was just curious what the other person wanted to do?
The eerie and quiet underground calling room, the torches in the four corners were crackling. The crowd stopped and all looked at Zhou Qingfeng. When he felt the power and knowledge of magic attached to his body, he whispered, "Arcane vision."
The teenager's eyes lit up, and everything he saw gradually faded, and even flattened into perspectives. Arcane runes extracted from the werewolf's body evolved into geometric figures, overlapping closely, like a mess.
"Sofia, I need your help. My brain should have basic theories of analog, digital, electrical, etc. I need you to use these theories as a basis to help me analyze the way these runes work. I believe these runes and Circuits have a common relationship. "
Zhou Qingfeng gave an order, and the little girl in his head began to work. But Sofia quickly returned a message, "Brother, your intelligence is not high enough, you don't have enough computing power. I made an assessment. It takes tens of thousands of years to complete the analysis."
Damn, does that mean I'm too stupid?
Zhou Qingfeng has been upgraded three times, and his strength, physique, and agility have been improved, but his intelligence has not changed. He asked, "Can the analysis be simplified?"
"It takes days to do a minimal analysis," Sophia replied. "I have considered using the necromancer's computing power. Its brain is more than ten times more powerful than yours."
What a hell!
Am I really stupid?
Helpless, Zhou Qingfeng did not want to give himself a constant rule. He can accept impaired earnings, but must not accept the power of sequelae.
"Mr. Mondino, I hope to borrow your ability for ten days." Zhou Qingfeng threw an orange crystal this time, "I want to analyze these arcane runes carefully."
"This is a rune that contains the power of laws." The necromancer laughed, holding the soul crystal that was thrown over him. "This is not something we mortals can do. Even legendary powerhouses can do nothing."
Sirek suddenly said, "Boy, I know what you want to do? But the law of analysis is the ability of the gods. You have no qualification to see through them. They are like stars to you, but Can't feel it.
Forced analysis will only turn your brain into a boiling meat sauce, and your best result will be an idiot. Maybe I can tell you how to choose, as long as you open up some restrictions to my church. Such as missionary. "
Missionary? Then who has the final say in this village?
Zhou Qingfeng directly denied Sirek's suggestion that Mad God might not lead him to any evil way. He still looked at the necromancer, and the other person chuckled, "I am necromancer and I have plenty of time. As long as you are willing to pay for the soul crystal, I don't care."
Zhou Qingfeng looked again at the "Priest of Epidemic Disease", and Justin said with a smirk: "Mr. Hugo, the colloid you paid for life made me very satisfied, and I was equally indifferent. Ten days will soon pass."
So happy, the teenager simply moved to the stool and sat down under the French array. He looked up at those seemingly mysterious, floating in mid-air, but in fact, the runes representing the laws of the world, silently meditating.
For others present, the symbolic significance of these runes is greater than their actual significance. They often know it, but they do n’t know why, they have some experience, but they do n’t know why they use it.
This is the consequence of not being able to master the core knowledge, lack of analytical tools, and a weak foundation.
This work is also extremely difficult for Zhou Qingfeng. It's like facing a difficult problem. Hua Luogeng only needs to glance to know how to proceed. Xuezhu can only stare, not even understand the subject.
After only one day of analysis, Sophia reported frustratedly: "Brother, this is pretty hard work, like cracking a code written by a bunch of dead text. We don't even understand the meaning of the text. This must have a 'key' to read the text . "
Fearful Zhou Qingfeng asked suddenly, "I now borrow the power of the necromancer, can the knowledge in his mind be read?"
"Although he is not fully open, there is a part to read." Sofia said.
"Then read the public knowledge in Mondino's mind first, we first learn how to become a wizard." Zhou Qingfeng gave the solution. Now only 'dead horse can be a living horse doctor'. Already.
Zhou Qingfeng asked to analyze the rules contained in the werewolf. Only the underground summoning room left him and the necromancer. Mondino wants to see what the boy wants? Others dispersed first, waiting for the teenager to understand the difficulties before retreating.
But now Sophia began to systematically read and learn the knowledge in Mondino's mind, and the necromancer himself reacted first. He felt as if he had a hand in his head, quickly rummaging through his decades of basic arcane knowledge.
"Her Hugo, what do you want to do?" The Necromancer was even stranger. His public basic knowledge was not special or mysterious, as long as he was an apprentice of the wizard.
When similar wizards borrow the ability of Mondino, they never look at these ordinary content. Although other people are also interested in understanding, most of them can't understand Zhou Qingfeng is obviously not a wizard. Why should he turn it over?
"I hope to get the keys to crack these arcane runes."
"The content of these arcane runes is higher than those of arcane knowledge in my mind. You cannot read the law by reading them. The only way to understand these runes is to learn something with special meaning. Language. "
"what language?"
"First is the language of the dragon. The language of the dragon is also a manifestation of the power of its own rules. Except for the dragon, all humans who understand the language of the dragon are the top-level arcane masters, and mortals can never master it.
Followed by higher elves. Note that it's not the everyday elves 'words, but the higher elves' words that the elven princes are eligible to learn. This is also an old language with its own power. "
"Wait, High Elf?"
"Yes. This language is also extremely difficult to learn. Other races do not understand at all except the elves. Those proud elves often use this to mock us humans, thinking that our understanding of magic is no different from ogres, anyway, it is better than Not on them. "
Zhou Qingfeng was no longer listening to the nonsense of the necromancer, Sophia even established an information link before him, calling for him, "Helly, do you know the high elves?"
"Stupid and ignorant master, do you come up with any difficult problems to embarrass me, the abandoned elf?" Xi Li's voice was still mournful, as if she didn't use words like she couldn't speak.
"Don't waste time, I'll ask you if you understand?"
"Oh, I understand."
Awesome. I found treasure.
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