Chapter 160: Runes

In ancient times, Phelan's world was called the 'Thunder Age'. Lizardmen, amphibious monsters, and bird creatures rule the sky, the earth, and the ocean. Later, due to extreme changes in the climate, these species weakened and died and never rose again.
The civilization enters a state of obscurity, and the dragons, giants, elves, dwarves, and goblins begin to establish their own kingdom. This is a history preserved in the memory of the elven royal family. At present, only a few words are left.
The High Elven language is used to record this history. It is said that it was created by gods and taught to the early ancient elves. Every syllable and every word of it corresponds to a powerful force, which is used to accurately describe the laws of the world.
Zhou Qingfeng didn't know these backgrounds at all, nor did he know the true meaning of High Elf. He only excitedly asked Hilly to teach him quickly to help decipher the arcane runes extracted from the werewolf's body.
"Master, you can't learn High Elf."
"For Mao? Isn't it just a language."
"High Elven is the ability to connect with the soul. It can directly communicate with the magic net to gain strength. It is impossible for ordinary humans to learn. If you want to master this language, you must first become a great Arcanist and then transform your soul . "
That sounds like trouble.
Zhou Qingfeng felt helpless. His goal is like making a hydrogen bomb atomic bomb. As a result, let alone nuclear physics, even ordinary high school physics did n’t get started. Everything is a beautiful vision. Because of ignorance, I do n’t know how difficult it is!
"I now want to analyze the arcane runes drawn from the werewolf's body. Do you have any suggestions?" Zhou Qingfeng had to throw his own problems to Xi Li.
Hilly was silent for a while and replied, "Poor master, I advise you to give up this idea. You are trying to touch the realm of God."
"Say something useful." Zhou Qingfeng was upset. "I believe everything is knowable and hate mysticism."
Cyric snarled, "boy, I understand. You are not a believer at all. You hate 10,000 times more than a believer. Your thoughts are too dangerous and a typical blasphemy."
She didn't speak for a long time, and it took a long time to answer: "Well, I am an elf who has lost all. The gods no longer care, and glory and dignity have already left me. Master, I obey your orders. But I Can't help much. "
In the quiet underground summoning room, Zhou Qingfeng in the eyes of the necromancer fell into silence after a few words of conversation. But in Zhou Qingfeng's information network, Xi Li is doing her best to interpret the runes coming from the link.
According to High Elven, Hilly describes the meaning of Arcane Runes in common language. This paraphrase is like a translation. At first, it always bumps and turns, and it is difficult to find precise words to describe.
Zhou Qingfeng is very accustomed to this, because in the real world he lives in, the rapid development of science and technology and society will always have something that was not available in the past. New words must be used to describe this aspect. Chinese thinking has natural advantages.
In order to describe the arcane runes, Sofia mobilized the basic knowledge disclosed by the necromancer and created a lot of new words with Zhou Qingfeng. This translation work is quite tedious, but once it is put into it, it is addictive.
A person who does not understand the power of arcane and law at all will not be imprisoned by existing knowledge. The information network provides an efficient platform for constant trial and error. Zhou Qingfeng can explain the operating rules of the sword and the magic world from a new perspective.
As time ticks past, rune analysis continues to encounter difficulties. Countless difficult questions emerge, and each one is enough to make a lifetime of research.
Zhou Qingfeng seemed to walk into a huge treasure house. He knew he had countless treasures. But he couldn't hear, he couldn't see, there was a way forward under his feet, but every few steps he found was a dead end.
The teenager can only reach out and touch, inch by inch, groping in the treasure house, touch a little is a little, you can only touch it. I don't know how long it took to touch it. The tightly bound arcane runes in front of him are constantly being decomposed, but he suddenly feels exhausted, like a person who is about to die.
Zhou Qingfeng's thinking withdrew from the information network. He opened his eyes clearly, but found nothing can be seen. He felt his body gently being held, and slowly laid down on the ground. So he asked, "What happened?"
The boy's mouth was extremely hoarse. The throat was even painful from the sound, and the body seemed to run out of oil and the fingers could not be lifted. He smelled a seductive breath, calm down, knowing who was holding himself.
"You stupid, do you know what you did?" Inissa's voice sounded in a timely manner, full of blame and endless tenderness. "Drink some water first, I will feed you something. Then rest in peace ,I'll stay with you."
Warm water flows in from the mouth, followed by cooking gruel gruel.
Zhou Qingfeng took a few sips, and he was extremely tired and fell asleep. I didn't know how long this sleep had passed. When he woke up again, his eyes were still invisible, but he could feel the condition around him.
The boy was still lying in the underground summon room of the necromancer, with a thick blanket under him. The beautiful horsewoman was sitting next to him, and seemed to be lying on a chair because she was too tired.
Around, both the Necromancer and the Plague Priest were there. All of their attention was focused on the mid-air of the summoning room. There seemed to be a lot of stars on the ceiling, but a closer look was the decomposed arcane runes.
"Brother Victor, you finally woke up." Sophia's voice sounded in her head.
"What the happened?" Zhou Qingfeng had a strange feeling. He forgot how he had been here these days.
"Sister Hilly explained the meaning of the runes in higher elves, which gave us a key to understanding the power of the law. But this analysis is consuming your body, even a devastation. I try to call you Down, but you ignore me at all.
I have to consume your soul crystal and life glue, including high-grade green crystal green glue, just to maintain your body to continue to function. But the longer the analysis, the greater the consumption, and you can't hold it. I forcibly terminated your vision and made you drowsy. "
The soul crystal and life glue from the thirty-six are almost exhausted?
That's too much!
Zhou Qingfeng's eyes blinked, her eyes were extremely dry, and her eyesight seemed to have deteriorated to the state of the blind. He got up slightly and immediately started to inspire Enessa. The horsewoman reached up to help him, and asked with concern: "Don't try too hard, you're weak."
The warm water was re-entered, and vision gradually recovered, and Zhou Qingfeng was able to see the surroundings clearly. He thanked Inessa first, then looked around, and finally looked up to the extreme joy of the ceiling of the summoning room, after many days of hard work and not wasted.
Everything is worth it.
The arcane runes extracted from the werewolf body are broken down into a large number of independent symbols. These symbols are like ancient words that no one can understand. They are mysterious and profound, and are attracting both the wizard and the priest. They subconsciously understand
This is a great opportunity to see the power of the law.
"No, it's totally futile for you to transcribe this way." Zhou Qingfeng laughed aloud and shocked everyone.
The boy waved at will, and the runes in the air changed accordingly. "These runes have countless permutations and combinations, but most of them are meaningless. A few are meaningful, but their effects are complex. Let me tell you what The arrangement is correct.
But I don't think you understand. "
Knight of the Light
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