Chapter 175: Invisible servant

Night fell, and the camp fell into darkness.
Zhou Qingfeng already has dark vision. Although he can only see a few tens of meters at night with a clear field of vision, he is not blind. He stood behind the fence of a camp made of felled trees and looked at the sky, exposing himself for a long time.
Necromancer Mondino came up behind him and asked, "What is your Excellency looking at?"
"I wonder what the Iron Curtain is? How can it cover such a huge area in the North, and it will not fall for decades. This is also amazing." Zhou Qingfeng also threw this question to Cyric and asked Sentence: "Do you know what the Iron Curtain is?"
Ceric didn't take it anymore. Instead, the Necromancer groaned for a long time, saying, "Any mathematician is trying to study the Iron Curtain, but it is so high that mortals have no access at all. We know nothing about it other than its name."
"The gods don't know?" Zhou Qingfeng asked again.
Necromancer couldn't answer that either.
Zhou Qingfeng asked again: "In the end, that big devil built the iron curtain? How can it be defeated if it has this unparalleled ability?"
The necromancer still shook his head. "In fact, we really don't know what the big devil did. The barriers of the plane were broken and countless demons poured into the main material realm.
The strong men in the physical world also pray to the gods, hoping for guidance, but we get nothing. The gods are so secretive that they don't disclose any information at all, as long as we defeat the demon army.
In order to survive, we have to do our best. This battle was very miserable, and many countries and civilizations were destroyed. Silver Leaf City is one of them. "
"It seems that there is a big secret hidden in it." Zhou Qingfeng sneered, and taunted Cyric again in his heart, "Right? The great of murder. Even you lunatic must keep a secret, no Dare to say half a word. "
Sirek still didn't speak, as if it didn't exist, and totally refused to discuss the topic.
The Necromancer couldn't talk anymore. His eyes turned from the sky to the woods, and he whispered, "The Necromancer in the woods is very restless, and there should be wizards who are proficient in the arcane prophecy.
"What is a dead soul?"
"It's a dead soul without a surrender. It's human, weird, and all kinds of intelligent creatures. Northland was the main battlefield where demons invaded that year, and millions of people died that year.
Most souls will convert to the deities they believe in, but some unbelievers will still be everywhere. In theory, these souls will slowly dissipate, but the negative energy of the Black Forest is very strong, but these dead souls have accumulated more and more. "
"Are they useful?"
"Dead souls have no consciousness, they are chaotic and ignorant. You can call them to be invisible servants, but you must strengthen them first, otherwise they will not be used at all. Normal wizards will make some tea and pour water and nothing more."
"Drinking tea and drinking water is also very good." Zhou Qingfeng felt that there was a shortage of people in his tavern. After all, there are too few waitresses who are willing to run to the Black Forest, and the lack of a waitress is a little meaningless. Wouldn't it be more fun to get a few invisible servants?
The ‘Soul Detector’ felt that this matter was not worth mentioning at all, and Zhangkou wanted to send Zhou Qingfeng a few. But he turned to think that the idea of ​​a teenager is always different. This may still be a business. "How many do you want?"
Zhou Qingfeng was pondering for a long time, asking instead: "It depends on what they can do? The concept of pouring tea is too broad. How many instructions can they understand?"
"Simple commands are still understandable, just like idiot pariahs. Their disadvantage is that they have very little power, and they can only serve tea. Even pushing a chair requires several together, otherwise it will not move .
Their intelligence is very limited and their range of activity is very small. Fifty yards away from the master is difficult to control, and can only repeat the simple work that the master finally explained. "
"It sounds really useless. Then give me ten first, and let us do some work in the camp now."
"Ten words, Chenghui one red crystal. If you pay orange crystals, I will get you one hundred and fifty."
Seems pretty cheap.
Zhou Qingfeng last time carried out the massacre in the real world. Only after a had a drug, the soul turned into red crystals. He analyzed that the werewolf's arcane runes were extremely expensive, and swept away the high-quality soul crystals and life glue, and left a few of the ordinary red-orange stuff.
For Zhou Qingfeng, red crystals are too inferior and it is useless to keep them. But he didn't care about Mondino, who was used to being illiterate. He took over the red crystals handed over by the boy, and began to overpower the wandering souls.
Manipulating the soul is the specialty of the necromancer, and catching a few necromancers to make invisible servants is as easy as breathing. In order to show his ability, he also specifically asked: "Hugo, what kind of invisible servant do you want?"
"Is there a difference?" Zhou Qingfeng's current thought was to get an invisible servant to do some chores and get a few free laborers in his tavern without pay. "Be smart."
"The characteristic of the dead soul is that it is not smart." Mondino smiled bitterly, and the spell had begun to summon undead, and designated `` dead soul ''.
The cold breath gathered in the darkness, but the breath was very weak. After a while, ten gray flapping shadows appeared in front of Zhou Qingfeng. They are like a mist. They have no human appearance and only roar and roar unconsciously.
"Hugo, drink them to obey you," Mondino said in a deep voice. "They are very weak-willed, and you can easily become their masters. But you need to be aware that because they are weak-willed, they are easily vulnerable to others control."
Easily controlled by others? Why didn't you say it earlier? No wonder this thing is useless.
Zhou Qingfeng was euphoric, but don't pay too much attention to a bargain from red crystals. Instead of shouting, he let Sophia forcibly link the thoughts of these dead souls.
Within a few moments, these fierce dead souls quieted down and became mumu invisible servants. Zhou Qingfeng let them go east and west, let them go west and west; let them rotate in place, and they began to rotate randomly, regardless of right and left.
Alas, isn't it not smart? This is obviously stupid!
Zhou Qingfeng scratched his head again and ordered these hidden servants to float around the temporary camp. According to the Necromancer, these hidden servants were difficult to control more than fifty yards from their master. There may be information links, and they can obey instructions when they run hundreds of meters away.
The only thing that makes Zhou Qingfeng uncomfortable is that Hidden servants have poor perception ability and can only react to things around ten meters around. Beyond this distance, they are equivalent to the deaf and blind. This is really only a place where space is limited, such as taverns.
"It's okay, okay." Zhou Qingfeng was playing with the remote control car for a while, and was quite satisfied. These hidden servants also have an unexpected advantage. They ignore obstacles in action and ordinary objects cannot stop them. "There are ten red crystals, which is great value."
Hearing Zhou Qingfeng actually said that it was good value, Mondino instantly felt that the business could continue. He said again, "The good thing about the Necromancer is that it can continue to strengthen. If you feel these hidden servants are too weak, I can help."
To put it plainly is to have soul crystal.
But Zhou Qingfeng looked suddenly surprised. "Our Mr. Powell is a little bit wrong and right."
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