Chapter 176: Crusade

Powell felt that the camouflage amulet on his chest was hot. He quietly shoved the last loaf of bread into his mouth and got up to walk to his shack. Most of the construction of the temporary camp was to build a circular wall, and the accommodation was only casual.
The ring fence is actually very simple, that is, the low wall that was cut down by trees. Some places are only half a meter high. But there is no cover in defense to avoid.
Powell looked around and felt the need to report the situation in the makeshift camp. The camouflage amulet on his chest became hot, indicating that the companion team's companions had approached within 100 meters. But the crusade certainly did not know the power of the demon.
Victor Hugo needless to say, he is talented and has strong learning ability. Powell felt that his hard work for more than ten years was not as good as the youth's ten-day training.
Hugo had a servant and a horse by his side. One is good at archery. Is one good? At least the load-bearing ability is strong. With this horse in hand, the others in the team eat and drink well, saving a lot of energy.
Mondino, Justin, these two are the villains who have long been famous in the North. The apprentices and assistants around them should not be underestimated. Now it seems that the rookies cultivated by young demons are not very good in their combat effectiveness.
Faced with the raids of the Gnolls today, although the rookies have a good cooperation, their strength is too poor, and they are almost completely destroyed. However, the demon's deceptive methods are very powerful, and these untouchables who have turned to the devil can not let them live.
Powell felt that in order to deal with such an enemy team, he must have more than twice the manpower and special preparations. Otherwise, I am afraid that even if I win, I will pay a small price.
"I must find a way to leave." Powell had a lot of thoughts, but he only knew that his companion was approaching, but he did not know in which direction the companion was approaching. The camouflage amulet does not provide this information.
A few seconds into the shack, Powell sensed the wind in the woods. He believes his companions should come from the downside and avoid exposing themselves to the smell.
To confirm this, Powell walked to the outside of the camp and drew a small bottle from his pocket. The bottle opened, and a small thing like a firefly flew inside, flickering out of the wind.
While doing all these actions, Powell looked around alertly. Although it was dim and dark in the night, he knew that there were many in the camp who had night vision ability. For example, Necromancer Mondino can definitely see through the darkness. He also has night vision potions.
However, Powell didn't notice that the moment Adrian released him, "Fireflies", Adrian, who had been close to him, hid in the shadow of darkness. Everything was reported silently in the information network, and the entire team knew.
"Fireflies" flew out for a while, and then flew back. Powell retrieved the bug and smiled. He received a message attached to the bug to confirm the location of his companion.
Following Fabro's warning, Powell had not called for the Holy Light in Harmony Village, and he did not even know that Zhou Qingfeng's team had such an uphill communication method. At best, he guessed that the boy had some unique mental control ability, which was not surprising among the demons.
Certainly his companion was in the limelight, and Powell no longer hesitated. He looked at no one around him, and immediately jumped over the low fence of the camp, rushing into the darkness. Not long after he ran away, a fast light came after him
A scream screamed, but Powell drew an arrow in his shoulder, but lowered his body and ran faster. After a while, he walked out of the forest 100 meters away, and soon someone shouted his name in front of him.
"Powell, you are hurt." The heavily armored paladin stepped out of the darkness, and immediately asked the of justice for grace to treat his companions.
Powell's shoulders were bloody, and the invisible Mitsuya almost penetrated his shoulder blades. But when he saw the samurai in full armor, he almost cried with excitement, "Warren, you are finally here."
The light of grace was light, and he slightly healed Powell's shoulder. After checking all the paladins in Armored and confirming that Powell was not in trouble, he asked coldly, "What happened? Why haven't you contact us?"
There was a group of people around the holy warrior in the armor, and there were also a dozen people. As soon as Powell saw that there were many people on his side, he quickly pointed to the direction in which he escaped, "Don't worry about so much, our goal is ahead.
Including 'Soul Detector' Mondino and 'Pest Pastor' Justin, these two notorious guys are also there. There were only a dozen of them, and immediately included five pariahs with little fighting power. Now is a good time to get rid of them.
Note, however, that they built simple camps with walls. A few headed people are very strong. For example, when I escaped, the arrow that shot me must be the maid archer beside the demon. Her archery is quite powerful. "
Powell endured pain and kept telling about the direction of the temporary camp. He also urged one side of the crusade to hurry and not let the demon's team escape.
Hearing ‘Archers with great archery’, the gold robe wizard in the crusade immediately burst,
My pet is definitely shot by that archer and must be killed.
The death of the magic pet will involve the physical loss of the wizard, and the tooth of the golden robe wizard does not hate itching. He was also urging Warren's Panzer Samurai to hurry up without delay.
But the samurai in full armor looked behind him and whispered, "The people in Coldwind haven't kept up. If the enemy is really as strong as Powell said, we people will not be enough."
The wizard of the Golden Robe said disdainfully, "Coldwind City also wants to grab the elven ruins, and the guy with long legs also wants to grab the Harmonious Village. He wants us to end up with those demons, so we won't come to help."
Everyone was ashamed, but they were silent.
The ‘Soul Detector’ is notorious, and the ‘Priest of the Plague’ is hateful, but they ’ve been doing so well for years, at best, they just do n’t want to be seen. But when they arrived at the Harmony Village, the crusade came. Computer :: /
In the end, everything is for the benefit. Headed by Warren, the saintly samurai, this is another force trying to get involved in the Black Forest, which belongs to the church. In charge of justice, the crusade against evil is nothing more than a signboard.
Hanfeng City wanted Zhou Qingfeng's harmonious village to submit, but after the crusade of the Good God's side appeared, it never kept it. Now looking for a chance to give the young team a fatal blow, the team of the long-legged city owner will never rush forward.
As Warrior the Warrior made his decision, ten erratic hermits were quietly approaching. They have limited perceptual abilities, but they know the approximate direction of their enemies. They are mixed among a large number of dead souls in the Black Forest and are difficult to detect.
"Shengying" probed Zhou Qingfeng behind his head and asked, "Master, do you think those guys on the crusade will be suffocated in the future? Especially that Powell, he swallowed and became a sandbag for half a month under your control. He It should also hide strength. "
Zhou Qingfeng held a cavalry knife in his hand and turned over. "It's impossible to be mad, and it's very likely that I will be killed. I want to thank him for his efforts and fight with him to see who is hiding deeper."
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