Chapter 200: Sinister intention

A few hundred meters away from Zhou Qingfeng and others, a few dozen meters high above the ant colony cave, a gray shadow was hanging upside down from the rough cave wall edge slowly crawling.
Gray Shadow's hands and feet are covered with delicate grappling hooks, which is convenient for him to hold firmly. The grappling hoops can encounter the luminous moss everywhere from time to time, and the moss drops when moving, and the acidophilic ants crawling to the ground.
A worker ant's tentacles touched the falling moss and looked up. The ant colony, who is accustomed to the dark life, is degraded, and is not seen for gray films and televisions that are tens of meters away. After a while, an ant guard flew over to investigate. The gray shadow had left the area.
On the platform under the gray shadow, ‘Alchemy Chief’ Fablo was sweating heavily. The ant colony has too few reagents and equipment to compare with his laboratory in Cold Wind City. He could only rack his brains to mount the horse by various means.
Behind Fabro, Marbury, the city's son, and several of his subordinates looked very irritable. The toes they showed in front of Zhou Qingfeng were just to maintain the so-called 'noblemanship', and they were essentially equally impatient.
The expedition team in Cold Wind City is following the route that Zhou Qingfeng walked, thinking that this can enter the Elven Relics more smoothly, but there is not much trouble along the way.
Zhou Qingfeng has an information network plus two or three hundred hidden servants. Sofia has constructed a reconnaissance network two or three kilometers forward to avoid as many monsters and dangers as possible, saving time and energy.
The total number of people in the Cold Wind City is only fifty. Due to the lack of effective warning nets, they either hit the werewolf or were surrounded by the dogheads along the way, resulting in a lot of casualties and attrition in the continuous battle.
The long-legged city owner had not had time to break the elite of the heartache family who had cultivated for many years, and he himself was surrounded by acidophilic ants with the remaining horses. At the time of his flight, Marbury, who was the son of the city owner, was left behind and became a captive of the ant colony.
Knowing this, the Lord of the City will not leave the Stucco Village when he die, so what about Zhou Qingfeng's first entry into the Elven Ruins? But now there is no regret medicine.
"Fabro, how long will it take to get the right potion?" The underground world is boring, except for ants and moss and mushrooms. Marbury stared at Fabro, and could ask more than a hundred times a day. "Can't you speed things up?"
"Sir, this must be patient." Fabro, who entered the working state, did not deny the current difficulties. "I have a clue now, but I am facing too many difficulties, please don't disturb me too much."
"But my grandfather said in his diary that there was a subtle way."
"Maybe your grandfather was wrong."
"My grandfather was the Northland hero 'Long Legs' Levin."
"But your grandfather is not an alchemist."
Before Marbury lost his mind, his followers persuaded him to pull him away from Fablo. On the empty cave platform, only the focused and distressed Fabro remained, a lot of potions from acidophilic ants, and a large number of experimentally scrapped ant carcasses.
And the gray shadow hanging from the top of the cave.
There is also difficulty facing Zhou Qingfeng. Mondino wants to build an analytical matrix, but the underground ant colony cannot provide the corresponding materials at all. It can only be a juvenile forced to hypnotize himself into the information network, and exchange soul crystals for the succubus.
It took two days to build the magic circle, and even Xi Li came to help the necromancer to discover that this human-looking golem maid not only has excellent archery skills, but also has a deep understanding of arcane and magic nets.
The method of transforming the magic circle is very simple. She doesn't talk about the principle or talk about the operation. Often, the law circle you draw now is different from what I've seen.
Mondino also began to argue that his expertise was questioned. But soon everyone found out that as long as Xi Li said the change, the effect would be better. As for why, the necromancer had no choice but to shut up and turn to an open mind for advice.
Analytical matrix was previously constructed for constant runes. This time it's easier, just parse it. The acidophilic ants have a much simpler body and ability than the werewolf. The team was busy until the third day, and they extracted the arcane runes from the ants' eggs.
Zhou Qingfeng borrowed the ability of the necromancer to activate arcane vision and looked up at the arcane runes floating above the magic circle. First, what is the difference between the infected and uninfected acidophilic ants?
In just two or three hours, Sophia, who controls the information processing center, came to the conclusion that whether it is an ant corpse or an ant egg, the infection or not does not affect the essence of the arcane rune.
"Brother, I have a suggestion. Can I use the information network to link the brains of everyone in the team and provide computing power to parse these runes. Then consume that crystal and build an accelerator, which will increase dozens. Times the computing power. "
Based on the computer knowledge in Zhou Qingfeng's head, Sofia has been evolving through self-learning. The idea of ​​the little girl is to treat more than a dozen people in the team as a computing node, and use the accelerator to make overall use of the computing power.
"If it succeeds, not only will we know what is going on with the rot of the ant colony? We can even deepen our understanding of its related arcane runes."
For Sofia's suggestion, Zhou Qingfeng did not think too long. He was happy to consume the crystal that was equivalent to the doctoral knowledge and ability, allowing it to be transformed into an accelerator for the data center, and he also actively linked other people in the team.
Parse together and share together.
At the critical moment of unsuccessful death, it must be done with all our strength.
So everyone gathered under the analytic matrix and looked up at the floating arcane runes together. The runes that had been condensed together were constantly dismantled, and a large amount of computing work was quickly completed in one minute and one second.
There are actually two characteristics of acidophilic ants, one is 'acid solution' and the other is 'psychological connection'. Taking into account the characteristics of 'rotten disease', the first solution is 'acid solution'.
'Acid glands' 'Strong acid protection', this is the secondary rune associated with 'Acids'. The rune of "strong acid protection" appeared, and Zhou Qingfeng immediately received a double request from Mondino, Justin and others who wanted to get this rune.
Wizards and priests were particularly excited because they often encountered acidic items. Many magical and arcane spells have acid attacks. If you can get ‘strong acid protection’, that ’s a big advantage.
Zhou Qingfeng was not stingy, allowing Sophia to record the relevant rune information and transmit it to everyone in the team. But the analysis of 'acid solution' ends here, and 'rot disease' has nothing to do with this series of runes.
That can only be used to analyze 'psychic connection'. This rune combination is much more complicated than 'acid'. Zhou Qingfeng had to consume a lot of soul crystal and life glue to maintain the lives of everyone in the team.
When the high-intensity depletion continued until the fifth day, 'psychic connection' was deduced to multiple secondary rune structures. The cause of the curse of 'rot disease' finally appeared. The previous speculation was correct, and there are two kinds of curses in the ant colony.
She was the first to see through them. She said on the information network: "Rot disease is caused by a problem with the ant colony's spiritual connection. When there are too many ant colonies, the queen's ability to control the ant colony is reduced, and a single acidophile Can run out of control. "
In Zhou Qingfeng's view, the current rune parsing is a bit like checking bugs in the program code. A large amount of computing power is invested, and the evolution of it is continuously simulated until a problem is found.
There are too many rune codes for werewolves, and Zhou Qingfeng can only roughly understand its function. The 'rune code' of acidophilic ants is much simpler. Under the condition of strengthening the computing power, it finally finds its defects from the runes.
The cause of the rotting disease of the ant colony has been found, and unless its natural runes are modified, bugs will always exist. But the decay of ant eggs is another matter.
The deduction continued, and in the rune analysis of the ant eggs, a line of foreign curses from infinity became more apparent. Cyric exclaimed: "The ants are cursed by a certain god."
Cursed by gods?
Xi Li also found the problem, Shen Sheng said, "The queen must have concealed us. Rot disease is related to the spiritual connection, but ant egg infection is cursed by foreign gods. There are other secrets hidden in the ant nest, but I didn't want to tell us later.
The curse from outside is not difficult to solve, and some alchemy potions can do it. But ordinary people can't judge who the curse comes from, and often crack it in triumph. But if the curse comes from the gods, once cracked, it will be back bitten.
The queen queen wants us to bear the evil consequences of the curse transfer, and this is its really sinister intention. If it were not for our poor level of alchemy, we were forced to analyze the runes directly, and we really couldn't find out why. "
So, this group of ants provoked that deity?
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