Chapter 201: Pursue the truth

After working hard for several days without sleep, Fabro's ant nest laboratory has accumulated a large amount of scrapped reagents and failed ant eggs. The rotten scent filled the entire laboratory, but ‘Alchemy Chief’ had no smell.
The clown Adrian stayed at the top of the cave in this humble lab, staring for days and nights as well. Fabro repeatedly experimented under his eyelids, muttering various inexplicable formulas and overthrowing various conjectures.
"I need poisonous cabbage, ghost belladonna, distiller, and I need my laboratory." Fabro's eyes had turned from red to black, but he still failed. "I can definitely do it, but how can such conditions continue?"
Under depression and stress, 'Alchemy Chief' kept destroying desktop equipment. He grabbed one of the potions and shouted, "This is the most ridiculous alchemy item I have ever seen. A nest of ants made it for me with saliva and clay.
How can I make a qualified potion with these things? What's the use of finding qualified formulas? I can't do anything, I ca n’t continue the experiment, there is really no way at all. "
Fabro's violent smashing in his cricket kept venting his anger. Adrian, who was hanging from the top of the cave, gathered up the test records made in the past few days, and called on 'Holy Light' to send them all back to Zhou Qingfeng via the information network.
After reading the alchemy notes recorded for many days, Adrian was given a special assignment. He climbed down from the top of the cave and approached Fabro in a ten-meter distance, shouting in a low voice: "Dear Alchemist Chief, you seem to be in trouble."
Fablo had been working for many days, and his robes had been soiled with a mess of medicinal herbs. The darkened eyes showed that he was in extreme fatigue and embarrassment. Hearing someone shouted, he even thought it was hallucination.
Adrian shouted a few more times before Fabro turned his head. He saw the gray shadow hanging on the wall of the cave more than ten meters away, but his consciousness did not return to normal. He just asked, "Who are you?"
"My name is Adrian and I work for Victor Hugo?"
"Oh?" Fabro finally responded. "What the evil guy sent you to do?"
"His Hugo would like to ask, would you like to work for him?"
"I? The demon actually came to recruit me?" Fabro suddenly jumped up in anger. "I am a noble man, a pure alchemist, a believer who breaks away from evil thoughts. How can I work for the demon?
You look down on me too much, the recruitment of demons is an insult to me. I was dead, dead in this ant nest, swallowed by acidophilic ants, and never bowed to Victor Hugo. Go dreaming! "
Fabro took up a petri dish made by ants and smashed at Adrian fiercely. The clown didn't evade at all, only stepped back to hide into the darkness at the top of the cave, leaving a sentence
"That's really a shame. Mr. Hugo said that the curse you faced was brought down by the gods, and cracking it up will only lead to the wrath of God."
Fabro threw one and wanted to throw another second, but when he heard 'God's wrath', he immediately stopped and shouted, "What are you talking about? Hey, wait! This recruiting is so insincere, just run in a sentence ? "
Adrian really stopped short and retired. He returned from the top of the cave to another cave where Zhou Qingfeng and others were located, and saw that his teammates had gathered beside the acid ant corpse pit he had seen before.
The huge corpse pit is deserted, rancid, and emits a breath of death. It is a forbidden area for acidophilic ants. Except for the ants that are constantly falling from the pipe, no living ants can be seen. Within a few days, the queen's body at the bottom of the pit had been covered by a large number of ants.
"Shengying" stood on the edge of the pit, and the probe sighed, "Is it true that acidophilic ants haven't figured it out for thousands of years, is the so-called 'corruption curse' actually caused by their large population?"
"I think they know." Zhou Qingfeng said, "The 'curse of decay' may not be a bad thing for the ant colony, but a way to eliminate aging individuals. For a large ant colony, it is not a big deal to die."
Everyone else in the team nodded and agreed with Zhou Qingfeng's speculation. But Justin asked again: "What is the reason for the rotten spots of ant eggs?"
"Then you have to ask it." Zhou Qingfeng pointed to the last queen in the corpse that was piled up by the ants and was almost invisible. "I believe it must know the answer. Only it can tell us in the ant nest. Secret. "
Adrian walked to Zhou Qingfeng and handed over a few pages of papyrus that had been collected for several days. "Her Hugo, I have informed Fabro the situation as you ordered. He does have some interest."
Zhou Qingfeng handed the papyrus to Justin, "These records are for you. In your team, only you can understand the preparation of pharmaceuticals. Fabro's morals are not good, but it seems to have some ability. We will need him know how."
The priest took the papyrus, flipped it, and threw it into the air. He and his apprentices collectively knelt down, chanting the title of "Mother of Plague" and shouting, "My lord, please identify whether these records can resist the acidity of acidophilic ants?"
The paper flutters, burns out of thin air and quickly turns to ashes.
"Mother of the Plague," Talona, ​​who hasn't been moving, suddenly responded. The ashes did not fall, but instead formed a purple background with a triangle of three amber teardrops. The tears turned into eyes again, watching Justin and others kneeling below.
Justin and others sang praises, shuddering with excitement. Their shouts had a certain rhythm, and in the cave where the pit was located, they trembled back and forth under the eyes of teardrops, and all the believers of the disease were promoted.
Zhou Qingfeng watched coldly and said to Sophia in his head: "I have a suspicion that human beings don't know, and the gods don't know. Only the humans can discover what the gods can master. This is completely contrary to our previous thinking.
For example, Tarona and Cyric did not know that Ant Plague was due to a bug in the rune combination, and it was not possible for them to understand until I completed this deduction.
But I am a bit strange. The real world we live in has only been developed for thousands of years, and humans have begun to explore outer space. This alien civilization has developed for tens of thousands of years, why is it still so backward? Seems to be standing in place forever. "
Sophia could not answer, only reminded: "Brother, Hidden servant has completed the investigation of the entire ant nest. Except for the spawning room where the queen queen is protected by psionic powers, the three-dimensional structure in other places is depicted.
Your inference is correct. The captives captured by the queen are more than just us and Cold Wind City. There are seven or eight prisons underground, and hundreds of humanoids are locked. I even found ogres. But these prisoners were afraid they would not help us much. "
The prayers of the battered believers came to an end, and the original sheets of paper turned into ashes again. This time the papyrus was turned into a parchment roll, and the original transcribed knowledge was reassembled and improved. Justin and others praised him as if he had been treasured.
Zhou Qingfeng looked at Mondino, the necromancer, and asked, "What level of soul crystal is needed to recall the soul of the post-queen?"
"Are you going to perform psychicism?"
"This is really difficult to evaluate. I have never had experience in this area. However, judging from the strength of the current queen's consciousness and our analysis of the acidic ant arcane runes, the soul of the incumbent queen should be equivalent to one. Green crystal, very powerful. "
So Zhou Qingfeng added a green soul crystal in his hand and threw it to Mondino. The Necromancer took it in astonishment, exclaiming with a shock of soul, "Master Hugo, do you actually have a green crystal? How did this come about?"
Zhou Qingfeng only looked indifferently, even if everyone else in the team was blanked by the sudden emergence of the green crystal.
Mondino touched the green crystal with his dry hand bones and sighed in a low voice: "As long as there is such a green crystal, I can get rid of the old ghost's control." He looked at Zhou Qingfeng again, "Her Hugo, Can I trade for my loyalty? "
Zhou Qingfeng only shook his head slightly, "I don't believe much in loyalty, or even the soul vows. Loyalty will subvert, swear the date is abandoned, and I believe more in the benefits. How much benefit can you bring to me, and how much do I give you? interest."
Under the black robe, Mondino's eyes flashed bright red. After a few seconds of contemplation, he calmed down and finally bowed slightly: "Sir, I understand what you mean. I will try my best to get the benefits you give."
The team was very quiet, only ‘Shadow’ was hiding behind him and whispered to Xi Li:
The master tried to lie to him, he did n’t give me any benefit, and he always robbed me of pocket money.

Zhou Qingfeng's ears were stunned and he turned his head and glanced, "Dead horse, do you really want to be free?"
"Shengying" immediately stared at the crowd and pretended to sing, "Who? Who wants freedom? What's so good about freedom without food or clothing? It is my lifelong desire to follow the great master, it is the glory of supreme, I don't want to What freedom is required. "
Zhou Qingfeng snorted before giving up.
Necromancers began to perform psychic techniques, "using the principle of reciprocity and using the body of the deceased as a psychic medium. Void, I demand the recall of a lost soul."
Archbishop-level green crystals gradually turned into powder, drifting into the void. The queen corpse in the ant's pit became randomly decayed and decayed. As the sound of the spell grew louder, a stream of air came from all directions and gradually gathered in the hands of the necromancer.
The airflow was pinched again, and a huge ghost appeared in front of Zhou Qingfeng and others.
In vain and fat, with a huge body, shaking tentacles, degenerating legs and feet, the soul of the last queen was recalled by psychicism from the past. As soon as it appeared, the spiritual link directly penetrated the consciousness of everyone, and the voice of the ethereal sounded.
"Humans, why do you call me?"
Zhou Qingfeng stepped forward and looked up and said, "Because I have a question. What happened in the ant's nest, so that the eggs of the ants also began to be eroded by the curse?"
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