Chapter 38: joint

The fifth day of procrastination, the 'massive fighting' in the Black Forest finally began.
In the vest of the 'Holy Light', Zhou Qingfeng got the news from Baiya Village. Lao Xiusi commanded a group of goblins and human forces. He made a large number of rough wooden ladders by himself and engaged in an attack on the city of Ants.
Hundreds of Goblin rushed to the village where there were only more than 100 defenders. They were shot by the heavy crossbow on the five arrow towers. After tens of dozens died, they refused to step forward.
Goblin's defeat is crashing. They yelled "Ok Ook" and were shot like rabbits under the thick crossbow.
Once the goblins collapse, they can no longer gather, and the survivors will fled into the woods and disappear.
Lao Xiusi was so angry that he was more than fifty casualties, but his strength was reduced by one-half. However, the human adventurers under his hands are not willing to face the heavy crossbow of Baicun Village. The thing can break the heavy armor, and it will undoubtedly die when it is shot. Even the last words cannot be accounted for.
The attacker realized how important the two trebuchets and craftsmen that had been lost before. Without them, you must use your life to fill the trenches and fences of Baiya Village.
"Unless more heavy crossbow and human adventurers come over, we can only rely on the siege to win." Old Xiusi's camp outside Baiya Village called for help from the high-level church in the town of Stucco Village. His meaning is clear
"We can die for the church, but don't expect us to be cannon fodder."
Other betrayed human villages are not as good as the stucco village of Old South. Their attitude is also clear that we can surrender the winner, but we will never send troops.
The Church of Bann and the Maglu tribe are so arrogant for this. The 'war' consumes a lot of materials every day. Just eating and drinking Lasa to mobilize troops is a bottomless expense.
The high level of the church originally thought that the human power in the Black Forest was thin and scattered. It resisted within a week, cleared the riots in half a month, and the situation would be stable again in a month. By then reopening the goblin plank road, you can get a steady stream of benefits.
The week is about to come. The Church of Bann is obviously the strongest, but the basic goals have not been achieved, but the losses are not small.
Now you can only brace your teeth and see who can't hold it first.
Laosius soon received new support, and more bear goblins, goblins, and even human slaves joined his Majesty. Bai Ya Village doesn't have a lot of grain, so it won't last half a month if you save on food. As long as the siege continues, the victory will sooner or later be at the Bann Church.
These situations are summarized in front of Zhou Qingfeng. He is still the weakest force in the entire Black Forest. There is no one under his hands to fight, even he is a rookie.
Mastering the advantages of information brings great benefits, and also sent Zhou Qingfeng to warn that the human villages that did not surrender generally lacked enough food to resist their will. If the Bann Church is not overbearing and flexible, the situation will be disrupted immediately.
"I must act."
When the sixth day of 'Fighting' arrived, Zhou Qingfeng woke up from his deep sleep. He ordered the recruitment of a new 'robbery' team, which expanded to fifty.
With the huge gains from the previous 'robberies', more and more enthusiastic villagers want to join the team this time. Ragged and skinny guys all straightened their chests and ran to Zhou Qingfeng to be brave.
In the face of these short, low-waste wastes, Zhou Qingfeng could only ‘poke around in the dwarf’ and pinch his nose to get the number of the team together. He emphasized discipline and obedience. Working in the village for the past two days, teamwork was a priority.
In fact, it ’s about picking people who are more obedient and less lazy. Those who can meet these two points are good soldiers. No matter how serious, responsible, enthusiastic, brave, tenacious, and not afraid of sacrifice, don't expect these creatures to not exist in the village.
Otherwise, what is it called Kuruma Village?
Doesn't it mean rotten mud?
It took a day to form a new team, and the job was left to Wilson. The other party is also the chairman of a craftsman's association. His organizational ability is only stronger than that of Zhou Qingfeng, a half-way monk.
In this case, we need to do our best.
As for Uncle Zhou himself, he took the old dwarf out of Heinuma Village to contact his allies. Now in this case, he does not gather the human villages willing to resist, that is to find his own way.
With the poor organization and combat effectiveness of goblins, if the humans in the Black Forest can unite, they may not be able to fight against them. The key is to convince everyone that for this matter, Zhou Qingfeng made a wolf skin map.
"We will first go to Tielu Village, which is the most remote human settlement in the Black Forest. It is small and poor. I bet they will be afraid that they have run out of food. It should be the most convincing.
Fei Zhe, the leader of Ironforge Village, has high prestige. If he was allowed to join us, at least three villages around it should also join. Then your next plan will be easier to achieve.
Similarly, I want to know if your map is accurate? If you draw wrong, I guarantee that your head will be cut off immediately by Fei Zhe. "The old dwarf accompanying Zhou Qingfeng repeatedly told him to ensure that the situation did not happen unexpectedly.
Zhou Qingfeng asked Sirek in his head, "Is your map right? I've moved my head and you're finished."
"I'm God, how could I remember wrong? Rest assured," said Cyric.
On the way from Kuronuma Village to Tielu Village, there are several human settlements. These villages were all heavily guarded, and saw Zhou Qingfeng and the old dwarf appearing as if they were facing the enemy. Seeing them fluttering away, they were very confused.
Some villages even sent someone out to catch up with Zhou Qingfeng and ask about its origin. After the conversation, I learned that several villages had closed their news. They only knew that when they closed the door to be a turtle, they knew nothing about the outside world.
Zhou Qingfeng is a stranger face, but the old gnome knows a lot of people. People in other villages are eager to inquire about the news, wondering how the goblins of the Maglu tribe are now?
"It's okay. Those goblins sent troops to surround Baiya Village, but the attack was not smooth. But now everyone is short of food. If we don't want to become slaves of the Bann Church, we must resist."
The old gnome also made a publicity for Zhou Qingfeng, "The friend next to me is Victor Hugo. He is an upright and noble man, and is busy doing this. We will soon launch a counterattack with several villages. , Those goblins must be tasted. "
Compared with most rough and unsophisticated adventurers, Zhou Qingfeng's appearance is really noble. But he was weak and too young. People in other villages were dubious, but he didn't dare to make decisions at will.
It is just that the proposal of united resistance is very real, and a few villages will soon send representatives to join Zhou Qingfeng's team to see how he will persuade the leader of Tielu Village to Fei Zhe.
"I'm Luke from Bear Roar Village. I'm a ranger."
"My name is Nal, and I'm a Druid from the Ash Village."
"I'm Tambos, a wizard apprentice. I came from Coldwind. I used to travel, but I'm stuck now."
Both men and women are strange people. Zhou Qingfeng did not resist them, only said lightly, "Welcome everyone to join the Human Resistance Alliance of the Black Forest. Please believe that we will win."
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