Chapter 39: Bragging

On the deserted and silent forest road, the team of two turned into five.
The three new members all looked at Zhou Qingfeng with curious eyes, trying to discover some secret from the teenager. Among them, Luke and Nal both lived in the Black Forest for a long time and were quite familiar with the gnome witch doctor Borg.
There are not many medical staff in the Black Forest. Even if it does, precious divine magic will not be used easily. As a witch doctor, Borg has always been respected and welcomed by everyone. The various medicines he sells are reasonably priced and have always sold well.
Because of the presence of the old Borg, Zhou Qingfeng was accepted by the other three. But it is precisely because of the praise of Old Borg that Zhou Qingfeng has also suffered a lot of suspicion and pressure.
Ranger Luke is not too young, full of weather, and good at bow and arrow. It is said that he will never fail within a hundred steps. A very experienced old hunter.
Nal is a druid woman who can run horses on her arms and stand on her fists. She is as rough and ugly as a man, carrying a large two-handed sword, and a huge winter wolf beside her. One person and one wolf are very fierce.
As for the wizard apprentice Tambos, he came from a noble family in Cold Wind City and traveled to the Black Forest to travel and purchase the spell materials required by the wizard. He was wearing a robe, riding a tall horse, and holding a staff, and looked handsome.
After joining the team, these three people always intentionally or unintentionally chat with Zhou Qingfeng to discuss some topics about the current battle, the deities, and the church.
The questions asked were tricky, and Zhou Qingfeng couldn't answer most of them. He just said he didn't know, and was very calm. It was the old gnome who bragged about him again, and he talked about uncle Zhou leading the team to rob the goblin and the heavy team.
There is nothing to mention about the fighting process, but Zhou Qingfeng and a group of black people can march and fight. It is very novel. These years are all professional soldiers who can fight on the battlefield after years of training.
The villagers are serfs, and at most they do logistical tasks.
It was unheard of to direct serfs to fight.
In addition, Zhou Qingfeng still tossed about many things in Heinuma Village. He was rejuvenating the village of more than 300 wastes, and the effort was very different in a few days.
Luke and Nal were surprised by Zhou Qingfeng's commanding ability, while Tambos was curious about Zhou Qingfeng's management thoughts. Uncle Zhou immediately ran out of bitter water and yelled at the waste in Heinuma Village for being stupid, lazy and stupid, which caused him much trouble.
"You don't know. The wastes in Kuruma Village cannot be called humans, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are animals. They have no brains at all. It will take a lot of effort for them to understand what I say."
"They are not only stupid, but they are also very greedy. They ca n’t leave any of their belongings in their custody. They will be stolen in a blink of an eye. It does n’t help them to punish them. The reason is also a waste of saliva. You have to use a whip to have some effect.

"Can't be too good to them, otherwise they will feel that they are higher than you. If it wasn't for my heart, everyone would want to instruct me to work."
Zhou Qingfeng remembered his management work in the past few days. His head was so big that he had to keep his eyes wide to sleep, to beware of the villagers being stupid.
Tambos asked, "Her Hugo, how do you make a group of inferior fools obey?"
"First, don't let them be too idle, find work for them. Those idiots will cause trouble once they are idle; second, let them supervise each other and divide factions. I must let those idiots fight by themselves, so I can check and balance them;
Third, the power of personnel arrangements and distribution of property must be in my hands. I must master the force, maintain a high-pressure situation, and must reward those idiots from time to time, give them some sweetness, and keep improving.
Just a few simple points, but I broke my heart. "
A few words are just a summary of Zhou Qingfeng's work experience over the past few days. In the past, keyboard coolies, which only talked about paper, were now being forced to use the so-called knowledge they talk about in daily life with practical use.
That's the experience, not much talk, simple and rough. But the three adventurers listened very well, they actually understood similar principles, and even actually did better than Zhou Qingfeng, but there was no way to be as easy and understandable as Zhou Qingfeng concluded.
After listening, Luke laughed and patted his thigh and said, "It's true of those stupid people. I particularly agree with the first one, that they can't be idle. Once they are idle, they will regret not killing the stupid things they committed To them. "
Tambos meditated on Zhou Qingfeng's words for a while, secretly remembering in his heart. He smiled at Zhou Qingfeng again: "Her Hugo, who is your teacher?"
"Teacher? Uh, sorry, it's inconvenient to say." Zhou Qingfeng thought to himself, "My teachers are not in this world, and they are also teaching Chinese language and mathematics, and you don't know."
Tambos nodded again, "To be able to teach such a smart student as His Excellency Hugo, your teacher must be a very wise person. The management methods you just mentioned also exist in our family, but ordinary people learn at all No. "
This is a slapstick, no shadow, no trace.
Uncle Zhou didn't know what to say.
But the old Borg added another sentence, "This kid's family has a strong heritage."
Dragon vein?
Just as the gnome witch doctor heard it for the first time, the three adventurers were shocked. Uncle Zhou was very embarrassed, and felt that he was ‘too bragging so much that he could n’t end it now’.
I ca n’t deny it, and it ’s hard to admit it.
Zhou Qingfeng had to be silent.
The three adventurers thought that Zhou Qingfeng was bragging about the situation, but saw that he was not quite right, and obviously he was not willing to talk about it. They take it for granted that this bloodline is only afraid of hiding some taboos, so that 'Hugo Hugo' said in front of the old gnome and said nothing, now it is not necessary.
Druinal Zerma approached Zhou Qingfeng and whispered, "Her Hugo, will you settle in the Black Forest? I also have some disobedient idiot servants who have been poorly managed. I wonder if I can ask you to do it for you. Discipline? "
Zhou Qingfeng was surprised, but shook his head, "I'm sorry, I don't want to stay in the Black Forest for too long. If it weren't for those nasty goblins who suddenly blocked the exit of the Black Forest, I would like to leave here immediately."
Having said this, Zhou Qingfeng felt that there was a good opportunity to win friends. He added: "Ms. Nare, it is my pleasure to believe in me.
The chaos that the goblin provokes now is afraid that it will not stop for a short time, and I can't leave. When I return to Kuronuma Village, you can send your servants, and I may be able to teach them some basic work skills. It will definitely make you feel more comfortable using it. "
Druinar's size is comparable to Todd the Barbarian. After receiving a positive promise, she laughed aloud, and rushed to give Uncle Zhou a solid hug. But she still reached out and patted Zhou Qingfeng's shoulder heavily, saying
"Her Hugo, I think you are nice, we are friends."
The female druid had almost the same strength as a black bear, and almost vomited blood from Uncle Zhou.
Frustrated, Zhou Qingfeng said with a smile: "We are now in the same camp, we can help each other to overcome the difficulties. When I came to Tielu Village, I was confident that more people would become friends.
As long as you make more friends and less enemies, victory must belong to us. "
That said, everyone was thinking.
We are in front of Tielu Village.
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