Chapter 568: Benefactor

The two devils came out of the ‘Holy Light’ headquarters building angrily, and their mentality exploded. If he couldn't beat Carl's big fat man, he had to fight the guy.
Everyone is here to make trouble in Tianyang. Why do n’t you, a German, betray your enemy and say something ‘untimely’?
Damn it!
People in this country are denying themselves, just like the Soviet Union is known to destitute their motherland. Maybe one day is another successful color revolution.
Free people, it will be restored again.
As a result, Carl actually paid attention to the money, but encouraged him from the perspective of others. He almost jumped on stage to sing praises to this country.
Does he know how much his words will affect? This needs good image management, and maybe one day it will become an 'old friend of the Chinese people'.
Carl, you is really shameless, actually selling the soul to the devil for a monthly salary of 100,000 yuan. Why didn't I see through your mean and dirty heart, and actually betrayed the democratic world!
The two devils were angry. He wasn't a professional agent, he couldn't restrain his anger, so he turned around when he got too hot. He walked out of the ‘Holy Light’ headquarters and did n’t know where to go ...
A ‘Changan Star’ stopped outside the building. As soon as the sliding door opened, the old devil Watanabe got out of it.
While receiving the reporters in the welcome hall, Vice President Watanabe also showed a Japanese in front of the camera, and then expressed his identity in Chinese.
Regardless of whether future generations are happy or not, people nowadays really eat this set. TV stations and paper media are very fond of Watanabe.
Er Guizi also saw Watanabe before, and the two pretended not to know each other. But Qin Hao was just stimulated by Karl Yitong in the building, and seeing the old devil was like meeting his comrades after the robbery.
"Your Excellency Watanabe." Qin Hao threw himself overjoyed. "Your Excellency Watanabe, I believe you will never betray you. You Japanese are the most loyal allies of the United States."
The old devil is not tall, and the person is thinner, shorter than the second devil. When someone rushed to his eyes, he had no time to distinguish. Instead, he stood still and bowed.
After bowing again, Vice President Watanabe was expressionless, "Qin Sang, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that you are still in Tianyang."
"Yeah, yeah." Qin Hao nodded and thought, "Watanabe, don't look down and pretend to be unfamiliar with me."
At the beginning, it was your idea to come to Tianyang for trouble. You are the head of us, and now the guy Carl has been bought, you can't just sit back and ignore it. "
Qin Hao stared straight, and Watanabe seemed ashamed. The latter lowered his head, "Qin Sang, is there anything I need to help?"
The two devils looked around. This ‘headquarters building’ has people coming and going, and there are so many people who know Watanabe, at least a few security guards at the door have stared over.
This is really not a good place to speak.
Qin Hao thought about how to have a good talk with Watanabe, and ‘Chang’an Star’ came down again with four or five people. They are all about the same age as the old devil, there are forty or fifty, there are also fifty or sixty.
These people did not spread out after getting out of the car, only standing quietly behind Watanabe, silent. Although their appearance and dress are ordinary, Qin Hao is very keenly aware that these are definitely not Chinese.
Tolerance is different.
Then compare Watanabe.
This is to help the Japanese.
Qin Hao's full stomach had to be stuffed back and asked in a puzzled way: "Your Excellency Watanabe, these are ...?"
The scene was awkward, Watanabe ’s head was lower, and he sighed a long time, "Recently, the group will set up an airline and the business is expanding rapidly.
Your Excellency the President has added trust to me. As the vice president of the group, I feel very stressed and very uneasy in managing affairs.
I recently applied for the recruitment of more professionals, especially in management. Your Excellency said that you do not need to be limited to nationality and origin, as long as you have the ability to introduce. "
Qin Hao didn't understand it for a while, and after a few seconds, he jumped up and shouted, "Watanabe, did you pull a group of Japanese people to work for the Holy Light?"
In terms of management, Europe and America have a special system. However, the degree of social development is different, and it is not appropriate for the European and American systems to be applied rigidly in East Asia.
Japan is at the forefront of East Asian countries in terms of industrialization, and the management system that has spread to Europe and the United States has been improved. South Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan are all extensions of Japanese management.
There are still some old foundations in technology in China, but Singapore, which has been studying government management for a while, can only learn Japan in enterprise management.
Qin Hao exclaimed, the old devil could only sigh, "very ashamed, but this is indeed the case."
A sentence of ‘ashamed’, the two devils felt that their heart was hurt and hurt.
"Why are you all like this?" Qin Hao felt incomprehensible. He lowered his voice and squeezed out a half sentence from his teeth. "When did the Japanese fall to come to China to find work?"
Watanabe is also a complex face, and replied painfully: "Because the Japanese economy is not good now!"
91 years!
It's 91 years now!
Please remember this historical time.
The Japanese economy was at its peak in the 1980s, but because of Japan-US trade frictions, Japan underwent financial liberalization and monetary easing under U.S. pressure, the yen appreciated significantly, and the economy overheated.
Next ..., something incredible happened.
To curb the overheating of the economy, the Bank of Japan suddenly raised the benchmark interest rate from 2.5% to 6%. Market funds suddenly lost liquidity.
The economic bubble was punctured.
In December 1989, the Nikkei index plunged from its highest point. It fell by 20% in two or three months, and fell by half after ten months.
In March 1990, the Japanese government issued a new policy to tighten mortgages, and the housing market plummeted immediately.
If at this moment the domestic economy is standing on the edge of a cliff, the Japanese economy is already rushing towards hell. Countless Japanese assets are in the stock market and the property market, and they went bankrupt overnight.
Many Showa Shepherds lived their lives for a lifetime, and in the blink of an eye, they not only became poor, but also owed a huge sum of money that was never clear to the bank.
The company was liquidated, its employees were laid off, the house was taken away, and his wife suddenly disappeared, not even the livestock. They either committed suicide or they could only run away.
Japan's low-sex society started from this moment. Young people do not have children, consumption has dropped sharply, and aging has intensified rapidly.
But wherever there is a way to live, people do not want to die after all. Some old society animals are forced to help, as long as they can get rid of bank debts, they can go wherever they want, and they can just give a meal.
Because banks in Japan do not personally collect debts, but subcontract debts to specialized debt companies. The debt companies are all opened by Yakuza.
Debt collection by the gangster-like Yakuza is definitely an experience in Japan that is better than death.
Watanabe expressed his willingness to help the "Holy Light" from Japan to recruit some "skilled workers", and the wage requirements are quite low. But these individuals have limited personal freedom and cannot get out.
This matter can't be changed for others, but it can't help President Zhou!
Uncle Zhou has a special smuggling fleet to deliver entertainment products to Japan. In a low desire society, comics and videos are better sold.
The few people behind Watanabe are all old-fashioned animals who have been working in a large company for half their lives. Management, technology research and development are considered good hands.
Half a life of hard work, and now he is in trouble again.
The old animals were forced to help but arrived in hk by smuggling boat from Tokyo. Sofia provided them with authentic documents of "forgery", which was guaranteed by "Holy Light" so that they could fly to Tianyang all the way.
This is just the first batch. If all goes well, there will be no problem if there are hundreds or thousands of livestock in the back.
According to Watanabe, there are more people in Japan now who die every day because of bankruptcy.
Suicidal, depressive, psychiatric hospitals, missing and missing, countless.
The Japanese have a mentality of not wanting to trouble others. Once faced with a desperate situation, they tend to walk into the mountains and stop there. No one knows their ending.
Based on the average life expectancy of Japan, the old-fashioned animals willing to choose to come to Tianyang are already very strong in spirit, and they can still drive for at least a decade.
It's very cost-effective.
Others don't know that Uncle Zhou is almost unhappy.
Qin Hao asked this question clearly, pointing to Watanabe, who was already speechless, "You ..., you ..., how can you do this?"
"I'm sorry to trouble you." The old devil bowed down, "but the" Holy Light "group is already a big company with more than $ 100 million in assets.
As the vice president of the group, I must stick to my responsibilities. So I cannot give up, because many people still need to live. "
As Watanabe bowed, the old livestock behind him bowed.
Qin Hao is even more crazy, "Don't be like this. How can you bow down and apologize? What's the use? It's useless!"
Watanabe took the old society animals and bowed again.
Qin Haoqi jumped up and down-don't bow down and apologize, take a responsible attitude, okay? Have you considered what should I do?
Outside the headquarters building, several security guards have long been staring. Everyone was very curious and bowed for Vice President Mao with sincerity.
Who is the one who is jumping?
Mr. Watanabe's benefactor.
This has been bowed several times and hasn't stopped, this kindness seems quite big!
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