Chapter 569: Volume advantage

The rise and fall of a country is always accompanied by economic prosperity and decline.
If you look at it for a long time, Japan's "lost two decades" began at the end of the last century, and the GDP has been oscillating between US $ 4 trillion and US $ 6 trillion.
In the world's gdp rankings, Japan maintained the second place all the year round, and was surpassed by China until the 10th year of the new century. It has also been ranked third. Even in 19 years, Japan's gdp is one trillion dollars higher than fourth-place Germany.
A detailed comparison reveals that Japan ’s economy is not bad and still occupies an important part of the world ’s industrial system. If there is no comparison of China, it can even be called tough.
Japan ’s ‘weakness’ also depends on who it is compared with.
But in the global GDP share, Japan ’s share has been declining, from about 15% in 1991 to about 6% in 19.
China increased from 1.6% in 1991 to about 16% in 19 years. Only ten years later, Japan's gdp is only slightly more than one-third of China's.
Thirty years ago, no one dared to dream this dream!
Many people are asking, how did China get to this point?
Watanabe and the old-fashioned animals behind him experienced Japan's economic rise after World War II, and would not expect to experience a similar process once again when they reach old age.
Only this time it was not in Japan.
"Watanabe Sang, who was the one just now?" An old veteran animal or Watanabe's predecessor is entitled to take the initiative to speak.
After being irritated, Qin Hao almost exploded in place, and jumped angrily and left.
"Don't worry, a stupid." Watanabe shook his head. "Everyone, you are somewhere. This building is the 'Holy Light' headquarters, and you will start a new life here."
A few days ago, a bunch of old animals didn't know that there was such a place in Tianyang. They were all recently unemployed, their houses were taken away by banks, their savings and pensions were all gone, and they had to live in hotels.
There is no news in the media that is good. Every day I hear news of suicide. They hide and hide in fear, for fear of bumping into the 'Yakuza' who came to collect debts.
Japanese society is already under great pressure, and no one is immune to this national economic collapse. Everyone's mood is even darker.
Coming to Tianyang is not a thoughtful idea. The animals in the old society are more to escape, just leave Japan.
At most, some people fled to Southeast Asia, South Korea, Europe and America, and they were contacted by Watanabe.
This group of people floated on the smuggling boat for a few days. After arriving at hk, they immediately boarded the plane. It was like a dog for the family along the way. There was no time to consider the next step.
Until now, Watanabe said a few words, "Here is the place." Several people were relieved and had a mood to look at their current situation. They bowed to Watanabe and shouted, "Trouble you."
The vice president Watanabe was sighing. If a person's fate changes so easily, is there anything more bizarre in the world?
I'm afraid it's rare.
"Holy Light" wants to expand its scale, and then it will not work with Zhou Qingfeng's simple and rough management methods. He can't clear the problems in the group like dealing with dissidents, he must let professionals do the work.
Watanabe did a good job at the battery factory, and was quickly promoted to the position of vice president.
There is no other way for Zhou Qingfeng to do this, because he really does not have qualified management personnel. Xiao Jinlang will not work, Zheng Ping will not work, Lin Wan will not work, Huang Li will not work, Ouyang Jun and Gong Wei will not work.
But after Vice President Watanabe, he also faced new difficulties.
"Holy Light" 's current business is not small, smuggling of production and sales, a lot of things, and now also traded with the Soviet Union. This management difficulty has skyrocketed.
Staying in the vice president's office, Watanabe's role is not as great as in a battery factory. The local cadres were not trained, and the employees underneath did not see Watanabe's ruthless role, and there was a tendency to gradually release sheep.
For the employees on the production line, Zhou Qingfeng is really angry. They are just like the indigenous soldiers in the outside world. As long as they leave the line of sight of the managers, they immediately speculate and try to cut corners.
Modern industrial products, pay attention to a few turns of screws.
Good craftsmanship can 'turn decay into magic', and bad craftsmanship 'turn miraculous into decay'. If the front-line workers are in chaos, Zhou Qingfeng is like a needle in the president's office.
There is no way. One Watanabe is not enough. Let ’s have a few more Watanabe. If there are not enough, there will be dozens. Whether he is an old devil or a little devil, a good devil can control the production line.
Tokyo's old society animals come to the "Holy Light" to be a useful place. When they arrived at hk, they read the news and learned that the new owner's business is very broad, and it is a means to open the sky to open the ‘big company’ of the airline division.
When Watanabe coaxed the old gang animals, he did not dare to say that his group's current main business is to build tricycles. When the latter arrived in Tianyang, he felt that although the city was surprisingly rotten, the headquarters building was good.
Let's visit the office area in the building again. There are hundreds of computers on several floors, which makes people feel different. This is like a modern enterprise.
The predecessors of Lao She are also well-informed and asked in a low voice, "Watanabe Mulberry, this group is bigger than we thought."
Watanabe didn't understand the meaning of this for a moment. Waiting for several people to watch the plan of ‘Holy Light’ Industrial Park together, the most lamenting thing is not how many projects and buildings there are in the plan
It is a brief description of Tianyang next to the plan.
"Tianyang has a total area of ​​nearly 40,000 square kilometers and a total population of about 7 million. Its province has an area of ​​nearly 170,000 square kilometers and a population of nearly 40 million. Tianyang is located in the south, with hundreds of millions of people around and a huge market. "
Watanabe retold this passage, and several old-school animals were in a daze.
The total area of ​​Japan is less than 400,000 square kilometers, and the current population is only 120 million. Tokyo is counted as a densely populated area.
In fact, in terms of population and area, Japan is larger than the United States and the old capitalist countries in Europe. This is also the fundamental reason why its economic scale has always occupied the second and third place in the world.
But if the target is changed to China, the Japanese will be able to die. All Japanese manufacturers coming to China will face a question. Why is this country so big? So much population?
Mass, mass, mass!
This word must be said three times.
Japanese engineers develop a new product, and the sales target may be one million units, and the market will be saturated. He had to rack his brains to regain costs and sufficient profits on a million units.
This is why Japan attaches great importance to overseas markets. Because of its own domestic market alone, a lot of companies will go bankrupt.
However, it is far more difficult to develop foreign markets than the domestic market. Now it is the early 1990s. The Yankees are desperately adding tariffs to Japanese products, and it is not uncommon to hit Japanese cars and electrical appliances.
Several big car companies in Japan are having a hard time now.
In China, the sales of one million household products are just beginning. The billion-level market is larger than the combined value of Europe, America, Japan and South Korea.
Commodities can circulate freely in this market. Guangdong's goods were bought in Xinjiang thousands of kilometers away, and no one would jump out and say that they would charge tariffs.
This will be a completely different strategy in product design and pricing. Selling one million and ten million for the same product is completely different.
What if you sell 100 million? That can even affect the industrial landscape.
Tianyang, a small place that has never been seen before, actually has a population of 7 million. If you think about it, there are hundreds of millions of people around it, and all the old society animals are stunned.
"Watanabe Sang, does the 'Holy Light' product have a competitor?" Asked the predecessor of the old company animal.
Watanabe already understood what his compatriots were feeling and replied in a low voice: "The" Holy Light "Group has no competitors. Its only enemy is itself."
The old animals almost burst into tears.
Unified territory, unified law, unified language, unified culture, unified ethnic group. Such a good market is simply a dream place for manufacturing!
"Holy Light" the most urgent thing now is to explode capacity, explode capacity, explode capacity, desperately explode capacity!
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