Chapter 583: Nuclear arsenal

On the night Zhou Qingfeng arrived in Moscow, Deputy Minister Chuikov signed a secret contract with him. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test
The two parties agreed that at the end of September, "Holy Light" will arrange the freighter to depart from Guangzhou and ship all light industrial products of the first phase of "Canned to Airplane" to Vladivostok.
Fifteen hundred containers of cargo will arrive in Moscow within a week via the Siberian Railway. The last three of the four Tu-154s will also be delivered at the end of the month, completing the first phase of the transaction.
Now the market in Moscow is extremely scarce, and even the potatoes are not available on the empty shelves. Citizens can only buy extremely limited goods in line overnight.
In contrast, the sharp depreciation of the ruble seems worthless. Mao Zi's uncles and aunts were even embarrassed to the point of spontaneous barter exchange.
The first stage of "canned aircraft replacement" was completed five years earlier than the Nande Group. It will effectively stabilize the social order in Moscow and is also crucial to stabilizing Choikov's position.
After the completion of the first phase of the barter trade, ‘Holy Light’ will continue to transport goods to Vladivostok or Leningrad (St. Petersburg) by sea.
‘Canned Aircraft for Aircraft’ entered the second stage. "Holy Light" will obtain ten Il-76 transport planes, and directly hire Soviet pilots and corresponding personnel.
The ten Il-76s will be transferred from the Ermao family by the Soviet Ministry of Aeronautics and Industry, and will form a fleet dedicated to the transportation of cargo from Moscow to the Imperial Capital.
Such as transporting heavy trucks and tobacco.
If the second-stage barter trade goes smoothly, then there will be a third-stage. Cui Kefu promised to organize a team of experts to Tianyang to inspect the work of building a passenger aircraft overhaul plant.
The number of personnel will be selected from the Ministry of Aviation Industry, the Central Air Fluid Mechanics Research Institute, and the Ilyushin Aircraft Design Bureau. The leader is not less than the academician or deputy minister.
The secret contract is not open to the public, and negotiators from both parties will refine it and implement it as soon as possible. At present, this is the split in the league, and countless ambitious people have sprung up like wild grass.
After confirming the contract, Zhou Qingfeng and Cui Kefu got up and shook hands. Both men expressed concern about the current situation and hope to conclude a deal as soon as possible.
Chuikov came to the hotel at 8 o'clock after dark, and left at less than 10 o'clock. He was energetic but in a hurry, either meeting someone or on the way to the meeting.
Zhou Qingfeng was also very busy. He began to contact the visiting negotiating team members who had arrived earlier one by one, to inquire about the other party's current situation and gains, and asked them to obey the command-if they were not obedient, they would not give the event funds.
How can you let these guys jump like fleas?
Really bureaucratic team members felt that the Holy Light had no right to control themselves. This kind of person's blacklist of presidents immediately refused to give any further financial support and removed it from the team.
After handling a bunch of trivia, at twelve in the night, President Zhou was still awake. He did not walk through the main entrance of the hotel, and jumped out of his suite window like a raccoon cat, and landed firmly on the ground of Lubyanka Square.
The square is very deserted, and there are street lamps to illuminate it. There are military police and armored vehicles at the intersections leading to various places. Now the alliance is very unusual, and no one dares to take the key departments lightly.
Late night temperatures have dropped to four or five degrees, exhaled into fog. Wearing a black coat, Zhou Qingfeng turned around the hotel and went straight along the street.
After walking for about two hundred meters, the headlights of a ‘Volkswagen’ sedan flashed. The car window was lowered, revealing a large Marcos.
After Zhou Qingfeng opened it, the car door was seated in, and the 'Volkswagen' started immediately and left quickly. Marcos, who was driving, glanced at the rearview mirror and said in a deep voice: "Boss, I didn't expect you to come to Moscow."
"Here is not hell, why can't I come?"
"Oh, it's almost like hell. If you come a month ago, you can still see a good show. The great alliance is in front of the whole world, and there is a loud explosion."
Marcos deliberately made the sound of an explosion and sighed again and again.
"You are not from the Soviet Union, is it necessary to be so emotional?"
"Do n’t forget, I am also a Russian. This is my second homeland."
Marcos grabbed a stack of documents and handed them to the back seat. After receiving it, Zhou Qingfeng opened the document bag and asked casually, "How have you been during this time?"
"That's to meet old friends and restore some past connections. Many people feel that I'm crazy, and I have to escape and actually come back. In fact, I also feel that I'm stupid."
Marcos pouted, and Zhou Qingfeng in the rearview mirror didn't look at him, but was flipping through the pages in the paper bag.
The Soviet Union ’s nuclear industry is quite large, and it is managed by multiple agencies. The civilian aspect is the Ministry of Nuclear Energy Industry, which mainly manages nuclear reactors and masters low-enriched nuclear materials.
Zhou Qingfeng asked for more than 96% of highly enriched nuclear material and could only request it from the military's scientific research institute. This includes institutions under the Ministry of Medium Machinery Industry and the Military Industry Commission.
These institutions often only have code names, such as ‘Chelyabinsk-40’, ‘Tomsk-7’, ‘Krasnoyarsk-26’, etc.
The code and the specific location are not consistent, even intentionally. Only high-density personnel can know the specific location of these institutions and factories.
"Boss, there are good news and bad news."
"Don't come to me with this set, just speak straight."
"Nuclear materials are strictly controlled and confidential materials. When the alliance established those research institutions, it considered how to keep them safely in the context of nuclear war.
So even if the whole country is a mess, all nuclear research institutions and management systems remain stable. I dare not even directly investigate the status of those secret agencies, and dare not mention related issues to anyone. "
"This sounds like bad news. What is the good news?"
Zhou Qingfeng asked ‘good news’, and Marcos grinned hahaha,
The good news is that you are not the only boss who is staring at the Union ’s nuclear materials and technology.
It really counts, you are the most humble of them. No one would think you would be so brave to intervene. "
"I guess it's the Americans who are most worried about the Union's nuclear arsenal getting out of control."
"Yeah, Americans are not worried about the smuggling of conventional coalition weapons of the coalition and the proliferation of short-range ballistic missiles.
They even took the initiative to contribute money and demand strict management of the Union ’s nuclear arsenal, even if someone intentionally embezzled their money. "
As long as the Union ’s nuclear arsenal is controlled, what is the cost? Anyway, eagle sauce has money.
The two in the car laughed for a while, and Marcos said with a straight face, "as far as I know, the other four members of the Security Council require the coalition to strictly manage its nuclear arsenal.
However, some countries still want to take advantage of the chaos. They tried to spend money to lure some researchers and managers to defect, but the effect is not good at present. "
All personnel with access to nuclear arsenals are registered and closely monitored. So Marcos did not dare to investigate it directly, and could only find a way to falter.
Mao Zi ’s nuclear arsenal is out of control, which is unacceptable to the five gangsters. As they joined forces, anyone in the global village had to be pressed down.
Only after a few more years, when the coalition completely disintegrates and the cost of maintaining a nuclear arsenal is stretched, will someone secretly leave or get some nuclear materials to sell money.
And now ...
"There is only one way now." Marcos circled the 'Volkswagen' car in the surrounding streets and returned to Lubyanka Square. He stopped the car and looked back at Zhou Qingfeng in the back seat ...
Zhou Qingfeng raised his head, "What way?"
"Go steal or grab directly."
"Are there any goals?"
"Er Mao."
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