Chapter 584: Right after

Zhou Qingfeng took the opportunity to arrive in Moscow, followed by a small tail behind his ass. Watermark Advertisement Test Watermark Advertisement Test Watermark Advertisement Test Watermark Advertisement Test Compared with his single-handedness in running to the bear house, Xiaoyan Niu Megan has quite strong resources to use.
It was just that when Meghan landed at Moscow International Airport, he complained to the pick-up staff, "What the does that want to do? He didn't buy four broken planes, what else do he want to buy?"
Next to Xiaoyang Niu is partner Daniel. This sturdy agent reaches out to cover the shading, and feels very moved to the place where he once was a strong enemy.
"Meghan, I said long ago that there is no need to investigate this 'Holy Light'. If the guy named 'Zhou' goes to Japan, I still worry about one or two, but he came to this broken empire. ..., to pick up the junk? "
The partner's move made Xiao Yangniu's eyebrows stand up, and the two got on the car provided by the eagle sauce embassy. The staff of the embassy handed in a file-the head of the deputy minister Cui Kefu was impressive.
The file was named by Xiao Yangniu, because it was Chuikov who initiated a series of transactions between Shengguang and the Soviet side. She turned and asked the embassy staff who drove, "Is there anything special about this vice minister?"
The embassy staff smiled, "I don't know what to tell you, because there is too much news now. We have to accept the double-digit sincerity every day, and we are too busy to take care of other things.
As for this Chuikov, we only know that he is more active recently. But there are so many of them now. The rank is higher than him, the status is more important than him has at least four figures.
For example, the general Defense Minister Grachov, who is occupying an important position, is desperately trying to make money, for which he is instructed to dispose of the weapons and equipment of the various republics. Because the coalition is about to disintegrate, they will withdraw their troops.
The garrison in the 173rd Military Region of Grozny did business under the command of the general. They probably abandoned more than fifty combat aircraft, ten sets of air defense missiles, hundreds of armored vehicles, and countless weapons and ammunition.
We were stunned by the fact that mechanized equipment sufficient to equip tens of thousands of people was sold or abandoned. But this is not a single case, but a common phenomenon. The participating republics continue to be independent and refuse to provide supplies to the Union Garrison.
The garrison not only has no food, but also has lost all its dignity. All the republics are chasing them away, but they have not received any orders from their superiors and they do not know where they should go? "
The staff at the Eagle Embassy made a weird cry, "Our opponents have lost control of themselves, which has disturbed us very much. Now who is going to manage an under-ranked deputy minister?"
The word ‘trouble’ is emphasized.
He laughed a lot when he partnered with Danielton, a very happy laugh. It was the joy of victory after decades of ruthless fighting, and it was the happiness of watching opponents in a mess.
Daniel smiled, and the embassy staff even laughed. Only Xiaoyang Niu continued to look down at the files and materials. She solemnly asked: "The" Holy Light "rented the Soviet transport plane? Why didn't you report this?"
The embassy staff shrugged, "This is too much, it's not a surprise to be smuggled blatantly. We can't report everything to the dod."
"What is smuggled?" Xiaoyang Niu is particularly sensitive to the combination of the words "Holy Light" and "Smuggling".
"I don't know." The embassy personnel shook their heads. "We are busy monitoring important facilities and equipment such as nuclear weapons, but we can't control others.
But just ask the people at the airport, and you can know clearly with a phone call. This is not difficult at all, and many people are willing to provide us with information. "
"Then ask me now." Xiaoyang Niu said seriously, "I want to know everything about this company."
"Are you serious?" The embassy staff drove, glancing at Megan in the rearview mirror, and then at his partner Daniel.
The bulky Daniel sighed reluctantly, "This rookie is so young, impulsive, and only wants to know if she wants to stop. The key is that she came from a famous family, which is why I accompanied her to Moscow."
Hearing the ‘Birthplace of Origin’, the embassy staff had no choice. He also felt the unusual momentum in Xiaoyangniu's body. The children of most people did not have such an attitude.
But indeed, as the embassy pick-up staff said, he just called and asked a few words, and he got a reply in a few minutes.
Last week, five Il-76s from Ukraine shipped fifteen heavy trucks to the Imperial Capital and returned more than two hundred tons of fine tobacco.
The consignee of this batch of tobacco is under the leadership of Deputy Minister Chuikov of the Ministry of Aviation Industry. No taxes are paid, no customs, and no cover-up. That batch of tobacco is very popular, and all sold out in a blink of an eye.
Heavy trucks and tobacco? This is not a great cargo.
Xiaoyang Niu took a break, and the embassy staff shook her head slightly. Partner Daniel was also relieved and said in a deep voice: "Meghan, don't worry too much. This is worth mentioning cross-border smuggling.
This kind of thing happens all the time in the world. If you have stayed at the US-Mexico border, you will know that the same thing is happening in our country, even more rampant. "
Megan still shook his head, "Where did the high-end machine tools and chips sold by" Holy Light "come from? The Soviet Union lacked this thing, and Choikov could not provide it to" Holy Light. ""
Daniel can only show his hand to the embassy staff again, saying that his partner is so stubborn-a small smuggling case, what happens every day. She kept checking.
After a while, the mobile phones of the embassy staff rang again. The airport side was probably completely bought up, providing more detailed information.
"The airport said that about half a month ago, they stopped a special group of people and cargo. It was the so-called" negotiation team "sent by the" Holy Light "who came forward to solve the problem.
The little girl immediately and sensitively asked: "Special? How special?"
"The reason why the airport intercepted was because a security inspector wanted to make some money. The intercepted person used a fake passport, and the goods shipped were rocket parts filled with a dozen metal suitcases."
"Rocket?" Xiao Yang Ni frowned, "What then?"
"The security inspector extorted thousands of dollars and smashed all the rocket parts, but the people and goods were still leaving the country." The embassy staff commented, "This is the current standard operation and has been considered due diligence. . "
"Diligently?" Xiaoyang Niu cursed angrily: "Using a fake passport, this is smuggling. You can't say the rocket parts from the source, this is illegal smuggling.
Finally, after collecting some money, the people are let go. This kind of security personnel should be prosecuted. If I were a judge, I had to make him regret it all his life in prison. "
Both Daniel and the embassy staff were frightened. The two quickly said, ‘Calm and calm, this is not the United States, we ca n’t control it. ’
The little girl was angry, and asked again: "What else? This is certainly not the only crime committed by the Holy Light? What else did they do?"
The embassy staff glanced at Daniel and seemed to seek some help. But this partner can't control Megan like a wildcat, and can only pretend to be invisible.
The former can only continue to say: "Five Il-76s have recently become ten, and they run at least one‘ Moscow-Urumqi-Emperor ’
flight each day. Each time they are fully loaded.
Recently, the price of tobacco in Moscow has dropped by half. The "Holy Light" has shipped too much, completely occupying the tobacco market in Moscow. "Three Five" cigarettes are not easy to sell. "
(Do n’t forget to order the public account ad. It ’s the ad that pops out under the video. A little bit of hair is also love!)
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