Chapter 613: "Rock"

On the simple map prepared by the Harmony Chamber of Commerce, the unnamed villages in the war have only a simple number. It is recorded because there are hundreds of people in the village and a well.
But the village is too poor and there are basically no commodities to trade. Only a small number of people accept the employment of the Chamber of Commerce and engage in some manual labor.
For the Horton family in Broken Bridge City, the village formed by the refugees simply did not exist. The villagers were unable to pay any taxes, as if cockroaches and fleas had come from the house, only the old men would feel disgusted.
If it weren't for chasing the light cavalry led by Zhou Qingfeng, Kyle Holden would never come to this place more than 20 kilometers away from the city in his lifetime, nor would he know the terrain and landforms nearby.
Now all the low buildings in the village have been demolished, just to build a rough line of defense. The villagers not only had to demolish their homes by themselves, they were also driven out of the line of defense after work, and they were forbidden to come closer.
When the scar-faced strong Han Sak led the team out, several wandering villagers could not dodge and were ruthlessly knocked down by tall war horses. These horses have been blessed with speed and strength by the entourage wizard, and their impact has doubled.
Kyle Holden watched his general coldly and waved his hand. Several archers took a forty-five degree string shot and fired several lit rockets out of a hundred meters.
The rocket was wrapped with grease-stained cloth strips, like a few flares, drawing a bright track in the night sky, and even burning for a few minutes after landing, exposing the opponent's whereabouts.
At the moment when the light flashed, Zhou Qingfeng also watched. The man in Broken Bridge City took the initiative to attack, and the cavalry behind him was eager to try.
A link network with a range of 500 meters covered most of the battlefield. Officers at all levels of the infantry regiment sent the information they obtained to Zhou Qingfeng's head, and then passed it to the corresponding team after his decision.
If the distance is more than 500 meters, or if something needs to be rewarded or admonished in person, the herald will be dispatched.
In this way, Uncle Zhou is simply a battlefield router.
The elite heavy ride on the opposite side came out, and the battalion code-named "Rock" in the infantry regiment had just completed the whole team. The whole camp had 120 people, three rows and forty columns, and immediately turned its gun head, following the drums of Drum Long, and striding forward.
Tonight is the first battle, but also a difficult night battle.
Ma Han couldn't help but decided to engage in 'front commander', followed by 'Rock' with his big shield. The regimental commander was on the front line, forcing officers at all levels below to only push down.
With the sound of snare drums, the 120-person "rock" stopped the entire team every 20 meters forward, and stopped a hundred meters ahead to form a barrier to protect the other two battalions in the rear.
The three rows of infantry stood side by side with only one punch between them. In the front row, the lance was stationed, squatted in half, stepped on with his feet. The last two rows put the long guns on the front shoulders, forming a hedgehog-like formation.
The enemies on the other side rushed over with rumble hoofs.
Even if extravagant night vision potions were used, the infantry could not see far. They didn't know the number and direction of the enemy. They only felt that the impact of more than 20 rides was no different from that of thousands of troops, which was terrifying.
Night combat training requires high quality soldiers. The infantry of the cold wind city was only half a year old. The soldiers opened their eyes wide and felt the throbbing heart beating, and the inexplicable fear made humans instinctively want to escape.
As a commander, Ma Han can clearly feel the emotional fluctuations of the soldiers in the face of actual combat. He shouted loudly, raising his big shield like a thousand times leading the team in the past and walking straight to the front of the queue.
This time, Zhou Qingfeng no longer forced Ma Han to return to the command position.
"No one is allowed to retreat, all officers are in the first line, and the offenders are executed by military law."
Ma Han's voice is quite hoarse, and also has a unique identification. He ordered that all officers of the ‘Panshi’ battalion, including the squad leader, could only stand out daringly, and form another line in front of the whole battalion.
The cold wind city system determines that it is quite a difficult thing to want to be a deserter. If an officer defected, he would suffer a lot. The link network was working, and as soon as Ma Han came out, his men could only follow.
The archer of Broken Bridge City followed the heavy ride, continuously throwing rockets to indicate the route for the impact.
The unusual response of the Infantry of the Coldwind City made Scar Sack stunned. The elite of Broken Bridge City has completed a small acceleration, but they really have to ride the lances against the infantry again, and the masters will not do it.
In the past, the infantry encountered heavy riding, and they could feel the collapse of the sky hundreds of meters away and fled immediately. But today the infantry army is tightly groomed, and the cavalry rushed to the 30-meter range to maintain their formation.
A distance of thirty meters is nothing but a blink of an eye for the cavalry of the impact.
If you don't want to really rush up, Scar Sark must turn her head. He yelled on his horse and saw that there was a man with a large shield on the opposite side who seemed to be a leader, and he threw the tomahawk he was holding.
The cavalry battle axe is not the same as the infantry. The axe handle is only about one meter, and the axe has a big palm. This thing is at most two or three kilograms, whirling with the speed given by the horse sprint.
With a clatter ... Mahan felt that his entire left arm was numb, the tower shield was hit, and the impact was not small. Just when he sighed slightly, there were several screams around him.
All of the more than twenty elites carried by Scar Sack turned around in front of the 'Rock' camp, and they all threw their hands and threw all the weapons at hand like darts.
This time, more than 20 heavy weapons struck, most of them hitting the line of heavy infantry. Especially the officers who were ordered to stand on the front line bear the brunt.
The impact of the horse's acceleration is quite large, and the officers are not huge tower shields. In the face of bows and arrows and throwing weapons, heavy infantry can only bow their heads and shake the long gun in their hands to block.
This is a gamble.
The dense gun forest can greatly increase the probability of blocking, and the thick forged helmet and plate armor can also resist general attacks. Plus......
All officers and first-line soldiers have at least one "shield" gem in their hands. At the critical moment, everyone crushed the gemstone to activate the arcane ‘shield’.
Many officers in the front row were smashed by an axe, hammer, or something. The invisible shield greatly weakened the power of throwing weapons.
In addition to the two limbs of the rank officers who were cut off in the bare limbs, the screams of others were mostly scared. After all, in the dark night, the head was sullen, and people would cry.
Many officers climbed up after being hit and found that good defense saved their lives. Even if the wounded also have health soldiers coming up and dragging away the bandage, lest blood screams on the front line and affect the emotions of other soldiers.
More than 20 heavy weapons fell to the ground, and his damage was still within range. The morale of the "Rock" camp suddenly soared, and officers and soldiers had several times more confidence, which was more effective than training a hundred times on the training ground.
The enemy is not as strong as expected.
The voices of the soldiers showed obvious joy, which made Scar Sack and others who had just turned their horses' heads look back.
It is expected that this hand throwing weapon is a killing trick. It should cut at least a dozen people, so that the team of hundreds of people instantly collapses. Not only was it not frustrating after being hit, but it was the first time I saw cheers.
Under the lighting of the projectile rocket, several infantry soldiers who were knocked down could stand up again. The queue did not lose much at all.
"The defense of these guys is too strong. They don't know if they are afraid?"
Scar Sark urged the horse to want to launch another wave of attack, and after rushing to the side if he could not do it, the weakness of the infantry's poor mobility was not saved.
But without waiting for his order, a companion behind him exclaimed: "Sark, there is a team of cavalry behind us."
(I ’m here to read the scriptures again, the public account of ‘Take a Taoist’, please click here for attention)
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