Chapter 614: Night Attack and Defense (1)

In the unknown village, the atmosphere is getting more and more tense.
The archers of the Horton family kept firing rockets, round after round, until the majority of their arrows were shot empty before having to stop.
Usually the archer comes with three arrows. Carry a tube on his body and carry two tubes on the horse. Each tube is about ten. Really fought, this arrow will support for more than half an hour.
It is useless to carry too much, and the archer is also weak.
As the rocket became more and more sparse, Kyle Holden had to squeeze through the simple-built barriers, staring his eyes wide and watching the night. Because the secret eyes prepared by the entourage wizard have also been exhausted and can no longer provide battlefield information.
Tonight is a cloudy day, with no stars and moons. Mortal vision is really limited, especially in the dark.
The scarred face of Sack took more than twenty elite horses to attack, and soon disappeared. Kyle Holden was worried about the loss of his men, and he gritted his teeth and called a celebrity from the village defense line.
"Hall, you took a dozen people to follow Sack, protecting his side. I'm worried that enemies in the dark will launch a sneak attack on him."
Hall is also a strong man with a ugly face. He caressed his chest and obeyed. Without much nonsense, he called out a group of knights to go out of the village, followed by Sach who was in front of him, fifty meters behind.
This is mainly the light cavalry guarding against Hugo, and the knights of Broken Bridge City are the most troublesome for them. For the infantry in the cold wind city, the knights have not yet learned much.
Such a command arrangement is quite satisfactory, and it is neither completely defensive nor rash. Lord Houghton did learn a lesson and rallied himself to deal with a strong enemy.
But five hundred meters away, Zhou Qingfeng held up a lightweight 62-type telescope to view the unknown village lit by fire.
The men and women of Broken Bridge City drove the villagers, built fortifications, attacked continuously, and cooperated in offensive and defensive, all of which were clearly seen in the telescope.
Without any arcane, Zhou Qingfeng can get much more information than his opponent. He even saw Kyle Holden in full armor, standing by the barricade at the entrance of the village.
The armor of the castleowner's chest has the family's giant shield logo, which is too easy to identify.
Compared to the restlessness and panic on the broken bridge side, the cold wind side is much quieter in the dark. Commands were continuously issued in the link network. Two cavalry squads flanked the scarred face of Sack, and two cavalry squads intercepted the Hall that followed.
A team of twelve players. After being ordered, the captain shouted, "I will win with me." He lightly clamped his horse's belly, raised his cavalry sword, and whistled.
The seemingly empty village outside the unknown village can actually allow horses to gallop in a very limited area. Broken potholes are not suitable for quick sprints, and only a few flat roads allow horses to accelerate.
The infantry's carriage was maneuvered through the road, and the 'Rock' battalion was blocked at a narrow intersection. Mahan led the team with his own fearless spirit to resist the enemy's first wave of offensive.
But no one can be confident if they can resist the second wave.
The infantry of the cold wind city does not have any advanced combat skills, only relying on magic gems such as ‘shield’ spell to compete with the regular knights who have been training for many years.
But the "shield" will be weakened in the battle, and the duration is also limited. But now they can't fight anymore, the commanders are in front of the line, and no one is allowed to step back.
Sak's wave of heavy riding attacks failed, and he turned his horse's head and tried to attack the opponent's side. At the same time, the cold wind cavalry of the two teams suddenly rushed from the darkness.
"Damn it. How did the light cavalry come so cleverly?"
The scarred face of Sark scolded in his heart. He led the team around and was slowing down. Once the heavy ride was out of speed, it was almost like a standing target.
The Qingqi did come by coincidence, and the darkness allowed them to appear concealed, just from the side of the enemy's heavy ride. Twenty-handle steel sabers were raised gently, and the slashes of them passed by.
The cavalry officer who led the team did not forget to shout loudly-'Enchant'.
Enchanted weapons add magical power to equipment as if they had added a sharp blade, which could bring out a bright white light.
Twenty-four sabers, twenty-four rays of light, chopped on the heavy armor of Sark in his breath.
These elites of the Houghton family have just thrown the weapons in hand at Mahan's heavy infantry, and the poor killing effect is enough to make them angry. Suddenly a morale of light cavalry appeared behind him, causing them to die.
The fierce Sack himself was so anxious that his heart beat, and he drew out his spare long knife and turned to confront the enemy with an extremely unfavorable attitude.
The bright white sword awns illuminated the face of Qing Qi, and the immature faces rushed in front of Sark. The cavalry knives came up with a sharp energy.
Zhou Qingfeng trains his troops as simple as possible, and does not need any tricks. This is true for his infantry, as well as cavalry.
With a slash, it is a contest between you and your life.
Sark's horses are still slowing down and turning, and it's even harder to turn around and fight. He fought up all his power to pour the knife body, and also lit up the knife.
The two swords collided.
The rookie with the young face gains a great advantage by the horse speed, brushing it with a knife and running away.
Sark only felt the great force from the knife body and resisted by his strong body. But the first Qingqi rushed over, and the second Qingqi held the cavalry sword horizontally in the same way, and another lance came up.
More than 20 heavy riders suffered rapid raids from end to end.
Not every knight has the power of Scar Sark, and many people are hit on the first hit. Even with the same strength of Sack, he can't bear a series of attacks like peeling onions.
There is no special way to play Qingfeng in Qingfeng City. They just held the cavalry sword lightly sideways, relying on the speed and power brought by the horses, and the sharpness brought by the 'enchanted weapon'.
Scark's face Sak was in the lead of Chongqi. He didn't care about the first blow. The second blow felt annoyed, and the third blow realized that something was wrong.
But the light cavalry behind him continued to kill as if not afraid of death.
When the armor on the body was damaged by a knife, Sack finally realized that he could not carry such a continuous attack. He quickly turned over and fell to the side of the horse, avoiding the subsequent attack.
It's a pity that Sack has encountered quite a few opponents.
Seeing the opponent avoiding, the subsequent Qingqi is unscrupulous. They stared at the enemy's heavy cavalry commander, and six or seven cavalry knives flashed in their breaths with their swords.
Sack pulled the saddle and hid on the other side of the horse. The horse was unlucky for him, the horse's side was hacked continuously, the stomach was broken, and the straps of the saddle and stirrup were cut off.
The warhorse hissed because of the heavy damage and escaped. Sark fell to the ground dizzy, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a wave of running horse legs trample on him.
At this moment, it was extremely unwise to stand up. Sack could only lie on his side and lay his hands on his head, hoping that he would have better luck.
The horseshoes stepped on the ground, screaming and screaming, and the horses running at high speed blew a whirlwind. The fallen Sack only felt his thigh was suddenly hit, followed by tearing pain.
A horse of about half a ton stepped on Sark in fright. When this hoof went down, the scarred face's leg was stepped on.
Under severe pain, Sack had to hold his thighs and screamed. He raised his head and glanced around, only to see that his horse had fallen not far away, bleeding.
Just the blink of an eye, followed by the elite heavy ride of the attack fell half.
A knight was hacked to death and his body fell to the saddle. But one of his feet was still on the stirrup. The war horse dragged the owner's body and ran blankly in the night.
As for the rookie Qingqi just now, I don't know where to go.
Fighting on the battlefield, Sack knew that the opportunity was indispensable, and he gritted his teeth to get up from the ground and dragged his broken leg to lead the horse. He untied the dead knight's body and even recognized the identity of the other party.
"Unfortunately, this guy's pretty wife is going to be widowed. The woman is holy like a saint on weekdays, I don't know who is going to be cheaper." Sark spit and he hurriedly fled on the horse with a pain.
Today's attack was really revealed. The heavy infantry of the cold wind city is quite tenacious, and the light cavalry's ability to manipulate the fighter plane is a bit unexpected.
The scar-faced Sack shook his reins, thinking about going back and making a speech to the city master—Don't play any active attack during the night of the black gurgle, it is better to stay in the village.
The horse ran but did not take a few steps. A sharp arrow shot out of the darkness, hitting Sack's back. The sharp arrows even penetrated his armor and penetrated his heart.
The scar-faced Sark, which had just been mounted, fell again and fell down.
In the dark, the half-elven archer of the Cold Wind City Hunting Squad raised his long bow and boasted to Adrian: "See? This is the real archery."
Adrian looked at the portable light crossbow with an effective range of only ten meters, and sighed. "When will the light crossbow hit a hundred meters away."
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