Chapter 802: Reform pains

Kunming is located inland, and the urban area is far less than the first-tier cities. It is built around the east of Dianchi Lake, with a long and narrow arc from north to south.
Kunming's urban area is far less than 20 years later, and Wujiaba Airport is very close to the urban area. The population of the city is only over three million, and the urban area is even smaller.
The cadres in the city drove the car, pointed to the large vacant land in the suburbs and said, "Cooperating with'Shengguang' has an advantage. They like to go to the suburbs to rebuild their houses.
The city gave this piece of land to the "Holy Light" for free, and the "Holy Light" planned to build it into a new industrial area. I heard that they did this in the magic city and went to build houses in the wasteland of Pudong. "
The female reporter of the CCTV program group then muttered, "It's not just a magic city. The'Holy Light' is like this in all major cities across the country. It is also an enclosure outside the third ring of the imperial capital to build houses. God knows why they like to build houses so much?
The third ring is enough, and the third ring is even more off. The station arranged for us to interview. The new house is surrounded by vegetable plots and there is no road. Can you build a house for ghosts in that place? "
The cadres in the city laughed, but instead looked down upon the female CCTV reporter a little bit, thinking that Bai Chang was so good-looking but thoughtless. But thinking about the self before "Holy Light" came to Kunming, I couldn't laugh.
"The world will change." The cadre leaned on the steering wheel and sighed in a long voice: "I will send you to see the factory of'Shengguang Audio-visual' later, and you will know that the world will change very quickly."
The female reporter became curious again, "What's so special about the'Holy Light' factory?"
"New large-scale modern factories will be built in the suburbs. But in order to keep pace with the progress,'Shengguang' renovated the factories of several original electronics factories in the urban area. We didn't realize this was special, but'Shengguang' subverted a lot of things.
For electronics factories, it's assembly, spot welding, and the like. But ‘Holy Light’ sent a lot of Japanese engineers, who have requirements for the factory environment, manufacturing process, quality control, and even labor insurance products.
This is really awkward for us. In the past, assembling was a worker's business, so how to do it easily. Not now, there are a set of regulations.
In February, "Shengguang Audiovisual" began to recruit workers for training, and I was also forced to participate as a docking cadre. It was really sad that day, all habits had to be changed.
It's like using iron pliers to twist your brain in a direction, which is very painful. "The city cadres shook their heads when they talked about it, as if they had only woken up after experiencing a nightmare.
For the mainland adults who were born and raised in the Mainland, suddenly accepting the rules and regulations in the modern factory, they will find that they can't say things, they can't walk the road, all their cognition is subverted, and they must learn again.
The pain is hard to express to outsiders.
But the pain turned to pain. The city cadres shook their heads and continued to sigh: "But the'Holy Light' is so powerful here. I have to admire its transformation and training.
According to the newspaper, it is called ‘truly help the inland provinces to standardize the manufacturing industry and promote the improvement of product quality and labor rights.
The city originally had a production line of electrical appliances such as ‘camellia’ TV, ‘Orchid’ refrigerators, and ‘white rose’ washing machines, which have always been star enterprises.
But these companies stopped working a few years ago.
For example, "Camellia" is still producing black-and-white TV sets, and the products are old and cannot be sold. The factory also sells Japanese color TV production lines at a high price, but it can't be done without color tubes.
This reorganization also includes the transformation of these old factories. The ‘Holy Light’ really twisted the ‘dead head’ of the past and made drastic reforms.
Last year, the "Holy Light" relied on the strength of the ministries and commissions to forcibly inject capital into the Xianyang CPT factory to improve its technical level and reduce costs. This year saw benefits.
In just two or three months, the "camellia" factory relied on improving its exterior design, strengthening internal management, and using domestically produced products from the Xianyang CPT factory, but it also rescued the factory.
Production capacity is now several times that of the past, and costs have dropped by half. Not only can companies repay their loans, profits and taxes have also skyrocketed, and the city is also relieved. It's just that a lot of old workers can't be changed and they can only be laid off. "
Sigh, the truth is more cruel.
The female reporter from the imperial capital was guilty of the ‘wenqing’s disease’ and only paid attention to the last sentence of ‘old workers laid off’, and said quietly,
Is it worth it?

The cadre in the city was driving, and he was very sad at first, but he immediately became angry after hearing this sentence and shouted: "You are very hypocritical if you stay in the imperial capital to eat and drink. How do you know the suffering of our'old and young'?
Are the inland provinces not human? Don't we have a good life? You can't suppress the interests of most people for the benefit of a small group of people. Either don't mess around with things, and don't be afraid to offend people if you want to do things. "
The female reporter was scolded for a moment. She went to other places and departments for interviews. CCAV signs always get preferential treatment, but she went to the "Holy Light" department to be left out. This group is indifferent to everyone.
It's fine now, even the personnel related to the "Holy Light" have infected the same temper. The cadre who picks up the airport is typically young, just in office, and very direct, and doesn't give face.
The reporter is the'uncrowned king', and the CCTV reporter is the'king of kings'. But this time it was their turn to feel uncomfortable, as if they were clamped by a large iron pliers and twisted forcibly.
When the car arrives in the city, the program group will first settle in the city guest house. The next day I went to the factory where I was filming "Shengguang Audio-visual", but the city cadre was still accompanied by the pick-up.
The factory used the six-story factory building of Yunnan TV Factory and renovated three of them to produce VCD. This factory was still able to pay 200 million yuan in profits and taxes in 1991, but it didn't work in the blink of an eye. In other words, it was killed by the "Holy Light".
‘Harmony’ is selling second-hand home appliances at stalls across the country, and the 29-inch flat-screen large color TV only costs more than 2,000. The "Camellia" brand color TV of the Yunnan TV Factory is only 14 inches by 18 inches. It is not flat, and the price is the same.
How did you compete?
The "Camellia" card was good for fortune telling, and the "Holy Light" took over and saved it.
In the past two years, all home power plants across the country have been victimized by second-hand goods from ‘Holy Light’. Without core technology, it’s a dead end. This, in turn, facilitates the acquisition and reorganization of the'Holy Light' at low prices, and the industrial upgrade in the pain of tearing.
When the program crew arrived outside the factory, a long queue was particularly conspicuous, measuring four to five hundred meters long.
"Who are these people?"
The program group set up the camera and pointed it at the long queue. Female reporter holding a microphone to ask questions.
"General workers who are going to enter the factory," said the city cadre. "They are all young people in their teens and 20s. Many have junior high school or even elementary school education and cannot find jobs.
The ‘Holy Light’ recruited them, put them in a technical school for training for one to three months, and then worked on the production line. The basic monthly salary is more than two hundred, and overtime can be up to five hundred. Many people rushed in. "
The female reporter asked again: "Isn't the'Holy Light' raising wages in general? The factories in other places give three to four hundred monthly incomes, so how can they give you less?"
"Our consumption is low, and wages can also be lower. After all, it is the same to build a factory, so there must be a bit of advantage. Besides, an overtime can have more than 500, which is less?"
"How many people will'Holy Light' recruit?"
"There are more than 20 home appliance production lines this year, requiring 10,000 to 20,000 people. The product line will be rolled out next year, and more labor will be required. The problem now is that there are not enough staff dormitories, and there are seven or eight people in a dozen flat houses. "
The program team deliberately filmed the long queue outside the factory. Female reporters tried to interview general workers who were about to enter the factory. It's just that these young people are mostly shy, dodging when they see the camera, and dare not speak.
Finally, I came across a few people who were willing to speak, at most they said where they came from, and couldn't say much to others. After an interview, the female reporter asked the accompanying cadres again, "Many of them come from border counties and cities."
The cadre nodded fiercely, "Yes, the ‘Holy Light’ prioritizes hiring people from villages and towns close to Myanmar’s border. The economy there is very poor and young people have no way out.
If they are not taken care of, many of them will either take drugs or sell drugs, and they will be destroyed for a lifetime. We must save them. "
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