Chapter 803: Interview

The recruiting team was winding along the street, moving step by step. There were heavy traffic on the road, and trucks pulling goods came in and out with rumbling noises. The factory gate is pulling the electric fence, and the security guards are keeping order.
The CCTV program group's shots started from the factory gate and captured the long line. A deputy director of the program team rushed over the next day to direct the female reporter and cameraman to shoot the required material.
Most of the young people who entered the factory were only seventeen or eighteen years old, thin and ignorant, and walked into the factory door. They were sent by local government organizations. Because the number of places to enter the factory is limited, all places rely on grabbing.
When they arrived at the factory, the city cadres finally found a few workers for the program team who were willing to speak for interviews. It can be called a ‘worker’ rather than a child. They are really young.
"Anyone under the age of seventeen must be sent to a technical school for one year of training. Seventeen to eighteen are trained for half a year. For those over eighteen, it depends on the situation, and the training is one to three months.
Before training, do a physical examination to screen out those who are not suitable for the production line. "Holy Light" is worthy of these dolls. If they were allowed to stay in their hometown, they would have nothing to do for a lifetime, and they might have to go to jail. "
The cadres set up a few bamboo chairs and pulled the young workers to sit in a circle. Female reporters grabbed the microphone and asked one by one, and the cameraman was taking pictures next to them.
In the first ten minutes, everyone didn't say much, basically asking and answering. After talking for half an hour, the female reporter finally allowed these young people to speak actively.
When asked if they would like to go out to work, the young workers all nodded. A guy from the Yi ethnic group talked about the township cadres coming to the door, saying that they could earn at least 200 a month if they had a job. His parents pushed him out without asking what he was doing.
"If you don't come out, you can't. The village is too poor. You can only grow corn and potatoes and eat rice. It depends on relief. In the past, you didn't even have to eat potatoes, and it was even more bitter."
The mandarin of the Yi ethnic group is not good, and he cannot speak many words. But when the female reporter listened, she could feel the suffering caused by poverty and closure.
"There is no road in the village. You can only take a horse-drawn carriage to the town. Transport some mountain products and sell them. Don't talk about people when you come back. Even the horses are tired and lame. It was the first time I saw a car when I was out of the village. It's clean, and it feels great to see everything."
Talking about the current situation, the young people all grinned and were deeply satisfied.
It is difficult for residents in cities to think that there are still people in remote areas so far away from modern civilization. They have no electricity, no roads, and even water shortages. They are busy all year long and can't make much money.
The poorer you are, the more you cannot escape your hardship. They can't save money, can't provide good education to future generations, and can't enjoy medical insurance. They have only income and can only make ends meet without the skills to survive outside.
Without external help, poverty will last forever. However, this is not the most serious problem.
"Our place is very close to Myanmar, and drug dealers often come and go. Because of poverty, many people sell drugs for dozens of dollars. The township officials say they can't do it, and the villagers also know that it can't be done.
The anti-narcotics police often come to catch drug dealers, but they can't catch them no matter what, but they catch more and more. So the township cadre said to recruit workers, and my parents hurriedly sent me out. The village really cannot stay any longer.
This city is so good, you don’t have to worry about food and clothes. I want to make more money now and take my parents out. "The Yi guy said with tears and hope for the future.
Other young workers have similar experiences. Compared with young people in the city, they have a low cultural level, but they endure hard work, work hard, and never want to go back when they enter the city. They have a strong willingness to stay.
"What about the people in the village?" the female reporter asked again.
Young people don't know.
The cadre next to him stepped in and replied, "Building roads, repairing schools, expanding counties and cities, and moving people out of remote places. At the beginning of the year, the president of "Shengguang" said that he would invest in Yunnan, and he is now making all the money he earned from selling VCDs. Take it out and continue to invest.
The school can take out the younger dolls first and let them go to at least a junior high school, and if they perform well, they can enter the high school entrance examination, otherwise they will enter the technical school after the junior high school.
The "Holy Light" also took down several technical schools in the city and reorganized them. I went there last month. The paramilitary management has been much stricter. After two or three years of study, I can still learn a lot and get a job.
Adults organize themselves to engage in agriculture, which is more difficult. The survey started in February, and I haven’t got a clue yet. I don’t expect a plan until next year.
The key is that there are no roads or electricity in many places, and it is very difficult for us to carry out work. To solve these problems, at least hundreds of billions of investment will be required. It is estimated that by the time I die, I will never see the electricity access in every village. "
The city officials are still quite optimistic about the future. But no matter how optimistic he is, he is not happy about the poverty situation at the grassroots level in the province. No one can imagine what it will be like in ten or twenty years?
Everyone always feels that the ‘Holy Light’ is very powerful, but it cannot be so powerful. People are accustomed to assessing the future based on linear thinking, but they never thought that there is a kind of ‘exponential growth’.
"Shengguang Audiovisual" may recruit 15,000 general workers this year. So in two years, the output of VCD will reach 5 million units, and the number of its workers will reach 100,000.
But how many young people in Yunnan need work?
"The province expects that'Shengguang Audiovisual' can create 10 to 2 billion profits and taxes every year, and solve about 30,000 to 50,000 jobs." The city officials hesitated when they said this number.
The female reporter keenly grasped this hesitation and asked: "Is this number high or low?" Her inner judgment was that the profit and tax amounted to one billion yuan, and the employment of tens of thousands was very high.
The same is true for large central enterprises.
But the city cadres scratched their heads, "This estimate was made by the Provincial Light Industry Department. But there is a rumor in private that the president of "Shengguang" heard this number, but said that the province looked down on people too much."
The female reporter was also curious, "Are there any other actions in the follow-up of'Holy Light'?"
"At present, the main push is VCD, and use the profits brought by VCD to build a full set of white goods industry. As for the others, we really don't know. After all, everything has just started, at least until next year there will be a clearer development plan."
Speaking of this, the city cadres laughed again, "If you come next year, the situation will definitely be different. The speed of the'Holy Light' is really fast. We are not sure."
The interview lasted for two hours, and the program team was quite satisfied. The young people who enter the factory talk about their current lives with smiles. The accompanying cadres did not shy away, saying good and bad things.
After the interview was over, the female reporter asked again: "Now that "Sword of China" has been broadcast, the social response is extremely strong, and the people are particularly concerned. How is the drug problem at the border?"
The cadres in the city also looked serious, "The problem is still very serious. The main reason is that the source of the poison outside can not be solved, and we can't get rid of it no matter how much we fight. Alas, this is really difficult!"
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