Chapter 909: Stuck neck

Yuri Ivanovich Makarov, a sad witness of the disintegration of the alliance.
In 1979, because of his outstanding work ability, Makarov, as the chief engineer, served as the director of the ‘Nikolaev Shipyard’. It was he who introduced the general construction method for the Soviet shipbuilding industry, which greatly improved production efficiency.
Because of him, ‘Nikolaev’’s No. 0 Dock has become the busiest shipbuilding base in the Soviet Union and even in Europe. According to Makarov's vision, the shipyard will continue to produce aircraft carriers like an assembly line.
The Red Navy will become a formidable maritime power, and the five oceans will fly the Soviet flag everywhere.
But... the dream was lost to the cruel reality.
"Holy Light" wanted to recruit the technocrat, but Makarov flatly refused. After tossing a few times, the Chinese can only give up-all the techniques that should be learned have been learned. Let's fulfill the name of the old factory director.
Throughout August of 1994, the Varyag was busy with power tests. The "Holy Light" formally applied to the local chicken waterway management department to allow the aircraft carrier to pass through the Bosphorus and enter the Mediterranean from the Black Sea.
As long as there is no interference, the ‘Varyag’ can cross the Suez Canal and enter the Indian Ocean, reaching Dalian in at most one and a half months for subsequent outfitting of shipboard equipment.
For this application, Tuji had no reason to refuse, and the CIA's attitude became ambiguous. But the application was neither passed nor said it was rejected, anyway, it has been dragging on.
Zhou Qingfeng is not in a hurry. He lives quietly in Michelle’s apartment, enjoying the wait of his servants, sleeping until he wakes up naturally, not to mention more carefree.
It's just that the luxury goods containers to be shipped in August have not been shipped, and the tens of millions of dollars in revenue that the old George's should have received are facing extinction.
If they hadn't taken Zhou Qingfeng's money, maybe the old George's family would be tougher. But after taking it and losing it, the psychological frustration is a little bit uncomfortable.
To make matters worse, the Georges are a little too confident and promote the mysterious luxury goods from the East. Basically all goods are very popular, attracting the love of high-ranking officials.
For example, the beauty effect of foreign cosmetics is so amazing that it has become a necessity. This favor has been spilled out, if you say that it is out of stock, it will be troublesome.
"Then what'elf black mud' works so well?" In the Congressional Office in Washington, George Old George put down his microphone and frowned.
With bureaucratic delay and inertia, it will take some time to solve the'Varyag' problem even with the power of a member of the Senate.
After being tried privately by Mrs. George's small circle, the mysterious beauty products from the East opened the market at the fastest speed with unique effects. Its high price is not a hindrance at all, on the contrary it can show its identity.
Old George scratched his head, called his wife again, and asked after the call: "My dear, I now need 20 copies of'Elven Black Mud', which is said to have miraculous effects on skin care."
Before her husband could finish speaking, Mrs. George sighed and vetoed: "George, don't ask, it's out of stock. I originally had a thousand boxes on hand, but now they are all sold out."
Old George was anxious, "Not a box? This is a call from the White House. I have promised to get it. This demand cannot be denied."
"Sorry." Mrs. George still sighed, "George, I really don't have any here. You have to think of something else."
"But now there is no way."
"Why don't you ask about the Zhou of'Holy Light', I think he is actually very sincere."
"What are you talking about? That is threatening me, and he wants me to give in."
"Then you give in. It's not that you haven't given in. It just solves the problem of supply. You know that I am under a lot of pressure now, and the news has reached Europe.
A very good friend of mine just called and said that the British royal family is also interested in this product. This is a very rare opportunity, and the needs of the royal family must be met. "
Even through the phone, Old George could imagine his wife's excited face.
Old Europe feels that Yankees are uneducated buns, while Yankees mock the old Europe as ruined. But on the other hand, the old Europe admires the money in the Yankee's pocket, and the Yankee likes the noble fan of the old Europe.
If the product can be recognized by the British Royal Family, this is nothing more than stepping on a high stepping stone for the Georges. Going out in the future, you can lift your head and chest more, appearing more expensive.
Facing the opportunity, Old George was powerless. He said on the phone: "The refused to provide any more cargo. He asked for a solution to the aircraft carrier first."
"Then let the native chicken allow the aircraft carrier to pass. You are not saying that the Ministry of National Defense has assessed that that aircraft carrier will not become combat effective within ten years, let alone pose a threat to us."
"Yes, that aircraft carrier is really not a big threat. It doesn't even have a suitable carrier-based aircraft. But it needs a process to allow its navigation. This month will definitely not be completed, and it will be next month at the earliest."
next month? !
Mrs. George’s words brought a bit of anger, "This is absolutely not possible, and it must not be delayed until next month. It must be this month, it must be this week, and it must be now. I want the goods soon, otherwise my reputation will be damaged. "
Old George also agreed with this view, "Yes, it must not be delayed until next month. So, dear, you should have some in your hand."
"No, you have, I know you have hidden a lot."
"George, that is my personal need. I keep it for myself, and I will never give it to any outsider. You can't get it from me. Now it's time for you to play a role and solve the current problem. "
Mrs. George's sharp voice came down the telephone line. Snap...The phone hung up without waiting for Old George to continue. When he dialed it again, the opposite party was no longer available.
Damn it!
Old George banged the microphone on the desk a few times. His assistant would walk into the office, knock on the open door, and said, "Your Excellency, a White House intern just called me."
"White House intern?" Old George was really a of a ghost. "Is it troublesome even the intern has come to me these days?"
The assistant shrugged, "I'm afraid this is not an ordinary intern. She just said that she wants some special products and hopes that we can give a relatively large discount."
Ha... Old George was taken aback.
Just now it was the assistant to the president and the chief of staff of the first lady, and he asked for twenty boxes. It's like putting thousands of dollars in luxury skin care products to paste the wall.
Now there is another White House intern. Although only one box is required, he has to give a strong discount. It is almost impossible to give it away.
In addition, there are hundreds of ugly guys in Congress. There are countless people who want to see jokes.
Old George was overwhelmed by the demands of each one, and couldn't refuse each one, "Am I fooled? I was pushed into the trap by that bastard.
He must have known that his goods would be popular, and he would get stuck on my neck after I promoted it to arouse strong demand. This kid is very cunning, really bad. "
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