Chapter 910: Supper

Old George was scolding his mother secretly, but Zhou Qingfeng was taking his daughter Michelle to eat supper in Manhattan's Central Park.
As a scene of Manhattan, Central Park has more than 300 hectares and is huge. It was planned more than a hundred years ago. Tens of millions of tourists from all over the world visit here every year.
Theater, stadium, zoo, lawn, fountain, large pond. The park has a tree-lined forest, a playground for laughter, and an art gallery suitable for costumes.
Because the scenery is pleasant, tourists are like weaving, and crews come here from time to time for shooting, this place has become a famous tourist attraction.
In the dead of night, the little foreigner was dazed on the lawn of the park. She touched the armrest of the seat and asked suspiciously, "Is this a chair made of ivory?"
"To be exact, it is the ivory of a mammoth. Because ordinary elephants don't have such big teeth." Zhou Qingfeng explained. It’s his suggestion to come out for supper on the grounds, ‘it’s too boring to be in the apartment. ’
It's just that this supper is not at a high-end restaurant, but sitting in an empty and quiet park facing the sky full of stars. One table and two chairs, plus a silver candlestick.
"Mammoth?" Michelle wore a skeptical expression, "Asshole, can you really brag, think I can believe?" But she soon couldn't doubt it, because something more outrageous appeared.
Several soul slaves turned into servants and appeared carrying a piano. The band followed the piano. After this group of people arrived, they first saluted Zhou Qingfeng, and then played "serenade" and so on.
Several beautiful women appeared from the woods, wearing light veils and dancing to the accompaniment of music. Its dancing is graceful, as touching as an elf under the moon.
Michelle finally decided that this was a prepared moonlit night party. She sat down firmly and said with some teasing: "Zhou, I always thought you were a simple person. I didn't expect you to pretend? This is a good arrangement. I like."
Zhou Qingfeng is in danger personally, in and out of the front line, holding hundreds of billions of assets, but usually low-key. Living in Michelle’s apartment, the meals of the super chef and the cheap bread from the supermarket can feed his stomach.
Michelle met many rich people who were thrifty in food and clothing, and thought Zhou Qingfeng was the same. But in Central Park, the scene is set up like a party for a late night snack, which can't be considered simple.
"These are not deliberate arrangements." Zhou Qingfeng shook his head, "These people have been by my side, but you can't notice them.
I can live like a king, but in fact I am a king. I can live like a civilian, because I consider myself a civilian. Many things, as long as I want..."
The words were arrogant, but Michelle just smiled.
Both New York and Washington are places where swindlers and bragging masters are rampant, and a basket of bluffing words can be heard every day. In terms of boasting, it is much better than Zhou Qingfeng.
The soul slaves passed through the winding path of the deep park and brought plates of delicious food. Michelle can only recognize vegetables and meats. The specific types are unclear, but they are all very delicious without exception.
Accompanied by the starry sky, breathing the night breeze, and eating delicious food, I still feel very good. Michelle also pays attention to the small bands who come to cheer. Whether it is piano or violin, their skills are world-class.
"Did you invite this band from Broadway? This little one exceeded my expectations."
"No, this is my private band. As I said, they are all by my side."
Michelle smiled, not quite convinced. She memorized some of the faces carefully, and planned to check them up when she had time. Maybe she could know more details about Zhou Qingfeng.
Music, dance, supper, just when Zhou Qingfeng decided to sit until dawn and wait to see the sunrise. Michelle’s butler was holding a cell phone and hurriedly appeared, "Miss, your father’s phone number is in a hurry."
Michelle wiped her mouth with a napkin, moved away from the dining table and walked more than ten meters away before taking the call from the housekeeper. Old George's voice came from the phone, "Boy, are you with that bastard?"
"What are you doing?"
"Supper in Central Park late at night is really not an ordinary experience."
Old George took a deep breath of anger on the phone. He was utterly exhausted and could not sleep at night. Zhou Qingfeng, who got into trouble, was taking his daughter to eat supper, and maybe there would be some digestion exercises after meals—can you not be angry?
"Michelle, I need to talk to that bastard. The luxury goods your mother is responsible for now have a large number of orders that cannot be pushed down. If we don't complete these orders, we will be in trouble."
Listening to her father, Michelle turned her head and glanced.
Zhou Qingfeng was staring at the stars in the sky in a daze, and a beautiful woman was massaging his head and neck. According to daily intelligence collection, the woman was named Irene, and she did not know when she appeared.
"Michelle, be sure to let the boy agree. Some orders are really unsuccessful. Do you understand what I mean?"
"Dad, I understand, I understand very well."
After hanging up, Michelle knew what to do. When family interests are prioritized, other powerful relationships have to make concessions.
Back to Zhou Qingfeng, Michelle took the initiative to reach out to the tree spirit girl, "Is this Irene? Get to know, I am Michelle."
Irene smiled at each other but didn't speak, only shook hands gently with Michelle. The little foreign girl sat down again, and it was better to just click, "Zhou, I need some understanding from you."
"It's better to talk about emotional hurts and money, it's better to talk about actual benefits. If you are here to ask those high-end luxury goods, you have to come up with equivalent benefits.
These words blocked a lot of Michelle's rhetoric. She lowered her head slightly and smiled to cover up her embarrassment, "Yes, it is better to talk about benefits. Then, what do you need to supply the president?"
"I wanted to acquire a complete semiconductor industry chain from Japan two years ago. I was full of confidence and felt that the Japanese would let go. However, the negotiations have continued until now and there is no progress.
In the past two years, although I have achieved breakthroughs in many aspects of the semiconductor industry, the term ‘system’ is too broad.
Similarly, in the fields of machinery manufacturing, energy mining, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, and aerospace. There are so many industries that interest me, and I want to get involved. "
"I want to buy a batch of potential small American companies, or bankrupt companies with technology. If your father can help me, I can give him a batch of goods for nothing."
Michelle chuckled and exhaled, then nodded: "Zhou, you are such a terrible enemy. You can't be underestimated or underestimated, otherwise you will pay a huge price."
Irene handed out a booklet and passed it to Michelle by Zhou Qingfeng.
By the candlelight at the table, the little foreign girl only glanced at the cover but didn't look at it. She laughed displeasedly: "Oh oh...My dad said you are an asshole, you are indeed an asshole. You were prepared. , Just wait for me to give in."
"I'm done talking about everything." Zhou Qingfeng drank a glass of drink before the table, wiped his mouth with a napkin and got up, "I planned to leave after watching the sunrise. But now think about it, forget it.
My request is in this booklet, and it depends on you how much you can achieve. I have been abroad for a month and have to go back. In the next negotiation, you get the Imperial Capital to come to me. "
As soon as the president left, the band and dancers who had gathered on the lawn of the park also began to leave. The slaves who were doing chores took away the piano, tables and chairs, leaving Michelle standing alone under the stars.
The end of the song is gone!
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