Chapter 911: ‘Huqs’

Pressure brings motivation. Without a little pressure, the bad guy like Old George just took money and didn't work.
Zhou Qingfeng left New York at the end of August. He left with the front foot, and Michelle chased him at the beginning of September, passing the ownership of a small American company to ‘Holy Light’.
That small company studies electro-hydraulic servo valves and has hundreds of patented technologies. Its products are used in the military for aircraft and missile components, while civilian use is targeted at wind turbines, automobiles and medical equipment.
The company is small. It started from a garage and passed on from father to son for two generations. It has less than 50 employees and is simple and powerful. It has achieved a high level in the industry in a very small segment, which is not easy.
With the help of Michelle, ‘Holy Light’ spent three million US dollars to buy this small company, allowing it to continue to develop in the United States, but the technology and patents must be imported into the group.
After winning this small company, Zhou Qingfeng sent a batch of luxury goods to Michelle, so that the old George continued to flourish in Washington and expand his contacts.
With this running-in, both parties have understood each other's strengths and limits, and subsequent cooperation can be a little easier.
For example, the current domestic steel gap is very large, and the US steel industry is in serious decline.
Zhou Qingfeng wanted to directly purchase one or two steel plants and ship hundreds of thousands or even millions of tons of equipment to China for resettlement and construction.
This method can increase steel output immediately in a short time. But this kind of big project is absolutely impossible without a member of Congress to promote it. So both sides need each other.
But Zhou Qingfeng and Old George are like squeezing toothpaste-you give me some benefits, and I will give you some benefits. This benefit will not be much at all, you must be stuck at the critical point, and you must not make the other party feel good, and see who can't hold it first.
In August, September, and even October, the two sides competed patiently, neither torn apart nor overly friendly. It was not until the end of October that the ‘Varyag’ completed the preliminary power system test, and Zhou Qingfeng received a reply from George.
"Congress has decided to relax control of this aircraft carrier and no longer requires the native chicken to prevent it from leaving the Black Sea."
Michelle flew back and forth between the imperial capital and Washington in recent months, acting as a messenger. Her coming again finally brought some good news to Zhou Qingfeng.
"I hate to hear the word'but'." In the president's office of the Imperial Capital headquarters, Zhou Qingfeng stared at Michelle sitting across from him, "Your father is such an old dog, I want to send him to hell."
The little foreign girl is accustomed to the scolding between Zhou Qingfeng and her father. She said indifferently: "My father also wants to send you to hell. Every time he talks about you, he can't eat anything."
"What are the requirements now?"
"This time it's not that we are obstructing, it's the local chicken who asked."
"You should receive a reply from the native chickens soon. They are worried that the aircraft carrier will hit the bridge across the Bosphorus and will ask you to pay a billion-dollar deposit."
"Does the native chicken want money crazy? I only spent tens of millions of dollars on this aircraft carrier. It actually wants to blackmail Lao Tzu a billion?"
"Nor can you say that, as long as your aircraft carrier passes through the strait safely, the money will be returned to you. If you are still not satisfied, do you want to go to Ankara to drop the nuclear bomb?"
With more contact, Michelle also knew that Zhou Qingfeng's "nuclear bomb" was used to scare people. This thing really cannot be used easily.
As for the ‘deep sea cruiser’ currently being used as a treasure hunt on the bottom of the sea, it is not convenient to have a direct relationship with Zhou Qingfeng and the ‘Holy Light’ to avoid shocking the world.
There must be a means that can be used and has sufficient deterrence.
"Michelle, I hope to use your words to tell some guys who have fantasy. If the native chicken really wants to frustrate me, my response is by no means to honestly give money, I will make them burned."
"Received. You always do things in this style." Michelle smiled playfully. If Zhou Qingfeng's spearhead could be turned around, she was finally relieved. "I will tell it for you, so your opponent will understand this meaning."
The little foreign girl came happily and walked happily. When she returned to Washington to meet her father, she relayed Zhou Qingfeng's words and asked: "Dad, how do you think the'Holy Light' will respond?"
Hahaha.... Old George's misfortune moved westward and he couldn't help laughing. He spread his hands at the dinner table and said, "I don't know, but I don't care. That is going to harm others at last, and I hope he will make things bigger.
What if he destroys the chicken? Now that the Soviet Union is over, the Black Sea Fleet of the Red Navy no longer exists, and NATO no longer needs someone to guard the Black Sea. Today's native chickens are completely a burden to us. "
Yes, the native chicken is a watchdog for NATO. Now that the enemy is gone, the watchdog has no value.
When Michelle left, Zhou Qingfeng immediately asked Marcos to apply to the Strait Management Department of Tuji, again requesting the opening of the channel and allowing the ‘Varyag’ to leave.
Sure enough, the local chicken management department did not delay this time, and quickly replied and made a request-not only a billion-dollar deposit, but also hope that the "Shengguang" can sign a contract to guarantee a certain amount of imported chickens every year in the future. Of goods.
If the import amount cannot be reached, the deposit will be deducted.
This is not only a blackmail, but also a way of blocking people's money.
"Let it die!"
What's the local chicken? Food, mechanical and electrical, agricultural products, and the industrial chain highly overlap with the "Holy Light". The two sides have little room for cooperation, but competitors.
After getting this kind of reply with a bunch of conditions, Uncle Zhou really felt that he was too kind. He didn't really clean up the local chickens last time, but the other party was courageous, always thinking about taking advantage.
To deal with this kind of huskies, Zhou Qingfeng's first thought was to go directly to the Kurds and send them a pile of arms to start the war.
However, after asking Xiao Jinlang, he found that the Kurds are still stable and have no intention of rebelling. Sending arms is useless, and large amounts are useless. This is not a long-term solution.
Have to think of something else to make the local chicken suffer a big loss. Zhou Qingfeng's second idea is a little more complicated but much more feasible-dumping goods and destroying the native chicken manufacturing industry.
The current industrial capacity of the native chicken is not bad. After all, it is close to the wealthy local tyrants in Europe, and it is relatively secular. It has accepted many low-end industrial transfers from Europe, and its export market is also in Europe.
"I want to do your import first, and then grab your exit. You have no business to do!" Zhou Qingfeng spread out the map, staring at the location of the chicken and grinning his teeth.
"Holy Light" has been losing ground in the Eastern European market, and it has nothing to do with the Western European market. It is already very difficult for Marcos to maintain the Ermao family.
This is entirely because Uncle Zhou's attention in the past two years has been mainly on domestic industrial upgrading. Now... the president is going to go!
Just to verify the effect of industrial technology upgrading in the past two years.
Dare to choose something?
Run to death!
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