Chapter 716: Xiao Chuo's hidden ability

   "Report your name, I Shihu, don't kill the unknown!"
   Shihu's horse was blocked by Yang Zaixing's spear, and the half-meter-long front was almost touching Yang Zaixing's face and passing by.
   Yang Zaixing was injured by random arrows in the previous battle, and his force has declined. Now, with his characteristics, he is fighting against the stone tiger by crossing the gap of force.
   "The captives don't deserve to know my name!"
  Only about a hundred cavalry remained beside Yang Zaixing, still clawing with Shihu.
   Yang Zaixing counterattacked, pressing the gun with both hands, pressing Shihu's horse, making Shihu's arms tremble.
   "General Yang, General Zhang asks you to retreat!"
   A Yuejia army cavalry came in, joined Yang Zaixing, and rescued Yang Zaixing.
   Yang Zaixing looked around, his back-wei army cavalry was not many, and if he continued to fight, he might only be left alone.
   Yang Zaixing shot out with a gun, Shi Hu couldn't stop him, he could only let Yang Zaixing leave with the cavalry.
   "Master Shihu, the main force of the Beiwei army has arrived, and the leader wants you to retreat!"
In order to kill Yang Zaixing, Shihu’s black dragon Xiang army suffered heavy losses, and the three thousand dragon Xiang army was left in the early 2000s.
   Shihu gritted his teeth and returned to his teacher unwillingly.
   The two fighting parties separated. The spear in Zhang Xian's hand was still dripping blood. Looking at the retreating Jie cavalry, this was just a prelude to a larger battle.
The main force of the    Beiwei army has arrived, with a full seven thousand riders!
   Niugao’s Yue family army and the crossbowmen were panting. In order to catch up with the back-wei army, which is the core force, the infantry and crossbowmen expended considerable physical energy.
   "At the end, there will be five hundred cavalry. Only one hundred remain. Please punish the army."
   Yang Zaixing came to see Yue Fei and offered to plead guilty.
   "Whenever there is a big battle, there must be losses, but..."
   Yue Fei discovered that Yang Zaixing was too fierce, and the result was that the enemy suffered a lot, and his own loss was not small.
   Yue Fei gave Yang Zaixing a few hundred cavalry, and then looked at the Jieren cavalry on the opposite side.
  The size of the Capricorn cavalry is not small. Shihu's black dragon-horse army returned to Shile's command, regrouped, holding the horse in his hand, and confronted the Beiwei army.
   "It seems that Jie Ren Shile has not captured Nirvana, so the loss is not too big. These Jie Ren cavalry have harmed one party, so they will be annihilated. Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Legion should have arrived by this time."
   Yue Fei this time, not only brought the Beiwei Legion, but also Zhang Yan's Black Mountain Legion!
   In the north of Nie County, a large group of Montenegrin infantry marched south, Zhang Yan personally led a group of Montenegro cavalry to fight with the peripheral Cavalry.
   When Zhang Yan attacked the Jieren cavalry, although it was a bit difficult, relying on the advantage of troops, he gradually wiped out the Jieren cavalry from all over the place and arrived at the battlefield in Nii County.
   "Finally caught up, next time we have to equip all the horses."
   Zhang Yan’s Montenegrin regiment is mainly infantry. In order to catch up with the war, he suffered hard.
   Shile faced the Yue Family Army and the Black Mountain Army.
   The Yue Family Army shook the Jie people from the front, while the Black Mountain Army contained them behind.
   "An infantry appeared in the rear, with tens of thousands of people!"
   Shi Le learned that the Black Mountain Army appeared in the rear, and there was a lot of confusion among the Jie people tribe army.
  The wolf resides in Xu Mountain. Chu Tian led a team of cavalry to this place. This is the third time that he has sealed the wolf to reside in Xu, and he is very familiar with it.
   "Mao Dun wants to defeat us in this place, with the shame of the Huns. However, there was no tribe who came to respond to the Wolf Habitat Conference in Mao Dun."
   Tens of thousands of cavalry from Chutian chased the Huns and entered the Kent Mountain Range where Langjuxu Mountain was attached. The area was covered with mountains and the snow had not completely melted.
  The war eagle soars in the cold winter, looking for the main force of the Huns.
Mao Dun Shan held the Wolf Juxu Mountain Conference with great fanfare. When Chutian’s cavalry came, they died down, and Chu Tian began the guerrilla warfare that nomadic civilization was good at, which made Chu Tian even more convinced that Mao Dun held the Wolf Juxu Mountain. The so-called Wolf Juxu Mountain Conference is just to attract the crusaders and win a big victory to establish their prestige on the prairie.
   Dozens of wild wolves from Mobei followed Chutian’s cavalry. When Chutian’s cavalry rested, the wild wolves were patrolling nearby, and the horses felt uneasy.
   "Today I will add food to the soldiers of the five Northern Army!"
   Mi Fang led the five tiger generals of the Northern Army to participate in this suppression of Maodun Shanyu. He took Xing Daorong, Chun Yuqiong and other generals to hunt down these wild wolves.
   Wuchao Jiu Xian Chunyu Qiong could not help but wipe her saliva: "If it is used for drinking..."
   Xiao Chuo stopped Mi Fang and others.
   "If these wild wolves are not removed, if the horse is frightened, I am afraid something will happen."
  Mi Fang is not entirely for hunting wild wolves.
   "They won't disturb the horses, they will serve us."
   Xiao Chuo took the initiative to walk towards this group of wild wolves and stretched out his hand to attract them.
   These wild wolves trot over unexpectedly.
   "She still has the ability to recruit wild wolves?"
  Mi Fang and the five tiger generals of the Northern Army, Wu Anguo, Chun Yuqiong, Xing Daorong, Lu Kuang and others, could not help being surprised when they saw the special abilities hidden by Xiao Chuo.
   They all knew that Xiao Chuo's status was not low, and Chu Tian used to control the Qidan tribe, but they didn't expect Xiao Chuo to have this special ability.
   "They can find the enemy for us, UU reading can't find it, maybe they can find it."
   Xiao Chuo stroked the soft fur of the wild wolves. The group of wild wolves were subdued and seemed to enjoy it.
   "You said they can find the whereabouts of the Huns cavalry?"
   Chutian overheard Xiao Chuo's words, this special investigative method has never been heard before.
   He now relies heavily on the war eagle, but the limitations of the war eagle are also very large, not smart enough, at night, or the enemy is hidden in the forest, the war eagle may not be found.
   And Xiao Chuo actually has the ability to command wild wolves to conduct reconnaissance. If they are paired with war eagles and scout cavalry for reconnaissance, then the Huns cavalry has almost nowhere to hide.
  The smell of a wolf is quite amazing!
   "What's so strange? Dogs are domesticated from wolves. Wolves have a strict hierarchy, similar to ours."
   Xiao Chuo disagrees, as long as he commands the wolf king, the entire wolf pack will be effective.
   Only now did Chutian realize that he seemed to have picked up the treasure. Xiao Chuo was not only a superficial ability, but also a hidden ability.
   "I need this pack of wild wolves to find Maodun for me."
   Chutian looked at Xiao Chuo's eyes a little fiery.
   After the war eagle, wolf, scout cavalry, any ambush will fail.
"Wild wolves are also limited. They don’t want to leave the place where they live, but in the range of their activities, they will be willing to work for me. We also need a Huns captive to let these wild wolves smell their scent, and then Follow it up."
   Xiao Chuo agreed to come down.
   Chutian asked a Hun captive to be brought, dozens of wild wolves circled the Huns cavalry, and then scattered.
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