Chapter 717: The duel between King Xia and Mao Dun Shan Yu (2 in 1, thanks to Hu Zhongri...

   "Consuming their patience and physical strength, the entire wolf dwells in Xushan, and the scout cavalry that I have deployed."
   Mao Dun led the Xiongnu cavalry to deal with Chu Tian in the area of ​​Langjuxu Mountain, making it difficult for Chu Tian to find its position.
  According to Maudun's vision, as long as Chutian is unbearable, sooner or later he will choose to negotiate and compromise, and eventually return the prairie to the Huns.
   "He doesn't have so much energy to suppress us. In the event of a civil war in the Han Empire, he will have to deal with other princes. So entrusting the prairie to me is the only way out."
   Mao Dun led Shan Yu's guard, came to a hillside, looking at the snow-covered mountains, he decided to bring Chutian's army here for consumption.
   In order to achieve an end, war is not necessarily the only means. Threats and negotiations are also effective means.
   "Why is this in the cold winter..."
   Yuvro and Hu Chuquan followed behind and whispered in private.
  Mao Dun's resistance is undoubtedly a threat to Chu Tian's forces, which will make Chu Tian keep sending troops to suppress the rebellion, and he will be exhausted.
   After the fall of Goguryeo, the Tang Dynasty once controlled the Korean Peninsula, but the continuous rebellion in the area eventually caused the Tang Dynasty to shrink its sphere of influence. The Ming Dynasty's occupation of Annan was also due to the continuous local rebellion, which overwhelmed the financial expenditure of the court and chose to withdraw.
  In my impression, farming civilization seems to lack the desire to expand.
   In fact, this is not the case. The Central Plains Dynasty tried to occupy the surrounding land, but because of the low level of terrain, culture, and productivity, it was unable to achieve effective control and finally gave up.
   "Spread the scouts out. If there is any disturbance, come back and report to me immediately!"
   Maudun sent hundreds of scout cavalry to investigate in all directions.
   The Huns and Xianbei were sitting around the bonfire, contending with the King Xia of the Han Empire, making these Huns and Xianbei extremely nervous.
   Outside the Xiongnu tribe, dozens of wild wolves are patrolling, with green eyes peeping at the Huns.
   "This is the cry of a wild wolf."
   "It's not surprising that wild wolves come out."
   Some Huns have discovered the existence of wild wolves, but they don't seem to care much about the cry of wild wolves, because such a wild tea garden, even if there are wolves, it is not surprising.
   Far away from the Xiongnu cavalry, a wolf king emerged from the darkness, gently rubbing Xiao Chuo's boots.
   "The traces of the main Huns have been found."
   "Mao Dun flees around and avoids fighting. This is consuming my patience and energy. It wants me to get out of trouble, but Mao Dun underestimated my determination."
   Chutian indirectly obtained the location of the Xiongnu cavalry through the wolf controlled by Xiao Chuo.
  Mao Dun's guerrilla tactics, with the cooperation of war eagles and wild wolves, had nowhere to hide. Maybe Mao Dun didn't know at this time, he had been targeted by a dangerous figure.
   Chutian made Temujin, Attila's brother Brada and others all have a psychological shadow, and he will become the next big person with a psychological shadow.
   "When the Mongol Empire was overthrown, the Liaodong Army was attacked by the Five Emperors' coalition west of Yuerhai. It should be your Khitan tribe who used wild wolves to conduct reconnaissance and attacked the Liaodong Army?"
   Chutian saw that Xiao Chuo could conquer the nearby wild wolf for his own use, and couldn't help but think of what happened before.
   Xiao Chuo did not deny that the wild wolf is indeed a method that no one knows except the hero of the Khitan tribe.
   If the Khitan civilization perishes, then this special investigative method may be completely lost.
   Not all civil servants and generals of the Khitan civilization have such a method, only the heroes of the leader level of the Khitan civilization have this special ability.
   After the death of Yelu Abaoji, currently only Xiao Chuo has the ability to command wild wolves.
   "This time you find Mao Dun's whereabouts, you have a lot of credit. If you have the reward you want, you can mention it as long as it is not excessive."
   Chutian finally caught the main force of the Huns.
   Xiao Chuo was very indifferent, and grabbed the tips of his hair with his hands: "I hope that King Xia can rescue my father. Xiao Chuo is grateful."
   Chutian did not expect that Xiao Chuo's request was just that simple.
   Perhaps only retreat as advancement fits Xiao Chuo's character.
   "All the soldiers set off, launch an attack tonight, and wait until the end of the night to surround the Huns and Xianbei. Killing Maudun, everyone will get an extra month of military pay and five days off!"
   In order to motivate the military, Chutian promised rewards.
   One month’s military salary may be hundreds of thousands taels of silver!
   All the Mongolian cavalry and the Han cavalry turned on their horses. Tai Shici has his own special arms, and Xue Jun has the capital to carry a three-foot sword and make immortal merits.
   Qi Xue Jun's movements were neat, no one was born. Some of them were armed with torches. Against the background of the fire, Qi Xue Jun's cavalry had a grim face. As the guard of Genghis Khan, Qi Xue Jun was already the highest-ranking army of Mongolian civilization.
   "It seems I can't fall asleep tonight."
   Qin Liangyu served as a guest general in the Chutian forces and is familiar with the cavalry raid tactics commonly used by the Chutian forces.
   If Huo An and Mu Ke merge into Chutian forces in the future, Qin Liangyu will also be one of Chutian's troops in the future, and it is common sense to get used to this combat style in advance.
   "The hero who was defeated by us will add another number."
   Mi Fang's five Northern Army schools are gearing up.
   In the Battle of Eastern Europe, Chu Tian did not take the fifth Northern Army Academy. This time he defeated Mao Dun Shanyu, and Chu Tian finally remembered the fifth Northern Army Academy.
   The fifth Northern Army Academy was very practical in the early days, and Chutian has its current foundation, which is not unrelated to the Northern Army Five Academy.
   But now, the strength of the North Army’s fifth academy cannot keep up. The eighth and ninth arms have become the core force.
   At present, the fifth academy of the Northern Army is mainly responsible for Chutian's guard mission. Mi Fang and others can probably only perform such missions, which is already their upper limit.
   As one of Chutian’s private guards, the Fifth Academy of the Northern Army has a very high status.
   "You don't have to deliberately catch Mao Dun alive, you kill it."
   Chutian knew that a hero of the level of Mao Dun would not surrender easily and had high ambitions.
  A Xiao Chuo would spend a lot of time in Chu Tian cultivating his feelings. Maudun, the supreme leader of the Huns civilization, wanted to win him over and let him work.
   Chutian really has no shortage of cavalry heroes like Moudun, Wei Qing is not weaker than Moudun, and Huo Qubing in the future will also be from Chutian.
   Wei Qing and Huo Qubing's loyalty is far from Maudun's loyalty, basically there is no possibility of betrayal, unless Chu Tian's own actions anger people.
   More than a hundred thousand cavalrymen lost to the Xiongnu and Xianbei cavalry, and a fire dragon formed a fire dragon in the dark night of the prairie.
Army Master Sun Bin participated in this large-scale hunting: "Mao Dun will surely spread out scouts. His scouts in Baili will detect our army's attack. Within thirty kilometers, Mao Dun will detect it, enough to give him time to do it. Reaction. The lord should approach from all sides to form an enclosure. Even if Mouton reacts, he will be captured by the lord."
   "Everything is according to what the military division said."
   Chutian divided all cavalry into four parts. He, Wei Qing, Chen Qingzhi, and Xue Rengui each led a team of cavalry, divided into four directions, and encircled Maodun.
   The scout cavalry deployed by the Xiongnu tribe on the periphery can be divided into open and dark guards. When the Chutian cavalry entered the scope of the Xiongnu scout, the Xiongnu scout noticed that the enemy was approaching!
   "The Cavalry of King Xia!"
   The Xiongnu scouts keenly realized that the cavalry that quickly shuttled through the night was the cavalry of the Han Empire!
   Not only that, the Han Empire also attracted a group of Mongolian cavalry to participate in this battle!
   In the dark, the two sides relied on the moonlight and torches, and a small-scale battle broke out.
   The tribe of the Huns, Xiao Simwen and Yelvxiu, two Khitan civilized civil servants and generals, became captives of Maodun, and they were forced to migrate with him.
   If it weren't for their lives to be pinched in the hands of Mouton, the two of them would not stay with the Huns.
   Qidan is different from the Xiongnu, they also have their own arrogance.
   "I don't know if the girl is okay..."
   Xiao Siwen suddenly had a premonition, and it was difficult to sleep.
   Suddenly, there was a rush of horseshoes, and then a noise in the temporary camp of the Huns.
   Each of the Huns centurion and thousands of commanders, they immediately led the soldiers to control the enemy camps and prevent the screams from breaking out in the army.
   In "Lord", the camp is noisy at night, there is a certain probability that the camp will break out. The so-called camp scream is that the highly nervous soldiers in the camp kill each other because of the panic caused by the noise.
   Yeluxiu opened his eyes almost the moment the horseshoe sounded, and subconsciously reached out to touch the saber.
   But his saber was confiscated by the Huns, so Yeluxiu took the time.
   "Master Xiao, the cavalry of the Han Empire may come soon, maybe this is our chance to escape."
   Yeluxiu, as one of the two commanders of the Khitan, has a very keen sense of smell for war. When he heard the sound of horseshoes, he quickly knew what it would mean.
   Xiao Siwen is not a general, and he is worried: "The force of the two of us is not high. If there is a melee, I am afraid that our lives will be in danger."
   Yeluxiu said: "Please don't worry, Master Xiao, I will protect Master from leaving here."
   When Xiao Siwen and Yeluxiu conspired, Mao Dun Shanyu had received an urgent return from the scout cavalry-the cavalry of the Han Empire was approaching his garrison!
   "How did they find our trail? In the past few months, I deployed a large number of scouts in advance, strangling the scouts sent by King Xia, and I couldn't be unaware of their every move!"
  Mao Dun was confident in his deployment. In order to avoid the war eagle, he even used a lure eagle to attract the attention of the war eagle.
   However, even so, his position was still exposed to Chu Tian's sight.
   Mouton didn't know where he had a problem. He had deployed scouts a few months in advance, and controlled all the passes of Langjuxu Mountain, and the scouts were all over the Wolfjuxu Mountain.
   Even the war eagle of the iron eagle scout, Mao Dun, is on guard.
   "Is it a traitor?"
   Mao Dun looked at the panicked Southern Huns leaders Yu Fu Luo and Hu Chuquan, his two descendants looked in a panic all day, making Mao Dun shook his head.
   Yuvro and Hu Chuquan's guts are just like that, and they should not dare to betray him.
   "All tribesmen, mount up to meet the enemy!"
  Mao Dun was discovered by Chutian, knowing that his situation is extremely dangerous. At this time, only a deadly battle can solve the crisis!
   More than 100,000 Huns and Xianbei cavalry got up and got on their horses urgently.
   Yuvro was a little panicked, and even the ring-head knife equipped around his waist almost fell.
   "Brother, it's over, King Xia of the Han Empire came to the door. If we were caught by King Xia, we might be put to death."
   Hu Chuquan was as nervous as Yuvro.
   They didn't have the ambition of Mao Dundan, who was against Liu Bang. When they realized that Chu Tian was about to come, they were in panic all day long.
   "Which direction did King Xia's cavalry come from?!"
  Mao Dun is a generation of heroes after all. He is not as nervous as the useless Southern Huns, but gradually calms down.
   can encircle Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, in Baishan for seven days and seven nights. The Han empire has no choice but to use him throughout his entire life. Mao Dun is regarded as the most legendary figure in the Hun civilization.
   Xiongnu King Youxian said: "There are scouts in all directions to report back, and they were attacked by Xia Wang's cavalry scouts!"
   "Damn it, King Xia wants to be embarrassed on all sides!"
   Mao Dun woke up in an instant. Before Chu Tian launched the offensive, he had already planned to wipe out the Xiongnu and Xianbei tribes and completely solve the threat on the prairie.
   "The ambition of King Xia is very big, but it is also a flaw. Their forces are scattered. We only need to break out to the south and join the King Zuo Xian of Monan!"
  Mao Dun wanted to join forces with his son, Zuo Xian Wang Ji Conge (the third Xiongnu Shan Yu) as a way out.
   The Xiongnu cavalry and Xianbei cavalry, under the leadership of Mouton, concentrated their forces to break through to the south.
   Xiao Siwen and Yeluxiu were escorted by a group of Huns cavalry, unable to resist, and followed the Huns cavalry.
  The night when the wolf dwells in Xushan is full of murderous intent, and there are wolf howls from time to time, and it feels like a warrior.
   For him, it should be a cordial grassland, but at this time it is perilous.
   "Shan Yu Guard, follow me!"
   Mao Dun was surrounded by the most elite cavalry of the Huns civilization-Shan Yuwei.
   Yu Fu Luo and Hu Chuquan were worried, and they were forced to take the elite cavalry of the Southern Huns to follow the great Mao Dun Shan Yu.
   "Report, King Xia cavalry is approaching!"
"change direction!"
   "The Cavalry King Xia is still approaching!"
   The Xiongnu cavalry and Xianbei cavalry tried to escape. Maudun relied on his familiarity with the surrounding terrain to change the marching direction three times in a row, but Chutian’s cavalry was still shrinking the encirclement, and Maudun’s cavalry could not escape.
   "What the is going on?!"
   Mao Dun couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.
   It's dark right now, Chu Tian's cavalry cannot know his whereabouts so accurately. His cavalry is changing directions at any time. Even if Chu Tian gets a return from the scout, he still has some time to react.
   However, Chutian’s cavalry are like wild wolves catching prey on the grassland. With their amazing sense of smell, they bit down Maodun Shanyu’s cavalry.
   Chutian marched at night, and when he was alarmed, the sky had gradually turned white. This meant that after the night became clear, it would be more difficult for Maoton to escape!
   The Huns cavalry adopted the guerrilla tactics of "the enemy rests and we attack, and the enemy advances and escapes" against the Han Dynasty. However, in front of the trinity of reconnaissance forces with war eagles, wild wolves, and scout cavalry, the role of guerrilla tactics was limited, and Mao Dun was in a difficult position.
   The sky is getting brighter, and Chutian's cavalry is still chasing and intercepting Maodun.
   On a hillside, Chu Tian led the cavalry, looking out into the wilderness and the Mobei grassland. There is still some snow that has not melted, and the wolf is above the foothills of Xu Mountain, covered with snow.
   At the end of the wilderness, Maudun cavalry appeared, covering the mountains and plains like locusts.
   The number of Xiongnu cavalry and Xianbei cavalry is about 200,000, which is an astonishing number.
   However, Chu Tian had seen a larger cavalry.
   Temujin’s Mongol Empire was at its peak, and its military strength was far more terrifying than 200,000 cavalry. It was still defeated by his cavalry.
   "Mao Dun should be in this cavalry."
   Chutian tried to touch the fur of the wolf king, but the wolf king didn't appreciate it and hid behind Xiao Chuo.
   Whether Hua Mulan’s war eagle or Xiao Chuo’s wild wolf, they bothered Chu Tian.
   Chutian has become accustomed to these spiritual animals who have no affection for him, and he doesn't care.
   This time, he wants to completely resolve the grievances between the Han Empire and the Xiongnu in Langjuxu Mountain.
   When Chutian discovered the Hungarian cavalry of Mao Dun Shanyu, Mao Dun also found the Han cavalry on the hillside.
  The cavalry around Chutian is estimated to be only 20,000 to 30,000. After all, Chutian needs to divide his troops and encircle the Cavalry of Maudun, so this cavalry in front of him...
   "Lord Shan Yu, the other party is under the banner of King Xia!"
   "He divides his troops to block me, is it possible to think that with this cavalry, he can also stop me from escaping south?!"
  Mao Dun found out that the cavalry guarding the south was actually a cavalry led by Chu Tian himself, and his strength was only one-tenth of his own, so he couldn't help being annoyed.
   Chutian was deliberately provoking him.
   "Our cavalry has two hundred thousand, while King Xia only has twenty to thirty thousand. It is better to kill King Xia in one go. Then the prairie is only yours, and we don't need to flee south!"
   A Huns leader encouraged Mao Dun to attack Chu Tian on the hillside.
   Chutian's deliberate provocation made the leaders of the Huns extremely angry.
   "Kill King Xia!" Mao Dun also wanted to try to see if he had a chance to kill Chu Tian, ​​"Add scouts, pay attention to whether there are ambushes nearby!"
   If Chu Tian can be killed, the crisis facing the Huns and Xianbei tribes will be immediately resolved, and Chu Tian will become a serious confidant for Mao Dun, Tuoba Tao, and Shi Le.
   Don’t look at the current disturbances among the Huns, Xianbei, and Jie people, but in fact they were facing the dilemma of being suppressed without conquering the cities of Chutian forces.
  The crisis these nomadic tribes faces will only end if Chutian is eliminated.
   Two hundred thousand Huns and Xianbei cavalry came to the hillside where Chutian was, surrounded by layers, recreating the former siege of Baideng!
   Looking down from the hillside, the blackness under the hill is pressed against one another, and the black waves cover the entire hillside, about to swallow the Chutian and others on the hillside.
   "In the old days, Han Gaozu Liu Bang was besieged in Baishan Mountain. Today I am besieged in Langjuxu Mountain. Are the scenes similar?"
   Chutian faced the black and oppressed Huns and Xianbei coalition forces, but he was not very worried, and he was destined to be different from Liu Bang.
When Liu Bang was under siege, he would be frightened. After the cruel peasant uprisings of the late Qin Dynasty and the struggle for hegemony between the Chu and Han Dynasty in the early Han Dynasty, the national power was withered and the number of war horses was extremely scarce. , The reason is simple, the national strength is different.
   But Chu Tian didn't have the anxiety of Liu Bang at the time. He was also besieged by Mao Dun, but Chu Tian took the initiative to send it to the door.
  The cavalry on the hillside is the most elite cavalry in Chu Tian, ​​including the Xue Xue Jun, Xuan Jia Jun, Hu Ben Jun, Knight Army, and Xiliang Iron Cavalry.
The reason why he took the initiative to send it to the door was because there were too many light cavalry in Maudun, and he was not necessarily willing to confront Chutian's heavy cavalry. At this time, all the cavalry below were all cavalry. can.
   The high-ranking heavy cavalry of the Heavy Cavalry Guard Corps has replaced their armor and is ready to go.
   The war eagle soared in the air and landed on Hua Mulan's arm: "The three generals, Chen Qingzhi, Xue Rengui, and Wei Qing, have led the cavalry and approached this place quickly. They will arrive without a stick of incense."
   "Prepare to attack the Huns and Xianbei army!"
   Chutian personally supervised the battle, and the cavalry was ready to go.
   Saint Joan of Arc waved the holy flag to provide a morale boost for this cavalry army.
   The cavalry corps, which had been forcibly marching through the night, was motivated, and its morale skyrocketed. It was once again refreshed to prepare for battle.
   This time, with twenty to thirty thousand cavalry, they attacked two hundred thousand cavalry, but they were not afraid!
   "Yelü Xiezhen and Xiao Talin, you lead the Shan army and charge together."
   Xiao Chuo let two Khitan generals participate in the battle.
  Xiao Tilin had already traded his fame to Chutian in the Eastern European war, and it was the first time that Yelv Xianzhen played for Chutian, and he needed to work hard to get Chutian's approval.
  Yelü Xiezhen itself is the character of the dude. He is unruly, showing his likes and dislikes on his face. Although he is reluctant, he still cooperates with Xiao Talin according to Xiao Chuo's instructions.
   Xiao Tilin is the lieutenant of Yelv Xianzhen, and UU reading is also a vanguard.
   Two hundred thousand Huns and Xianbei cavalry began to attack the hillside, carrying out their first and last action to kill Chutian.
   The rain of arrows covered the sky, pouring down!
   The Xiongnu and Xianbei cavalry have launched an attack!
   "Kill King Xia, I can replace him!"
  Mao Dun was like a crazy gambler. He realized the danger, but Chu Tian used himself as a bait, and Mao Dun could not refuse this once and for all opportunity.
   "Shan Yu guard, come forward and attack!"
  Mao Dun threw his guard, the most elite Huns cavalry, into battle.
   Shanyu Guards is composed of the most brilliant shooters, good at riding and shooting.
   "Han cavalry and Mongolian cavalry are approaching!"
   The scout cavalry of Mao Dun found the cavalry led by three generals: Wei Qing, Chen Qingzhi, and Xue Rengui.
   "Split the troops and block them, buy time to kill King Xia!"
  Mao Dun made a desperate move and allocated fewer troops to resist Chutian's reinforcements.
   Even Yufro and Hu Chuquan of the Southern Huns were sent out by Maudun to block the Mongolian cavalry.
   "Mao Dun is a bit out of control, and this King Xia really dares to take risks."
   Yeluxiu brother was in the army of Mouton, and he saw Chutian try his own risk, leaving Mouton in Langjuxu Mountain, and he couldn't help admiring his courage.
   "I have an intuition that Yanyan is on the hillside..."
   Xiao Siwen felt in his heart and suspected that his daughter Xiao Chuo was taken to the hillside by Chutian and participated in the battle.
   "Shan Yu guards? Overwhelm them."
   Chutian didn't think he was taking risks. He was surrounded by armored cavalry. These iron beasts wanted the Huns to take the initiative to attack.
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