Chapter 187: Very magical technology rules

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After the time and space storm broke the crystal wall and collapsed the Holy Light, it was transferred to the ‘Star World’, and this path must pass through the once ‘mechanical realm’, a weird outer plane dominated by ‘constructed life’.
Although the mechanical realm is low-key, it is not weak. There are ancient primitive gods. If you are anxious, you can break the wrist with the plane of and light.
However, the sad thing happened after all. The Holy Light just collapsed and fell into the material world, and the ‘mechanical realm’ was simply pulled into the ‘twisted star realm’ and then destroyed.
It ’s okay if it collapses completely. Accidents are always everywhere. The wreckage of an alien civilization planet called ‘Cybertan’ is also destroyed by a space-time storm, and eventually gets caught in the twisted astral realm.
The broken ‘cybertan’ and ‘mechanical realm’ merge into each other and become a terrifying freak civilization. It combines the strengths of "Magic Construction" and "Alien Technology", giving mechanical soul and life, and finally turned into a unique "high crystal wall rule", embedded in this world, and become part of the crystal wall system rules , Dominating the 'technical rules' of the crystal wall universe.
From then on, the essence of science is no longer science and technology, but an alternative kind of magical knowledge that can be explored and interpreted by ‘scientific methods’.
This is also the reason why ‘pure technology’ smartphones cannot be used, but the more exaggerated warships, mechas, and power armor can operate.
The cornerstones of the two sets of "technical theory" are completely different. The mobile phone is a pure "scientific creation", and the essence of the magic warship and the mech is a manifestation of the "mechanical law". It is like Carlos, the Lord of Flames in the abyss, who can use the fission of fire to perform the 'nuclear burst fist', but there is no physical atomic fission in the main world.
"Therefore, the mechanical realm is very easy to understand. It is not a realm of forbidden magic, but a realm that strengthens the 'law of science and technology' and weakens other powers. It belongs to the unique realm of 'mechanism'," Tuckermore explained.
Hearing this, Blanche on the side nodded again and again with a deep expression in his face. This kind of statement is very scientific and magical. It fits perfectly with her three views, and fills in the missing piece of puzzle. There is a refreshing feeling of sudden enlightenment. Magic is both science and science is magic. This is truth.
The whole ruins are shrouded under the pseudo-legendary level of ‘Machine God ’s Domain’, so it ’s understandable that the magical energy is stuck. This is an alternative ‘legendary realm’. It ’s no different from magic. The basic elements are different.
However, Li Mo ca n’t do it anymore. This is completely ruining and subverting the last three remaining points of his ‘physical cosmic life’!
My world is no longer scientific anymore, this is really his magic! It felt like I couldn't look directly at Transformers.
Duke Moore and Tucker Moore were originally identical brothers of the seven-born. My younger brother Duke was adopted as a Jedi goblin when he was adopted by his uncle bachelor who practiced the ‘The Way of the Force’. The other two younger brothers practiced "Tai Yi Slashing Immortal Sword Dao". The last four brothers have accepted the genetic modification of the "Star Goblin" and become the "power armor" manipulator.
A month ago, Tuckermore's service expired and he received a half-year vacation to return to the main material plane.
Although the Permian Belt and the Twisted Star Realm have a long time, the rules there are twisted, full of chaotic distortions and pollution, and wear out the soul of the life of the main world all the time. This kind of injury is hard to detect, subtle, and obliterates the soul's potential. Only after the legend can you be initially immunized.
Once ordinary creatures stay in the outer realm for a long time without returning to the main world for cultivation, they will eventually lead to the deterioration of the soul, the loss of growth potential, and the inferior creatures on the soul. So Tucker put himself in a can of nutrition and went to sleep for repair, which was carried by the trustworthy brother.
When Duke Moore heard that there was a ruin on the technological side of Beile, and wanted to surprise his brother, he followed Blanche into here with ‘canned food’ and then there was the previous scene.
Twenty minutes ago, Tucker found a map of a battleship burned on a metal wall from a hidden room. After asking for permission from Blanche and Li Mo, everyone was rushing to a more important control room.
As for the flayer? They are now overwhelmed with self-care, because bigger problems have broken out! They are busy fighting against multiple forces from the outside world, and have no energy to pay attention to Li Mo's little mice.
As the "Crimson Clockwork" leaked out the coordinates of the relic space, it caused an uproar in Baile. The mechanical guild where the gnome is located is also acquiring a coordinate and is trying to break through the space defense.
The Heart Devil originally planned to spend a week arranging a hunting ground and activating all the ‘Mechanical God ’s devices in the ruins. When the time comes, introduce the "Mechanic Guild" into the library, and open the "Machine God Territory" to wipe it out.
But step by step, step by step, Blanche's early invasion broke the plan. As the abyss magic energy forcibly penetrated from another undetected hidden crack, the space shielding effect of this battleship became worse and worse. The outside forces began to continually hit the trap beast cage that had not yet been arranged, and the plan of losing the heart was defeated.
At this moment, gray matter felt that things had developed too much than expected, and he was kind of at a loss, overwhelmed by water.
He clearly only leaked the news of a low-level legendary ruin. Why did it attract the attention of the abyss and the Crimson Magic Palace? How can they be regarded as such small bait? Where is the problem!
"Hey! Why do you look listless? Didn't listen to the goblin say, is this a good place? Excited, we are going to send it." Blanche hit Li Mo twice with his shoulder and said happily.
After listening to the explanation of the "Goblin Big Cousin", Li Mo felt a little surprised. But he also slowly accepted the idea of ​​"science is magic", otherwise, how does the machine seal the gods?
"Hello, is that astral warrior, is the mechanist church a mechanical realm? Why is it worshiping the Emperor Geta?" Blanche asked.
"No! It's not the same. The 'cyber machine realm' is very peculiar. It is a planet that is constantly engulfing metal substances and growing. It has been close to the old astral world in the past tens of thousands of years, intending to get rid of the twisted void and return again. Outer space. The mechanical realm is extremely mysterious and is a paradise for higher mechanical life. Only pilots of the 'Resonance Level' are eligible to enter it. "
Tucker thought about it and introduced it: "Now the rules of the main world are changing and the gods are falling, but the mechanical realm is in a 'twisted void' and is not suppressed. Over the past tens of thousands of years, an unknown number of 'mechanical gods' have been born. In addition, The planet itself has spirituality and has been compatible with the crystal wall rules. It is called 'Hitaheim's mechanical will assembly', 'mechanical spirit', and 'all-machine spirit'. It believes in worshipping it, but provokes this The power of the law of shares gives the construct the soul wisdom. "
A motivated Li Mo suddenly reacted: "Legendary Demon-Reshaping Technique-Constructing Qizhi Technique ?!"
The former "constructive wisdom" was completely reduced to a laughing stock. Nowadays, all constructing creatures are connected with the ‘mechanical rules’ in the midst. The legendary mage ’s desire to create ‘constructing life’ is not just random.
If the "collection of all the rules of the crystal wall" is compared to the "Heavenly Way", the mechanical law is an important part of the universe's heavenly way, a avenue. In addition, it is a complete little heaven for all constructed life.
Today's "Magic Reform Wisdom" is the ultimate ability of all mechanics who dream of dreaming, just like the once lich is hoping for a "life box", the Hogwarts bear children long for fire crossbow arrows, and Saint Seiya expects The same as gold holy cloth.
Today's "Magic Revised Construction of Enlightenment Technique" is equivalent to creating a life. Where can "mortal" come into contact? Similar spells must be evoked by the 'spirit of mechanical rules' to assist in completion.
When you become a legendary mechanic, the ‘spirit of machinery’ will respond to your wishes and give you the mechanical soul you are looking for.
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