Chapter 188: Mechanism-Emperor Gaeta

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"Good guess!" Tucker nodded, looking at Li Mo unexpectedly.
"What about the construction activation technique?" Li Mo quickly asked.
Enlightenment gives structured soul, while activation gives structured life.
"There is no activation technique anymore. There are several levels of 'active metals' in the main world today. The parts made of these active metals are life for the construction. As long as they are maintained and supplemented with energy radiation, they can continue to self. Restoration also has the dual characteristics of 'metal' and 'life'. It's just that activating metals is rare and expensive, and I'm also trying to save money. "
"The advanced 'mechanical life' is very powerful! It is not weaker than divine creatures. The dream of my pilots is to continuously resonate and merge with their own mechas, the unity of man and machine finally sublimates, and obtain the immortal steel body, the mechanical Sex, expand the mechanical realm, and finally seal the gods mechanically! "Said here, Tuckermore's zeal was like a brainwashed MLM.
"Mechanically seal the gods? Does this really exist?" Li Mo still couldn't help it. Intelligent AI is easy to say, but AI is too much!
Tuckermore looked serious and said seriously: "Of course! Emperor Gaeta is the pioneer who pioneered this path, so that flesh and blood can also become gods with machinery! He was once persecuted by competitors because of the throne, and eventually fell into a trap and was banished. To the distorted astral world, he fell into the mortal realm. However, no one knew that not only did he not die, he also came into contact with the great power that is not inferior to the 'Cybertan' and the 'mechanical realm'-'Zhengeta Wreck'! "
Blanche suddenly interjected: "What is the wreckage of Zhen Gaita?" She still knows a little about the mechanical realm, after all, there are records in the ancient books in her hand. But for Cybertron, she was completely at a loss.
As a native of the native magic world, although Blanche is good at astrology, his knowledge of celestial bodies is very superficial and limited. The Zhen Gaita, now appearing, made her confused.
"I heard some rumors in the astral realm. The wreckage of Zhengeta is a broken metal head with the size of a star. No one knows how large its original volume is. Some people say that its body is just a The growing material plane! "
Speaking of True Gaeta, Tucker was also dazed, with fear and fear in his heart. He once entered the Twisted Star Realm and saw all kinds of planets. The spectacular celestial bodies involved in the space-time storm and floating in the void are completely different from the "plane", completely subverting his view of the universe. At the same time, I feel more and more insignificant. Even the gods may not dare to enter the depths of the twisted void.
At this time, Blanche asked silly again: "How old is the star?" The girl was very curious when she heard the word for the first time.
"It is said to be a terrorist sphere with a diameter of 1.4 million kilometers."
This astral goblin is also knowledgeable, chatting farts with all kinds of different world life in the two stacks. The depth of knowledge is not enough, but the breadth is still good.
After listening to it, the elf felt her chest suffocated, her throat was dry, and her brain was a mess, and she was speechless. What kind of huge horror monster was it? In front of the so-called "True Gaeta", the Titan Giant is just a ants?
"That kind of thing really exists?" Li Mo asked with numb scalp. King Gaeta has also appeared, is this the rhythm of the main world to collapse?
"It ’s just a legend. No one has really seen it, and I do n’t know where it came from. It is said that after becoming a legendary mechanic and mechanic, they are eligible to be exposed to the 'mechanical rules' and get a part of the inheritance of the rules, forming their own. The 'mechanical way'. These legends should have emerged from the 'mechanical will assembly'. "
The goblins are here with a trembling face, and they feel that the creation myth is general and solemn: "It is said that the" Emperor "has inherited the wreckage of the true Gaeta, and as the" new Gaita ", with the" machine " The Law's contract was signed. I don't know how many years I spent in the twisted void, and finally completed the feat of 'human-machine integration', 'mechanically sealed the gods' in the twisted astral world, and returned with the Titan's 'new gate'. In the main world, kill the enemy and cleanse the palace, drive out demons and undead, and rebuild the 'Gaita Empire' by turning the tide. "
"However, the rule of Hittheim changes, and no gods are allowed to exist unless they stay in the twisted void forever. The" Emperor Gaeta "is unmatched and powerful, and it is not the kind of" human spirit "who drills the loopholes of the law, and is eventually forced to sleep. Before dormancy, he used his blood to create 'twelve gene prototypes' and four great gods. "
"Genetic prototypes fought in the Permian belt and twisted astral realm, carried forward the 'Mecha way', and continued to expand the chassis of the 'Gaita Empire' in the Permian belt and the old astral realm, pushing the empire to a peak." The Four Gods will 'establish a' Mechanical God Religion ', claiming that' Machine Spirit 'is the Holy Spirit,' True Gaita 'is the Father,' Emperor Gaita 'is the' Holy Son ', and the Trinity is the Supreme God. Emperor Geta 'spread the faith to accumulate believers, waiting for his recovery soon. "
"We goblins, and some dwarves, also joined the Mechanism in order to gain a foothold in the Permian belt and the Old Star Realm. But we only respect the" Mechanical Shinto "developed by the 'Emperor Gaeta' and do not really believe in him. We believe in the 'mechanical god' of our own race, and the great 'spirit of all machines'! "Said faith, Tuckermore's piety.
When Li Mo heard this, he felt that his head was about to explode. Mother Diurei's "Mechanical Protestantism", "Mecha Proof", "Trinity", "Genetic Prototype", and "Emperor Gaeta"! A cybertan is not enough for you to be arrogant? Why do all the garbage in the space-time storm roll into the main world? Even the Gaeta is here, this world is so dangerous!
The amount of information is too big. Warhammer + Gaita + Cybertan + Bible ... The ‘law of science and technology’ of the main world is already invincible. It ’s so magical that Zenith Star must kneel in seconds.
Not only did Li Mo feel about to explode, but Blanche was stunned and unbelievable. A brand new, mysterious and huge world opened a corner to her.
Previously, she established the world view of the Hittheim crystal wall system from an ancient document, a multi-plane universe, a bottomless abyss, nine layers of hell, and an infinite underworld, so large as to be boundless.
But at this time after listening to the goblins, it seems that such a huge and complicated world is not enough. The appearance of twisted astral circles and superimposed belts makes the main world swell to an incomprehensible deformity and horror!
The disordered timing made her feel terrified. I obviously lived in the Star Forest for ten years. The Emperor Gaeta was twisting the Star Realm for tens of thousands of years. Eventually, `` Mechanical Sealing God '' created a brand-new power system, which is incredible!
There is also the cyberspace of cyberspace, the wreckage of Zhen Gaita, ...
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