Chapter 189: Department of Mechano

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"How big is Twisted Star Realm?" The elf asked with a dry sip and a dry voice.
"Emperor Gaeta is really a god? What level?" Li Mo asked, this kind of thing is too scary to hear.
"At least it's also a medium power. After it has completely adapted to the new crystal wall rule, maybe it will be a great power! The rumor of the astral world is that the" mechanical "is actually the future" Gaita ". , I ’m not even a legend, how can I qualify to talk about gods? "
Tuckermore was not sure. After all, the legend of Gaeta Emperor was too horrible. Just think about it and let the goblin's legs soften.
The main world appeared in just half a year, and then it was the gods of megatron. Even if the emperor is now in a deep sleep, nobody dares to call the attention of the 'Gata Empire'.
The Mechanistic and Prototype Legion may not be well-known in the material plane, but in the new and old Star Realms, it is simply the ‘Abyssal Legion’ and ‘Hell ’s Legion’ belonging to mankind.
Brutality, madness, destruction, despair ... It is very different from the past 'superior system', they represent the 'mechanical system' on the side of organic life. Not only against the abyss and hell, but also against the local 'mechanical spirits' in Cybertron's mechanical realm. Even the ‘cybertan primitive robot gods’ dare to be mad.
In the description of goblins, Li Mo learned that there are three main forces in the main world:
Although the world fell into a trough, the influence is still the most powerful ‘old gods’; the newly emerging ‘magic reform system’ forces. And the ‘mechanical system’ that is rampant in the new and old stars and gradually invading the material world.
"Are there any mechanical gods in your goblins? How many gods are there in the mechanical gods?" As a native Aboriginal, Blanche is more concerned about the gods' information.
"The goblin race is too big, maybe there is, but that is the reincarnation. It is very mysterious and has jumped out of the race circle. Our Star Warrior's" Astral Warrior "system, no gods have appeared, but there is already a quasi-god , The three major knights all gained the "mechanical divinity". As for the mechanical gods, the water inside is very deep, I am only a low-level member, I am not qualified to contact these, I only heard that the "four great gods" can kill gods 'Magic machine'. Besides, even if I know, this is also a secret, why should I tell you? "
After that, Blanche questioned several times, and learned that in the "mechanical circle", the "machine war seals the system" and the "cybertan mechanical life" are two opposing factions, although they both believe in the "mechanical spirit", they are enemies. relationship.
To some extent, the ‘pilot’ is actually an organic parasitic beast that is taking away ‘mechanical life’. Therefore, Cybertron's mechanical life is very hostile to the pilots of the main world. Just like humans do not recognize parasitic beasts and hostile aliens.
So far, Li Mo has also clarified the three main practice systems of the main world:
Wu Xiu continued to improve the level of life, exercise the body, and finally trained the martial spirit, manipulated the flesh, transformed into a demon, and waved the laws of heaven and earth to prove the way.
Dharma cultivation, although it also exercises the body, is for the service of the soul. Eventually, the spirit is created, the dharma phase is detached, and it becomes an advanced energy body similar to the gods.
The "machine repair" who finally appeared in the astral world has a lower threshold, but it is also arduous. Protect the flesh with steel mechas and get great strength at the start, far beyond the same level.
Afterwards, it continued to resonate to achieve the integration of man and machine, and finally merged with each other. If you think of ‘Mecha’ as a super ‘natural magic weapon’, then the pilot will eventually become an ‘artifact’, or take away the ‘artifact’. Become an ‘artifact’, thus mechanically sealing the gods.
No matter which of the three roads, cultivation reaches the highest level, it is invincible, there is no distinction between superiors and disadvantages, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.
In addition to ‘Mecha Seal God’, there is another way to go for machine repair.
In addition to practicing the magic book, a professional can work part-time as a mechanic to create a mechanical structure that communicates with the mind, and then gradually cultivate it into a `` mechanical spirit '', and finally an extra super-thug of the heart.
Li Mogenji has decided that he will not renovate the ‘Route of the Pilot’, but he is very interested in becoming a ‘Mechanic’. If you cultivate a ‘divine mechanical bumblebee’ or something, that ’s called Lafeng!
Owning a machine that can both fight and drive cars, as well as assist the sister's divine mechanical life, has become his lingering obsession!
Are you arrogant riding an archaic black dragon? Not afraid of flying too fast, open your mouth to eat the wind? Look at my divine star spider, which has been cultivated to the level of demigod! Breaking through the sky in minutes, high-end goods crossing the star world, taking Xiaoqiqi with ‘machine shock’ in the starry sky every night!
When several people hurried to talk, they talked casually. While not revealing the secrets of the "Astral Goblin Army", Tucker also told a lot of inside stories that opened their eyes.
Now that the law is changing, the power above the gods is suppressed by the rules, giving all creatures a chance to compete fairly and surpass the gods. No matter the samsara, the falling gods, or the demons, they are constantly accumulating potential, waiting for one day to erupt, with a blockbuster.
But there is one exception, there is the twisted astral world.
There is no rule of law, and any force can be exerted freely. But apart from the 'mechanical realm', few people choose to become gods in the astral realm, which is too weird, remote and barren.
The foundation of the old is the believer, it is impossible to leave the material plane; the demon reformers need to understand the rules of the main world, and they will not enter the astral world; only the mechanical realm of the root nest in the "distorted void" can be carefree. God of God.
The 'Mechanical Law-Spirit of Ten Thousand Machines' already exists in the twisted astral realm, so the 'Mechanical Divine System' is the only official 'Great Divine System' in the main world.
But this doesn't make much sense. In the view of the aboriginal people of the main world, the "Star World" is remote and dangerous, and "outer space" is the lively core area.
The 'mechanical deities' are more like prisoners imprisoned in the 'Star Cage', unable to come out. Otherwise, the end will be like "Emperor Gaeta" and will fall asleep.
"It seems that outer space, as well as the Old Star Realm, is the focus of the main world!" Blanche said with emotion.
After listening to what the goblins said, she realized that the material plane was weak and weak. Their extraordinary ability in the outer realm was a bit more powerful.
Tucker nodded: "That's for granted. The material plane is more like a hotbed, giving birth to souls with soul potential. With good luck and hard work, maybe they can grow into strong men. Other creatures, either become believers in the gods, or Fall into the Styx to supplement hell, abyss, and underworld. If you are willing to fall, spend a lifetime in the main world. If you want to get ahead, you must leave here and go to the outside world! "
The material plane is the foundation of the entire "Hitaheim crystal wall universe", because it can breed a continuous source of soul resources and maintain the prosperity of outer space.
In the eyes of the gods, demons, and gods of death, human dwarf elves and other species are plainly pigs, cattle, and sheep. The material plane is a huge breeding ground.
Here, high-quality livestock are continuously produced, but because of the restrictions of the rules, they will not be out of control. The most perfect breed is undoubtedly a human being, with a large number of souls and high quality. It has been released for two decades and resembles a hog. Although goblins reproduce faster, they have low nutritional value and poor souls, similar to white chickens. The spirits of elves and dwarves are higher, but fertility is low, like high-quality beef cattle.
Those who want to make their own chassis strong and want to become stronger will need more animal resources. So the gods developed believers, formed sects, and attacked each other. The devil wants to invade and plunder the soul. The devil often confuses people and deceives souls.
The creatures born in the two-folded belt and the twisted astral world have inherently degraded souls and cannot be seen at the lower level. However, after entering the extraordinary and legendary, the gap is obvious, and it is far less than the main world creatures. Such defective souls, called inferior goods, are far less perfect than the main world.
Therefore, outside creatures always want to invade the main world, live here, and give birth to descendants with soul potential, and then gods can appear.
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