Chapter 124: With effect understanding 1

人员 The members of the association who come to the site to participate in the excavation of the ruins can first control a part of the income, but not everything that is excavated is optional.
Some of these rare items have been collected long ago and need to return to the association to go to public. They are not included in the distribution.
I can pick a wave of things first, and put them in several boxes, all of which are some belongings, or circulating things like Warcraft Crystal Nuclei, which have no research value.
I was called to pick something first, and Cao Yan had nothing to offer, so he responded generously.
Warcraft crystal nuclei, some pharmaceutical materials, a small amount of rare metals ... Cao Yan was not interested, he liked a set of pet supplies.
This set of pet supplies is part of an item that Cao Yan himself opened out of a treasure chest.
He just lacks a set of pet master tools, including the bone pen that depicts the beast catcher ball. He has always used ordinary goods and was not willing to spend a lot of money to buy fine products.
虽然 Although this set of pet master tools seen at this time is antique-grade, but the material is good, the pen made of high-end Warcraft bone material has excellent mental force conductivity.
And sealed in the treasure chest, only slightly aging, without delay.
Cao Yan was trying to step forward and take away the set of favorite pet equipment, and the fake system in his consciousness suddenly came out: "In fact, it is also good to choose the Warcraft crystal core in the second box from the left."
"Huh?" Cao Yan turned to look at it.
The crystal nuclei for selection are all opened from the treasure chest of the ruins. Of course, the whole box will not be selected by people, but will be divided into smaller shares. The second box from the left is not large, and there is nothing to see. different.
But the fake system says that it can be selected. There is some truth in it. Cao Yan didn't hesitate and went to the crystal core box. "I want these crystal cores."
Changmu 颔 said, "You take it."
Cao Yan picked up the small box. There were probably thirty or forty crystal nuclei, most of which were elite crystal warrior nuclei, but they had been in the ruins for a long time, and the quality had decreased.
I took the crystal core box to earn the space of the master's badge, and Cao Yanjian Ji Wen and others were also sitting in the tent, and they also found a place to sit down in the past.
Next, other people who excavated the ruins and distributed the rest in turn.
After Cao Yan sat down in position, he began to obscurely observe the people present.
The thought in his heart was that the guy who had peeped at himself in the ruins, would he also be in the tent?
The person who peeped in the dark left few clues, only a shallow footprint, but it was not impossible to find the person accordingly. After analysis, Cao Yan has locked the target to a small range.
First of all, the professional level of the other party should not be high, otherwise the big cat could not be alert at the time and detect the trace of the other party.
对方 And the opponent's level will not be too low, otherwise the big cat will not be so cautious at that time, and faintly confront each other, but did not take the initiative to attack.
Combining these two pieces of information together, it was concluded that the person peeping in secret is likely to be at the fourth-order level, which is in line with the big cat's vague perception of the other party at the time, but it was not afraid to take the initiative. reaction.
The remaining clue is that footprint.
At that time, Cao Yan also stepped on it in a similar position, and found that the footprints left were deeper than the other side, which indicates that the other side should be slightly lighter than Cao Yan. Based on the size of the footprints, it can be determined that it was left by a man.
These messages add up, and the other person ’s profile appears.
Elite, male, he is lighter and thinner than Cao Yan, and it can be inferred that he should not be too tall.
The information is sufficient, Cao Yan moves his gaze in the tent and observes silently to find the suspect.
At this time, the people in the tabernacle were the core layers of the ruins of the two major associations.
There is nothing suspicious about people at the level of Changmu. Do not say whether they will follow Cao Yan. Even if they want to follow, they cannot be detected by the big cat.
Except for the masters of the level of Changmu, it is possible to exclude, and exclude the non-correspondence between gender and occupation level. The remaining elite fourth-tier men, a total of seven or eight, are the key suspects.
Cao Yan thought about things and took out a bag of preserved fruits, eating slowly.
I met a few people around him and discovered his behavior at the same time, and started to eat snacks again ...
Ji Wen, who was aside, snorted quietly. Since the ruins that day, Cao Yan gave her a snack bag of dried nuts. Ji Wen was very revenge and never talked to Cao Yan. She didn't want to talk to him all her life.
When I saw Cao Yan eating snacks, I got angry.
"Did you eat it? It's all for you." Cao Yan handed the snack bag to Ji Wen and asked.
Looking at the snack bag that suddenly appeared in front of her, Ji Wen took a cautious look at the probe and determined that this time it was not an empty bag, and there were still many preserved fruits in it.
What does this mean, conscience found? Apologies for that day?
Ji Jiwen asked Cao Yan doubtfully.
However, it turned out that she thought too much, Cao continued: "This bag of dried fruit is too sweet, I don't like it."
Ji Wen snorted again ... She was sweet and was hesitating to pick up the bag of snacks. UU reading suddenly stretched out a hand and took the snack bag away from Cao Yan "You don't like it. That's right. I'm sweet and sweet."
Ji Jiwen was anxious and angry and looked back.
Cao Yan also looked back, talking about the day when he first came to the ruins. When Cao Yan opened the gate of the ruins, he said that his snack was not for nothing.
大家 Everyone has been working together these days. This person Cao Yan is already quite familiar. His name is Bei Lihai. At the age of twenty-four, he is also a member of the association. He has a big body and a big face.
I got along for a few days, and it was not the first time to ask Cao Yan for a snack.
Bei Lihai cut a bag of dried fruit from Ji Wen, as if he did not feel the badness in Ji Wen's eyes, one by one, he put the dried fruit into his mouth, eating quickly, and praised Cao Yan in a pleasant mood: You can taste it, and I like everything I bring. "
Cao Yan smiled and was about to speak. Suddenly, the pet assistant on his wrist felt a slight shock and pushed out a message: "The ant colony has absorbed the flying snake blood diluted by the host and is drunk. It is drunk in the tree house If the host does not stop in time, the consequences may become more serious? "
Cao Yan stunned, will there be a negative effect of getting drunk on blood?
Cao Yan greeted him, and got up to leave.
When he returned to the tree house, he really saw the ants drunk crazy.
Some of the utensils that ants took out before eating, some directly ate the wood in the tree house, and the house was becoming scarred at an incredible rate, and most of the things were bitten and ragged.
I fortunately came back in time, no big mess.
At this time, the assistant of the pet master pushed out the message again: "The queen is also drunk in the ant maze and lays eggs everywhere. The host should know about it."
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