Chapter 125: Skill improvement

Then let's find out, Cao Yan passed on the queen and let it come out.
Although in the drunk state after absorbing snake blood, Cao Yan's call, the queen can still feel it. After a while, the surface of the labyrinth box shimmers, and the queen crawls out from it. .
The two small tentacles on the head of the queen trembled and shook, although drunk, but the spirit head is very good, more energetic than usual, small eyes staring at Cao Yan roundly.
There was a squeak, and under Cao Yan's gaze, the queen lay an egg without shame.
Murmur! Another one.
Grumbling and gurgling, the queen dragged her tumbling belly and spawned thirty or forty young eggs in a blink of an eye.
"So exaggerated?" Cao Yan was surprised.
"When the common ants on the earth first built their nests, they could lay about 20 to 50 eggs at a time. As the group develops, the number of members increases, the queen's abdomen slowly expands, and the spawning increases. Pieces.
So the host's queen spawns normally, so don't worry. "Pet Master Assistant pushed out the handwriting.
Cao Yan noticed that the young eggs laid by the queen this time were actually dark green, which was different from the past.
The pet assistant ’s handwriting changes:
Although the energy contained in the blood of the six-winged flying snake is diluted, after the ants absorb it, there will still be a special reaction, that is, the state of false drunkenness, which is caused by an energy shock. Excited.
This state causes their instincts to amplify, so the queen ants spawn frantically, and other ants begin to eat and eat near what they eat. Fortunately, they have absorbed snake blood as an energy support, and there will be no problem.
When the energy of the snake's blood is consumed, it will calm down. "
Cao Yan looked at the queen who spawned everywhere, and did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly let it lead the ants back to the maze locket.
The ant colony was excited, and at a much faster speed than usual, you squeezed back into the maze locket.
Cao Yan looked at the messy tree house, and the ants collapsed their beds. How should they sleep this night?
I briefly cleaned up, Cao Yan took a breath and took the small box of crystal nuclei just selected from the pet master's badge.
The box has a ruler and a square, similar to the bronze metal material, which is also an item excavated from the ruins.
Cao Yan took out the nuclei in the box and looked at them one by one, a total of 36, with various attributes, but did not see any difference in these nuclei.
He communicated with the false system in consciousness: "What's so special about these nuclei?"
"The nucleus is nothing special," said the fake system.
Plutonium nuclei are not special. What is special?
Cao Yan turned his attention to the small box containing the crystal nuclei, took out the crystal nuclei, and began to look at the empty box.
The surface of the box is embossed, with an ancient appearance and carrying the mottled years.
箱子 This kind of box has been excavated in the ruins.
I actually asked the fake system to know the answer, but Cao Yan was not prepared to speak. He took the box as a decryption process, and researched it happily. First, he put his finger on the box and slowly touched each ornament.
After a while, I still can't find the secret of the box.
Cao Yan paused, groaned a little, and tried to send mental energy into the several ornaments on the front and back of the box.
Finally, there was some reaction this time. When the side of the box was touched by mental force, there was a gleam of light.
Cao Yan pointed his eyes and saw that a small ornament on the flanks was shining.
He tried to touch the ornament again and increased his mental input.
The flanks of the box suddenly filled with space ripples, but it was hidden in a space similar to the trap of trapping beasts. It was a magic drawer.
Cao Yan continued to increase mental input, and quickly found a way. He successfully opened the space drawer, and found two thick books from the dark space in the box.
Cao Yan has a kind of strange hunting psychology to find the baby, holding two ancient books in his hand to view.
These two books are heavy and made of metal, except that the surface is slightly corroded for a while, it looks a bit old and basically intact.
Cao Yan opened one of them to see the contents.
This is a book specifically for World of Warcraft, covering the research process of pharmacy and Warcraft anatomy.
"The book is a research record left by the people at this site?" Cao Yan asked.
"Yes, there are a lot of experiments on Warcraft in this site. Naturally, there are experimental records left. Unfortunately, most of them were destroyed when the site was destroyed. The book in the host ’s hand is part of the experimental record. It involves Knowledge of Warcraft pharmacology and anatomy. After the host has watched it, the spacecraft will take it away, and the file will be recorded to enrich the spacecraft's database. "
Cao Yan said aloud and began to read the books.
The moon is in the sky.
After reading the first book, he picked up the second.
In the camp outside the linden tree house, except for the night watchers, most of them have rested.
The whole camp was quiet, only the silver moonlight accompanied Cao Yan.
In the early morning, the moonlight was also covered by dark clouds, and it was raining in the thunder.
Cao Yan has been baptized through time and space, and his memory and mental strength are different from ordinary people. After reading it, he can understand the content of the book ~ ~.
When he finishes reading the book, close the book.
Two books disappeared out of thin air and were taken away by a fake system.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host, the skill level of Warcraft Pharmacology has increased to reach the level of specialization." The fake system sounded.
Cao Yan's previous pharmacological knowledge comes from the first reward given by the fake system, which is the skill branch included in the pet master's skills.
This is the first time to improve your skill level through independent reading.
Unfortunately, these two Warcraft research records are incomplete.
If he can read the full research record, Cao Yan estimates that Warcraft Pharmacy may directly advance to the master level.
At this time, he felt numbness in his buttocks and almost lost consciousness in his legs. He got up and moved a few times before slowly recovering.
There was a sound of rain outside the window.
Cao Yan took a breath of moist air, and the level of pharmacology of heart palpitations increased, and there were a lot of Warcraft nuclei and various materials on his hands, which just happened to be a big cat to try the skill effect, refining pharmaceutical agents, and pushing it to the elite level. .
Cao Yan thought about what to do next, so he was ready to sit still for a while to cultivate his mental strength.
界面 At this time, the interface screen suddenly appeared, and a new task came suddenly:
任务 [Task] Prepare for the rain
要求 [Requirement] Find out who is secretly peeping at you, before the threat expands, identify the source of the danger and lift it
[Time limit] two days
奖励 [Reward] 1: Determine the identity of the secret person and reward 100 points;
2: Completely remove the threat and reward 100 points; fulfill all two mission requirements for a total of 200 points; mission failures deduct equivalent points
"Two days, that is, before leaving the ruins and returning to the magic capital ..." Cao Yansi said.
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