Chapter 451: Leak detection

In the morning, the sun is clear.
It has been two days since the closure of the ancient continent.
At this time in a mighty river, Dalong was on his way out of the ancient continent.
In the bow position, Cao Yan was facing the morning light, teasing the spider in the tortoiseshell cat.
The spider is not the egg, but the abyss demon spider.
This item was actually unlucky. When Cao Yan went to the World Tree for the first time, he was chased by a half-length skeleton and hurriedly evacuated, leaving this item on the tree.
It was hidden in the tree for several days after that, and they trembled and panicked.
The lucky point of this product is quite high, and those undead shooters who are also on the tree have never attacked it.
Later, Cao Yan remembered it and sent an ant to the tree to find it, and then picked it up by posting the screen.
After Cao Yan stabbed the spider at the bow, he returned to his cabin and called up the assistant screen to check the situation.
In the core area of ​​the ancient continent, the fire around the altar mountain was still burning, showing no signs of rest.
The phoenix ghost appeared from time to time in the flames, spreading powerful destruction forces.
Due to the appearance of the sea of ​​fire, the altar mountain was completely closed. Half-length skeletons and large insects were relieved. Since chasing after the thunder king and windwing carp dragon, they have been out in the waves and never returned to the altar mountain.
Cao Yan switched the screen pushed by the assistant's screen, and saw the other direction of the ancient continent. There was a giant bird covering the sky and a big snake in the air.
King-level battles, with ten days and a half months of difficulty, are also the norm.
Since the big bug and the thunder king left the altar mountain, the slaughter you came to me and killed for two days is still difficult to understand.
In the other direction, the wind-winged dragon and half-bone skeleton are similar, and they are also entangled.
However, compared to the big insect and Thunder King's chess opponents, it is difficult to win or lose, the wind-winged dragon is much more miserable, its scales are exposed, blood dripping, and it has been injured by a half-length skeleton.
In the mountains of the ancient continent farther, the four-armed gorillas leaped and rushed, using the mountains as stepping stones, which was appalling.
These scenes were all seen by Cao Yan by tracking the ant colony behind these locations.
Ant colonies trail far behind these mythologically powerful creatures in order to pick up the blood that was spilled from the wounds during their killing.
Followed along the way, the harvest is really good.
Cao Yan switched the assistant screen again, and the space under the world tree appeared on the screen.
Flames rushed on the ground around the Altar Mountain and the World Tree, but the fire in this underground space had gone out, restoring the original silence and openness.
Two days ago, the entrance to the flame space opened by the middle-aged man was still there.
At this moment, there was a small group of ants sneaking around the edge of the entrance.
In the underground space that day, all the ants died because of the flames, but then a new ant sneaked in again.
At the entrance of the flame space, the middle-aged man was burned to fly ash, but the scroll he took out at that time was not damaged and fell to the ground next to it.
The ant colony is carrying the scroll.
The ants picked up the scroll in concert, and when they were ready to retreat, they accidentally found that under the scroll there was still a half of the blue gemstone badge left under the fire.
The ant colony removed the badge together in accordance with the principle of taking things when they saw them.
As the ant colony approached the entrance of the flame space, Cao Yan passed the screen and looked inside the space below again.
Because the distance is closer, the scene I see is much clearer than last time.
The red light inside the flame space is dazzling, flames are everywhere, narrow in shape and wide in width, like a large jar. In particular, there is a red fire tree in the center of the space, like crystal carving, crystal clear, like a god.
The phoenix remains that Cao Yan saw before are located above a large red-red nest in the center of the tree crown, but the corpse on top of the phoenix remains is gone.
"Fake system, is that the corpse of gods running fine?" Cao Yan asked.
"The question of the host involves the secret hidden behind the ancient continent, which is related to the task and will not be answered."
"The corpse opened his eyes two days ago because the phoenix entered his brows and controlled his body?" Cao Yan changed a question.
"Yes, God stripped a strand of consciousness and merged with Phoenix Bird before he died. Therefore, under certain circumstances, Phoenix Bird can enter his body." This time the fake system responded very happy.
At this time, the ant colony delivered the stolen income (scroll and at least half of the damaged badges) through space and passed it over.
Cao Yan looked at two things in his hands.
The scroll tentacles are warm, reddish in color, and look like strange materials like crystal.
Cao Yan's heart moved slightly. The material of this scroll seemed to be the same as the fire tree where the remains of the Phoenix bird in the flame space.
"The scrolls are made from the branches of the fire sycamore tree," said Fake System.
The fire tree is a legendary plant and is no less precious than the world tree.
So to speak, the tree in the flame space is the fire sycamore, Cao Yan narrowed his eyes.
He is not surprised that the material of the scroll is so precious.
At that time, the middle-aged man took out the scroll, and apparently wanted to use the scroll to resist the flames in the space and approach the dead body.
It can be seen that this scroll has strong fire resistance, and the special material is expected.
Cao Yan put away the scroll and went to see the badly damaged badge.
This is a mark of the magic family, similar to Cao Yan's pet master badge, both a status symbol and a certain space attribute, can be used to store belongings.
Cao Yan thought for a while and took the badge into the spaceship.
"I'll give you 100 points ... Auch, should you be content?"
When Cao Yan came in, an internal auction was being held in the spacecraft, and the attendants were three attendants. Taohua held a red apple the size of a child's head and yelled for a hundred points.
Auch tore Sora and brought his code back, ready to sell to Dai Huanyu and Taohua.
While the two girls mumbled that Auch was a greedy demon, they reluctantly began to bid with the servant points.
In the code of Sora, there is a page of verses sealed by the ruling Lord himself before he came to the ancient continent. It has the attributes of space that can be opened by the clergy, and those chosen warriors came out of it.
So Sola ’s code is extremely valuable. Dai Huanyu and Taohua went through several rounds of bidding, and the points rose from 30 at the start of the auction, all the way to the latest 100 given by Taohua.
Oh, when he sees it, he closes: "The deal."
Dai Huanyu stepped forward, first took over Sola's code, and said to Taohua, "I'll take a look first." Then he turned and looked.
"You look at this badge and then look at the code." Cao Yan handed over half of the magic badge to Dai Zhaoyu.
She looked in her hand and said, "The damage is so severe, it is estimated that everything in the internal space is also destroyed. The boss wants me to repair this magic badge?"
Dai Huoyu majored in magic and the repair of magic items. She is relatively suitable.
"Try to fix it and see if there is anything left in ~ ~ Cao Yan said.
Dai Huanyu nodded, "I'll try."
Soon after, a few people dispersed again and went their separate ways.
Cao Yan returned to the Dragon, while the attendants went to the Net Red
Net Red is also withdrawing from the ancient continent, but while evacuating, it is capturing a large number of undead and other creatures unique to the ancient continent.
After Cao Yan was ready to return to Modu, he took part of the trip's harvest to his own store for sale, so when returning, he should stock up more 'goods'.
Dalong re-routed for several days, not far from the edge of the ancient continent.
At noon that day, Dai Huoyu sent a message to Cao Yan: "Boss, I have almost repaired that badge. Would you like to see it?"
One minute later, in the cabin of the Dragon, Cao Yan took the badge.
He was about to open the badge to see, and suddenly there was a knock on the door.
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