Chapter 452: Talk more

When he heard the knock on the door, Cao Yannu lowered his mouth, and the big cat squatting beside the door suddenly stood up. The man raised his paw in an imposing manner and opened the door.
Ji Wen came in through the probe from the door and saw the door opened by the big cat. He patted his big head with a smile, and praised: "The cat with little extension is so smart. My beauty wheel is not good. I ’m too lazy to die and teach nothing. learn."
Ji Wen's magic pet is only a Vido Koala, the auxiliary Warcraft of the spiritual department. Her specialty is to help her mental strength, and to better complete some of her work in the field of semiotics.
Different Warcrafts have different auxiliary or combat skills evolution directions, and specific growth methods rely on pet masters to conduct training and cultivation.
Ji Wen then turned to the topic: "There are guests coming on board, and the appearance is not small. The two big men personally came to the reception to let you pass."
The word gangster was learned by Ji Wen from Cao Yan.
A few minutes later, Cao Yan opened the door of the meeting room of the Dragon Dragon, and first heard Ji Qianshan's hearty voice: "... you're welcome, this is our honor."
When seeing Cao Yan enter the door, Ji Qianshan beckoned willingly, "Cao Yan, come quickly, I will introduce you to the head of village Rosa."
Cao Yan muttered to himself: What is the title of the village chief? Listen to President Ji's meaning, it seems like a very large cadre.
Thinking about this, Cao Yan turned his eyes to the guest opposite Ji Qianshan and couldn't help but look at it.
It was a woman wearing white fur. She looked less than thirty years old, and her face was not very beautiful, but her skin was as white as snow, her eyes were clear, her temperament was good, and she felt quiet and calm.
The woman is also looking at Cao Yan, with a gentle smile: "I went to the Master Association before and heard them say that they can enter the ancient continent in advance this time. Thanks to Cao Yan of the Favorite Association, they opened the ancient mainland barriers. I have been listening to your quarterly meeting just now. Captain Joe and Captain Joe boast of your semiotic talent, and this time may bother you. "
Ji Qianshan introduced the identity of the woman and said, "This is the deputy head of Rosa, Yongye Village in the Arctic Arctic."
This woman was actually seen by Cao Yan. A few days ago, in the World Tree area, a woman riding a snow-covered cloud sculpture was blocked by a half-body skull, and the cloud-covered sculpture was seriously injured. Finally, the woman rode away from the cloud-covered sculpture Already.
The woman in front of her was the one riding the cloud cover.
The Yongye Village mentioned by Ji Qianshan is a human settlement in the far north of the ancient continent. It is said that many strong people live in it, and some people call it the Yongye Ice Palace or the Northern Snow Temple. Different, but all refer to Yongye Village.
The green jungle world has many legends about Yongye Village, which is an ancient and mysterious place.
"Mayor Rosa came here to customize a beast-catcher ball. She had some special requirements, so you asked Cao Yan to come and listen." Qiao Zuo stood beside Ji Qianshan and answered.
Rosa smiled: "It's not a special requirement, it just requires a larger internal area of ​​the trapping ball, and a larger amount of traction elements. Well, it is best to make a trapping ball of master quality or above. In addition, I also hope that this beast trap ball has an auxiliary healing effect. The most important thing is that the element of ice must be the main attribute, and the element of water is the secondary attribute. It is best to have both the wood element ... "
He also said: "My veiled veiled cloud has been injured and needs to rest in this trapping ball, so I have these few requirements."
Ji Wen stood behind Cao Yan and couldn't help but reach for his forehead. I thought that this was a small request. My God, there are only three elemental attributes of this beast-catcher ball, and it needs to be sealed inside. The area is large enough, has healing effect, master grade ... Any of these requirements can drive ordinary golfers crazy ...
Cao Yan blinked and pondered in his heart. It is not easy to fully meet Rosa's requirements. It is difficult to find the material alone.
Rosa and Cao Yan continued: "I actually have a drawing of the ball that I took a lot of thought about to make a beast-catcher ball, but it has a higher technical requirement on the producer. Just ask Cao Yan for you Let me see, if you can, you can make the catch ball according to the style on the drawing. "
He said to take out a blueprint that he took with him and hand it to Cao Yan.
Her intention is very obvious. She wants to pass Cao Yan's standard first through this drawing. After all, no matter how good others say, it is better to see for yourself.
Cao Yan took the drawing and glanced twice, looking up at Ji Ji Qianshan.
Ji Qianshan bowed his head slightly, apparently hoping that Cao Yan could agree to it. There seems to be some special reason hidden in it, which is not convenient for Cao Yan to explain at this moment.
Cao Yan thought for a while, and said to Rosa: "The drawing you provided is a master ball of the elemental ice attribute. It uses the symbol structure of the storm column as the core. The beast catcher ball made according to the drawing can gather inside. Icebergs and seas of snow, great master drawings. "
Rosa stunned, her drawing of the trap ball was not easy, it has a long history and it is very difficult to make.
She has asked many ball gamers who are proficient in this way, and no one is sure to do it. Unexpectedly, Cao Yan looked at it and broke the core structure. Rosa ’s way of talking about this kind of animal trap is still First encounter.
She had no idea in her head, and she heard Cao Yan said, "But the beast catcher ball made according to this drawing, although it can gather a large amount of ice elements, but this is a training ball mainly for training. Extremely, it is not suitable for the habitat of Warcraft, especially the injured Warcraft.
If you want to make a beast trap on a drawing, I suggest changing the core storm pillar structure to an opposite pillar to reduce the activity of the storm element by structural balance, and instead increase its purity. More beneficial. "
Cao Yan said just now that the core structure of the drawing was broken, Rosa was already quite surprised.
At this time, the more and more talkative, the improvement plan of the drawing was given. Rosa's mastery of semiotics was amazing, and she said, "I'm so ugly, so I shouldn't take out this drawing. Yes, Cao Yan, you are indeed a genius in semiotics, so I can rest assured. "
Cao Yandao: "To make the beast catching ball you need, there are many special materials involved. Are you prepared?"
Ji Qianshan interjected: "This is no problem. Our association headquarters has a complete set of materials for making balls. When we return to the headquarters, we should be able to find everything we need."
Rosa groaned for a moment, then said loosely: "Then disturb you, I'll borrow a while on the boat, and go back to the headquarters of the Pet Association with you."
Ji Qianshan laughed and laughed: "The head of village Rosa went to our association and really wanted it. Let's go and I will take you to choose a room."
When Ji Qianshan led Rosa to leave, Qiao Zuo said to Cao Yan, "Yong Ye Village where Rosa is located guards the entrance to the polar ice field. Most of the best quality ice properties, Warcraft, live there.
Our association has always wanted to reach a cooperation with Yongye Village, freely access the ice field, capture the magic pet, but unsuccessful. This is a great opportunity. If it does, it will greatly benefit the development of the association, so President Ji is more attentive. "
Cao Yan laughed absurdly.
Soon after, he returned to his cabin and took out the badge repaired by Dai Huanyu again.
The badge was only repaired to a small extent, barely able to open the enclosed space inside.
Cao Yan immediately sent in his spirit and tried to open the badge.
There was a layer of shimmer on the surface of the badge, which flashed several times before trying to open a gap in the space.
Cao Yan pulled out the contents by virtue of his mental strength. As a result, most of the items taken out were destroyed with the damage of the badge, which had no value.
There is only one ancient scroll made from Warcraft skin ~ ~ and a small part remains.
Cao Yan picked it up and looked at it. The content in the remnants is a narrative pattern that seems to describe the construction process of a huge project.
In the scroll, there are many people who are digging a mountainside ...
Cao Yan looked for a while, and then determined that what was depicted on the remnant was actually the construction process of the altar mountain.
It is unknown where the middle-aged man who died in the space under the tree of the world got this remnant. Perhaps a long time ago, believers of the who participated in the construction of the altar mountain passed it on, or maybe For other reasons, in short, the content of this remnant reasonably explained the man's familiarity with the internal structure of Altar Mountain.
The construction map of the altar mountain was severely damaged and was of little use to Cao Yan.
But in the remaining content, the symbolic structure of some energy nodes is intermittently drawn, that is, the structural system arranged around the altar mountain.
After seeing it, Cao Yan was inspired. He thoughtfully took it from the altar of the altar mountain that day, and took out more than ten symbols imprinted on the surface of a blank trap ball ...
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