Chapter 519: Cut people

The black spots are rapidly expanding and expanding, forming a black hole that is one square meter in size and rotates at a high speed. . .
The huge energy generated by the Jianmang explosion is like the flood of the dam, and it is madly pouring into the black hole.
In the blink of an eye, the black hole will be swallowed by a third.
"What is this?" Guan Yuan's face showed a panic.
The powerful energy generated by the explosion of the three-handed swordsman and the dazzling white light filled in the air all flowed into the black hole in the shadow, and then flowed to the mysterious black hole in Li Xuantan.
"Ah..., it's so comfortable, so comfortable!" Li Xuan couldn't help but make a pleasant shout.
After a short time, the energy of the Jianmang explosion all flowed into the black hole of Li Xuan Dantian.
Guan Yuan's double face changed greatly, but it is even more unclear why this horrible black hole appeared, but he absolutely knows that the huge energy generated by the explosion of the three-handed swordsman can definitely destroy a hill.
However, this powerful energy is now inexplicably swallowed up by this black hole.
In the imagination of Guan Yuanshuang, the characters in the virtual shadow are even more powerful, but under the attack of such powerful forces, they must also reveal the original shape. However, beyond the imagination of his own, the trick of trying his best to not only hurt the other side, but seeing the other side seems to be very useful.
"What kind of martial arts is this? Is it the master of the heavens that Master said?" Guan Yuan double stared at the virtual shadow and suddenly excited.
It is reasonable to say that his stunts have been so easily cracked. Guan Yuan’s face should be full of anger, but at this time, he not only does not have shame, but shows a rare excitement and smile.
"Are you a monk from the upper bounds? Are you the ancestor of the legendary swordsman who flew in the legend of the Shenjian League?" When the words were finished, Guan Yuanshuang’s eyes suddenly burst into an excited eye. A militant mood is revealed.
Followed by Guan Yuanshuang: "I want to challenge you!"
Li Xuan listened to what he said, and suddenly his head got bigger and he was speechless for a while. Darkness: "Why are people in this world all who are brave and brave, and challenge them?"
In fact, the black hole in the body of Dantian has just been out of control. It has almost exhausted the essence of Li Xuan’s body. At this moment, he is already exhausted. Where is the ability to fight again, he can use his ability to show up. With strong perseverance, Xuan desperately supported not to let himself show his defeat.
Guan Yuanshuang continued: "Since I entered the threshold of the monks ten years ago, I have not found an opponent, and I have never touched a monk. I heard that a sword monk had a monk five hundred years ago. I came over and tried it out. I didn't have any hope, but I didn't expect it, but I really met a monk. I...,"
At this time, a quiet sound of the piano came from the faint of heaven.
It seems to be a gentle breeze, which makes people feel refreshed, such as the spring breeze. The disciples of the Shenjian League, who were stunned on the ground, suddenly woke up and sat on the ground and listened to them. Some disciples also shook their heads gently with the rhythm of the piano.
The heart of Li Xuan’s whole person was also stunned. I felt that there was a warm current in the heart of the body, and the whole body meridians were so comfortable that I couldn’t help but listen to this wonderful sound.
The Guan Yuan, who has always been arrogant, has changed his normal state at this time. His face is dignified and he is very careful.
After a while, Guan Yuan’s face showed a shy color, and turned to face the sky in the south:
Yes, Master, the disciples know the wrong. The disciples no longer provoke right and wrong, go back immediately!

After the talk, Guan Shuang did not turn his head and stared at the virtual film, as if he wanted to say something, but he wanted to say it, as if he was afraid of something, and finally he was reluctant to fly into the sky and left.
At the time when the tube did not leave, Li Xuan suddenly woke up, and could not help but have a cold sweat on his forehead, secretly:
"Hey, hey, the sound of the piano, if he then sent a sword to come over, I really don't know if I can resist it?"
Looking down, I saw that the disciples of Shenjian League were still sitting on the ground, and they had an obsessive look on their faces. They secretly sighed and sighed and used their space to shuttle back to the cottage.
Shortly after Li Xuan left, there were two figures in the inside of the Shenjian League. The face was clear and clear, and the old man with a white beard left his majesty, his expression was very dignified and majestic; the other was the towering bones. It is a small man with a small body.
Seeing all the disciples in the league sitting on the ground, they couldn’t help but feel stunned.
Then I saw that there was a forest on the side of the main entrance of the League of Legends. There was a huge pit in it. A long crack spread from the inside of the pit to the main entrance of the Shenjian League. I was shocked.
"Who is coming to my swordsman alliance?" The old man was so angry that his white beard trembled and asked for anger.
I have known it for a long time, and no one answered.
The little man has already kneel down to see the injuries of everyone.
He walked to the silver-haired old man who was constantly shaking his head and his eyes, patted the shoulders of the old man, and anxiously asked: "Uncle Shi, what are you doing, what happened? What did you know? I was sitting on the ground and was so intoxicated that I couldn’t care for him. I couldn’t help but ask more urgently: "Uncle Shi, what are you doing, wake up?"
"No, they are the mysterious voices of the monks, I am afraid that they will not wake up in time." The old man sighed in disappointment.
"What? The monk!!!" The eagle screamed and hurriedly stood up again and asked, "Uncle Shi, isn't it that the monk can't just go down the border? Is this possible?"
This clear-cut old man is the second elder of the Shenjian League, Li Tianfeng. He sighed again and said: "From the point of view of the destructive power of the scene, it is impossible for the three masters of the world to simultaneously achieve this kind of destruction. Force, except for the monks, cannot be other people."
The skinny man was shocked and looked at the people sitting on the ground in front of him. He was worried: "The uncle and the disciples seem to be caught in a wonderful fantasy. Will they have something to do?"
"This is exactly what I am worried about." The two elders Li Tianfeng also showed a worried look on his face.
I saw two elders, Li Tianfeng, constantly sifting through the crowd, and they were interviewed by several disciples. After a long time, they said: "Their airflow in their bodies is smooth. It seems that this mysterious sound has no harm to them. It seems that they are healing them.

"Oh, it hurts me." An old voice suddenly shouted.
The two elders Li Tianfeng and the small man heard the words, could not help but overjoyed, and hurriedly turned and stood up. However, seeing the silver-haired old man, the three elders, Chen Youdong stood up and screamed, his face full of fear.
He looked around in a panic, and when he saw Li Tianfeng and the little man, he let out a tone and said: "Two brothers, Tan Shizhen, you have come over... Hey, a horrible sword." Since the beginning of the fight, the heart is still in the embers.
Two elders Li Tianfeng asked: "What happened here?
How can there be a monk fighting here?

The old man with silver hair sighed and thought for a moment, then the provocation of Guan Yuanshuang and the sudden appearance of mysterious phantoms. The scenes of the two monks fighting in the air were truthfully said.
The two elders, Li Tianfeng and the little man, heard the words and couldn’t help but be amazed. Although they knew the monk's power well, but after listening to his description, he was still shocked by the strange and illusory characters of Guan Yuanshuang.
They looked at each other and couldn't speak for a long time.
Back to the huts, the sky is already black.
Although the stomach had already picked up and protested, Li Xuan was not eager to go to the kitchen to cook. Instead, he went back to bed and sat up, and he would review the things happening in Shenjian League as quickly as a movie.
After careful analysis, Li Xuan summed up three pieces of information that have an impact on himself.
First: break the routine and reverse the practice.
Second: condensing emptiness can break all physical and rational attacks, but it can't stop the strange waves.
Third: to slow down, slow to be smart, you can break fast.
What needs to be solved now is the first two problems. In the shortest possible time, we should find a practical way to break through the bottleneck of mental training and improve our ability. At the same time, figure out what the strange electric wave is? Why can he destroy his own consciousness?
In the following days, Li Xuan closed in the room, based on the information obtained, combined with his own conditions, meditation on the method of solution.
However, three days later, Li Xuan not only did not come up with any good methods, but the original clear thinking was also confused.
Imagine any successful theoretical system in the world, which has been developed through numerous revisions and corrections in practice, and it has been through the hammering practice to reach its peak.
Tai Chi Chuan, the founder of Tai Chi Chuan, has created this set of boxing methods since the establishment of this boxing method. After thousands of years, countless people have repeatedly practiced the hammering and finally achieved the glory of today.
The founder of Jeet Kune Do, Li Xiaolong, is based on the theory of his predecessors. He sums up the Chinese boxing methods, the Chinese Taoist philosophical thoughts and the current Western philosophical theories. After countless days, and regardless of their own safety, they finally Created a new type of boxing that is extremely lethal.
In just a few days, how could Li Xuan think of a successful theoretical system that is very helpful to the practice of abilities.
Is Li Xuan more powerful than Zhang Sanfeng than Bruce Lee?
It is more intelligent and more creative than Newton, who has seen that the apples do not fall into the sky and fall into the ground.
Li Xuan knows his own shortcomings, but he is working harder and harder to practice his abilities, but at the same time he is trying his best to find new ways to practice.
In fact, in order to succeed in anything, in addition to diligence and understanding, there must be a little bit of opportunity.
After a few more days, Li Xuan was thinking about how to break the routine and reverse the practice method to improve his abilities after the practice. However, he couldn’t think of a result because he wanted to break his head. The teacup on the table was in a daze.
I thought about it for a long time... I gradually got Li Xuan feeling exhausted and had a sense of drowsiness.
In the confusion, Li Xuan suddenly felt that he was particularly sipping, and looked at the cups that did not overlap in his eyes. He suddenly made a whisper: "If your consciousness comes out, you can let the tea on the table fly to my mouth." How good is that?"
In this state of sleep, sleep, and waking, Li Xuan looked at the tea on the table and desperately wanted it to fly into his mouth. As soon as this thought came out, the sleepiness was stronger and the spirit was more confused.
Among them, Li Xuan felt that the tea on the table seemed to be approaching himself a little bit, and it seemed that he still stood there and did not move, as if laughing at himself.
Gradually, Li Xuan felt that he was extremely tired and soon fell into a dream.... In his sleep, Li Xuan discovered that his ability to break through the bottle, can instantly move thousands of miles away, and can be teleported several times. I immediately laughed happily.
Suddenly, Li Xuan heard a sharp call from a woman in the distance.
Li Xuan flashed and instantly came to a branch not far from the scene. Seeing that the two are tall and one short, one thin and one fat is killing a green girl. When seeing the two old men, Li Xuan immediately became furious.
When I thought about it, I applied a strong sense of control ability. I pulled up a big tree next to me and swept the past. I immediately pressed the two old people to the savory pulp and rescued the green girl.
I know that when Li Xuanyi appeared, the green girl did not appreciate it, grabbed his clothing neighbor and called out loudly: "Rogue, satyr..."
At this time, a quiet sound of the piano came from the faint of heaven.
Li Xuan suddenly issued a volley that he did not control. Suddenly heard a majestic voice shouted: "Bold, dare to tease women, go to hell!"
In panic, Li Xuan could not hear that the voice of the man was male or female. He only felt that the majesty of the voice was irresistible.
"Hey..." the sound of the piano. Li Xuan only feels that the whole body is extremely painful, just like a million knives cutting the flesh of his body. When he looked down, he couldn't help but be scared to death. His limbs were all inexplicably cut into seventeen and eight.
Li Xuan suddenly woke up from a nightmare. Wiping the sweat on his forehead with his hand, said: "Fortunately, it is a nightmare." When I recalled the dream carefully, Li Xuan did not feel afraid for a while. "What a terrible power, the sound is like a knife, can you kill people?"
I also remembered that the sound of the screaming sounded a few days ago, the arrogant Guan Yuan double immediately became respectful, and could not help but increase Li Xuan’s curiosity: "Who is she? Is it male or female? She is actually Guan Yuanshuang. Master, I am afraid that a martial art is even more powerful?"
"Hey! How can the tea cup come to the table?" Li Xuan had to stare at the teacup on the table, only to see that half of the bottom of the cup was off the table.
"I clearly remember that it was placed in the middle of the table. How could it move to the table? Is it true that the brothers Liu Huixiang and the old man back are coming back, seeing me sleeping and not bothering me?"
Thinking of this, Li Xuan was overjoyed and stood up. I know that when I ran to the door, I saw that the concierge was locked. It was impossible for someone to come in.
"They didn't come back, so how can the cup be moved? Can you remember it wrong? Impossible, I clearly remember that I was in the middle of the table after drinking, but now the department is about to fall off the table?

Li Xuan took the cup for a while and found no problems. He sat back to the bed and seriously remembered the situation before going to bed.
Suddenly, the flash of light in my mind seemed to think of something, and I couldn’t help but exclaim: "Under the routine, reverse training, I found it, I finally found a way."
Li Xuan was excited to jump off the bed.
"Don't the fact that the teacup on the table was moved is driven by my own consciousness. I remember that when I thought it was like seeing the cup moving, I soon fell asleep." Li Xuan was delighted.
"Is it because I was in confusion at the time, inadvertently stepped into a certain realm and made it easy for me to control the cup. Yes, it must be like this. Otherwise, it is impossible to explain why the teacup was moved. ""
Li Xuan is excited: "I can use my foreign objects to improve my mental strength and move according to my own thoughts. As long as the consciousness controls the more flexible the foreign object, then the mental power is high?... Isn't this the reverse practice? It’s much better than the way to improve your mental power through meditation.

"Controlling the teacup by practicing consciousness can not only improve one's own mental strength, but also master one skill and one consciousness of manipulating objects. Two things. Ha..."
Li Xuan Yue thought more excited: "Yes, when you first started practicing, choose a smaller object than tea, and then gradually increase it gradually to a larger object."
In the following time, Li Xuan tried to practice in this way. In the beginning, he chose to use a smaller glass than the teacup to practice.
After practicing for half a year, under the suspicion of Li Xuan’s concentrated energy, the wine glasses were always standing in the original place, and gradually there was a slight loosening, and then I was able to master it freely.
After the practice, Li Xuan always felt that the spirit was euphemistic. At the beginning, he needed to sleep for one day and one night to recover his energy, and then he could recover after only half a day.
Use consciousness to control foreign objects, practice from a smaller wine glass, go to the teacup, and then to the last big bowl. Under the influence of his powerful consciousness, the smaller wine glasses and tea cups can not only move freely according to their own consciousness on the table, but also leaping.
This method works well.
Li Xuan’s mental progress has progressed extremely rapidly, and he quickly broke through the bottleneck, and the scope of the eye-opening sight has suddenly expanded from 6 kilometers to nearly 20 kilometers. And it can continue to use space for many times, and there will be no bad reactions.
Li Xuan’s ability to control vertical space has taken a new step.
After eating lunch one day, as usual, Li Xuan returned to the room and sat on the bed. The eyes were opened and the place was 20 km away.
The sun is shining outside, the weather is bright, the trees are green and the water is clear.
(To be continued)
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