Chapter 520: Find

A most original and beautiful ecological beauty is fully present in Li Xuan's mind.
There is no pollution, no human beings are arbitrarily deforested, and the status quo is free to open. Everything maintains the most primitive and beautiful appearance of nature.
"The scenery here is really beautiful. It is full of natural magic and magic everywhere... so fresh and beautiful, much more beautiful than the earth!!" Li Xuan sighed.
I know, at this time, the sky of the eye is suddenly completely dark, and only a trace of light can be seen in the darkness.
"What happened? How did the sky get dark?"
Li Xuan was slightly surprised.
"It’s still good, how do you change it? Is it necessary to have a heavy rain? No, it’s not the case that it’s going to rain. It’s going to be weird!

At that time, the sky suddenly brightened up.
The intense white light instantly illuminates the entire land like white, and all the objects on the earth are illuminated with only one color left white.
All objects are lost their own color by this intense white light.
Covering his own consciousness to cover the 20-mile Li Xuan, he was suddenly stunned by the glare that was printed in his mind, and there was a temporary break.
"What is going on? Is it the end of the world?" Li Xuan was shocked and hurriedly regained consciousness, feeling comfortable.
This blazing glare also caused a lot of fear and uneasiness in many animals on this land, as if to know that a major change was about to happen.
Many of the beasts in the forest came together, all of them screaming in the sky, and countless birds all flew away from the nest, screaming in the air. The fish in the water are constantly jumping out of the water, and the animals in the soil are constantly rolling out from the inside... The abnormal performance of all the animals seems to be warning, and the world is about to change dramatically... this is more than the midday sun. The intense brilliance lasted for 3 seconds and quickly disappeared.
At the time of the moment, the sky suddenly changed again and again.
"How is this going?"
Li Xuanzang opened his eyes and jumped out of bed, and found a piece of blackness in front of him. There was no trace of light. It should have been a daytime, but at this time it was a bit darker than the night, just as if the whole world suddenly fell. The boundless abyss is general.
Suddenly, the sky suddenly turned bright again. The strong light is exactly the same as before.
The dazzling glare passed through the window and shot into Li Xuan's eyes. He suddenly stabbed his eyes and felt white in his eyes.
Li Xuan immediately closed his eyes, his hands clenched, and was shocked:
"Great white light!!"
But the strong white light quickly disappeared.
So repeatedly, the sky was dark and suddenly brightened... Li Xuan was in the house, and I didn’t know what was going on outside. I only heard the bark of savage in the distance and the panic of human panic. sound.
There were also some large animals rushing in the forest, and there was a rumbling sound.
In the darkness, at the door of the secret room of the Houshan Cave of Shenjian League, stood an old man with a wide eyebrow and a three-inch beard on his chest.
The old man is sad and sorrowful, worried and sighing.
"It turned out to be true... I don’t think it’s true that the disaster that has been circulating for thousands of years is true. From then on, the world will be in chaos, and the people will not live, oh..."
Suddenly, the stone door of the secret room behind him opened, and a sacrum was shining from the inside, and the body was a small man. He held a fire in his hand and anxiously said: "Hey, brother, how come you ran out again. Come on, let's go back to the secret room."
It turned out that this old man with a wide wide eyebrow is Wei Xinsong, the head of the Shenjian League, and the tall man with his bones is his six-sister Tan Haiqiang.
Wei Xinsong, the head of Shen Jianmeng, sighed again and said:
"Okay! Master Tan, let's go back."
Not only is Wei Xinsong, the head of the Shenjian League, but the peerless powerhouses hidden everywhere are all sighing and sighing.
"The order of the heavens and the earth is in chaos, and the outside strong will soon invade. Heaven is dead in my world!!!"
Sitting in the Shenchi Cave, Mrs. Zheng, who was passing through the old road and passing the Tao, suddenly violently glared at the eyes and stared at the outside world. After a while, he muttered: "The original prophecy was actually true. The world will be in chaos, and the strong players in the upper bound really have to attack."
When Li Xuan resumed his eyesight, he rushed out of the room and looked up at the sky.
I saw it in the sky with no black paint, and countless lightnings dance like mad snakes. The dense linen is full of the sky. As time goes by, the lightning is more and more, and soon these lightnings are all in one piece, and the whole piece will be dark. The sky is all covered.
But the strange thing is that the lightning dances in the sky, but the land is still dark and ink.
"How is this like? Is it not in line with common sense?" Li Xuan was shocked.
At this juncture, the lightning of Lianwei suddenly burst out with a strong light more than a few suns, and suddenly the dark earth shines white.
With the last lesson, Li Xuan saw that the sky was not right. He closed his eyes and escaped the white light in time. His heart was shocked: "So many lightnings are gathered together. If it really collapses, I am afraid that this land will be completely destroyed. It!"
"However, it is strange! Why did the lightning not fall down, all turned into a strong white mans and disappeared. Ignore it, it is not safe, hurry to find a cave to hide. If it really collapses, I am Ten lives can't resist it."
Thinking of this, Li Xuan suddenly anxious.
Just as the sky turned black, a thunder of sound like an atomic bomb continued to be transmitted from the sky.
After a while, a wave followed by a wave.
The powerful thunder sound waves immediately killed many animals on the land, and the plants blocked the waist. Large and large houses collapsed, many mountains collapsed, rocks splattered, and many rivers were diverted and diverted.
The powerful sound waves will instantly stun the Li Xuan, who is unprepared.
Then, the huts around him could no longer support the impact of this powerful sound wave, and they slammed into the ground. Li Xuan, who was fainting on the ground, was buried underground.
I don't know how long it took, and Li Xuan, who was fainting in the past, gradually became aware. He only felt that his whole body seemed to be crushed by heavy stones. It was difficult to breathe and breathing was very difficult.
Stupidly opened his eyes and saw a darkness in front of him. Li Xuan tried to struggle and stood up, but found that he couldn’t hold a little strength. He seemed to have a weight of tens of thousands of weights. With.
"Where is this?"
Li Xuan struggled to shake his head so that he could be awake.

Don't I be buried under the ground?
Li Xuan felt the gravel sand in his tentacles. I don’t think much about it now, but I’m going to use my eyes to float out of the ground.
I saw the outside sun shining, it is a bright day.
When I look at my own place, I find that he is being crushed under the gravel soil and wooden beams of the collapsed huts, and there is a chaos around the huts. Many big rocks have been rolled down from the top of the mountain and are pressed against the wooden beams. .
"This way I have not died yet!!" Li Xuan was surprised.
Recalling the sky vision before the fainting and the terrible thunder, a burst of horror in my heart: "The power of horror nature."
So thinking about his immediate suspicion of the use of space shuttle, a whole body of blue light, the body quickly faded, and finally disappeared.
Back to the ground, Li Xuan stood on the boulder of the wooden beams, and sighed helplessly.
The surrounding scenery has been destroyed and devastated, it is simply not the appearance, the original beautiful scenery has become a mess.
More than 90% of the trees in the distant forest are falling to one side. Many mountains are split and the fallen mud blocks the river. Originally low-lying, it has been filled with flat soil. And many mountains have been straight cut a mountain.
In the far side of the mountain forest, there is a thick smoke, some of the burning flames are already higher than the hills, looking from afar, Mars is shining, the fire is skyrocketing.
Everywhere, you can see piles of beasts and birds flying to the ground. All of them are bleeding in seven holes, and their form is terrible. It really is like a mountain.
Li Xuan has been stunned by the horror of his eyes.
When Li Xuan looked up at the sky again, he couldn’t help but stay alone.
I saw a few huge gaps in the blue sky. These gaps are like someone who used a huge awl to make a big round hole in the sky.
In these huge gaps, there is a light curtain composed of a colorful light shining from the inside, directly from the sky to the ground below. Looking from afar, it is like a transparent passage connecting directly from the sky to the ground.
The light curtain composed of the gods is surrounded by the glow of the sky.
"Is it a space crack? Is it that the light curtain like a transparent pipe is..." With this in mind, Li Xuan is even more surprised. "Listen to them, there is another world, is that the other way to the legend?"
At this moment, Li Xuan suddenly heard a loud voice passed down from the air.
"Haha..., I finally escaped from the fairyland and came to the realm of my dreams. This one thousand-kilometer site belongs to the jurisdiction of Li Yili. All the immortals hiding here will get out of here. "The tone of the speech is quite bad."
"Li Yili, you are a predecessor, do you have to go through with us juniors?" Another unspeakable voice is constantly being transmitted from the ground to the sky.
"We will not leave, what do you want?" A sharp voice followed in another high-profile.
"Okay, okay, you have a little bit of this kid, ha... I will take you to the knife first." The voice was not finished, a khaki light suddenly illuminates from the sky, cut through the sky, and flies like lightning. Shoot to another place on the hill.
This khaki-colored light is really as shocking as Changhong, and it is like a thunder!
Compared with what Li Xuan has seen in the past, the swordsman does not know how many times. Although there are still one or two kilometers away from the khaki-colored light, Li Xuan still can feel the amazing energy contained in the light.
The sky that the ray of yellow light traversed caused a turbulence in the space, and a clear long hole appeared. It's like a sharp blade that scratches a trace directly on the blue fabric.
"You, flee..." The sharp voice suddenly horrified.
"It's useless, you can't escape." Hong Liang's voice once again picked up from the sky. Followed by the khaki-colored light, he directly turned a big bend in the air and chased the other side of the mountain.
"Bang" and "bang"
I saw a dazzling khaki light in the distance, and the light shone into the sky, followed by a thunderous blast.
The distant hill directly blows a big hole.
Seeing this scene, Li Xuan was shocked: "The power of horror! Is this the power of the "Imperial Man"?" He couldn't help but chill.
Then, Li Xuan heard the screams of the heartbreaking that the man had sent from afar.
Then, the sharp voice was picked up again in the air: "Li Yili, my teacher will not let go..." When it comes to this, the sound stops, and it is obviously dead on the spot.
"Haha... who else is not convinced." Hong Liang’s voice picked up again.
....." At this time, no one dared to answer. There were a lot of people in the sky flying away in the distance. Apparently scared him away.
"Haha... I don't know the junior, don't give you a little color, so when I am Li Yili's words, it's fart?" Hong Liang's voice smirked.
The laughter was so loud that it rang through the whole piece of land, and Li Xuan’s eardrums screamed.
Li Xuan stunned his ears, looked up and searched in the air, and his heart was shocked: "I haven't even seen his shadow until now. Just listening to his laughter, I can't stand it. It's really terrible!" !"
But the loud laughter did not stop, and it interrupted a cold laughter.
"Hey... Li Yili, are you proud of it?"
A wretched voice was also passed down from the sky: "Now I declare that a thousand kilometers here is my site, and you will get out of it quickly?"
The loud laughter hardened and stopped, followed by becoming extremely angry: "You Xia, you ghost thing, how can you not scatter, always go with me?"
"Hey... Li Yili, can you come to the realm of the world, can't I come in the summer? You can land here as king, can't I? Can you get out of here!"
"Well, this is You Xia, you really are afraid that you will not be?" Hong Liang’s voice shouted.
"Then you try it?" The wretched voice rang again.
Hearing this, Li Xuan is full of curiosity, taking a shot of his own head: "Well... how do I forget it?" Immediately, he could fly into the air and search quickly.
Since the naked eye could not see the figure in the sky, I had to use my own stunts to make a fuss.
Consciousness spreads rapidly into the air.
One kilometer... five kilometers... ten kilometers... As the consciousness drifted away, Li Xuan became more and more shocked. He still couldn’t see a figure at such a long distance, but the sound could still be transmitted from the air, as if The same is true when they are talking nearby.
"This is too terrible." Li Xuan was very surprised.
Until the consciousness flew to the height of 16 kilometers, Li Xuancai found the front, two figures floating in the air, and the whole body was entwined with a misty fog. One is khaki fog and the other is green fog.
The haze is so bright that I can't see what they look like.
"Finally found." Li Xuan was overjoyed.
I saw a figure surrounded by khaki-colored haze, and a huge khaki hammer suddenly appeared in the palm of my hand. The hammer fluttered in the air, and it was extremely dazzling. There would be a house-sized khaki hammer immediately shot from the hammer. Come out, and fly to the green fog.
Flying one to half, the size of the hammer of the house is instantly transformed into countless hammers of the same size, and the shadow of the weak green fog is shrouded in the shadow of the stormy waves.
Then, a loud voice rang in Li Xuan's ear: "Let's talk less, first pick me up."
At this moment, I saw that the right hand surrounded by green haze was not in the air, and a huge green network suddenly appeared in the air, and swiftly went to countless hammers.
The green net collided with the khaki hammer and burst into a very beautiful light, like a small sun, illuminating a few dozen square kilometers.
Followed by a huge crash, the land spread throughout the land.
The residual light fell to the ground, and they plunged into a large pit 10 meters deep.
"Haha... This kind of worming skill is still in front of me, can you play some new tricks to open my eyes?" At that moment, the wretched voice disdain.
However, Li Xuan was shocked: "This is the power of the "Imperial Man"? It is too horrible!"
Looking at the figure that was haunted by the faint smog, Li Xuan thought curiously: "So mysterious, I can't see them. I don't know what these immortals look like? What color is the skin? Will it all? Are some grotesque monsters?" Recalling the appearance of aliens in science fiction movies, Li Xuan suddenly moved.
Li Xuan was so curious, and immediately cautiously driven the expression to the figure in the khaki fog, and explored what they looked like.
I don’t know, the figure in the khaki fog is shocking. It seems to have a feeling. The vertical suction has been flying for several kilometers, and he screamed: "Who is going to peek at Laozi below? Give me a stand out!"
His eyes bloomed in two rays and searched for a while.
Soon, he discovered Li Xuan who stood on the ground and also saw the unusualness of Li Xuan.
"Good boy, it turned out to be you." His eyes locked Li Xuan, and the yellow-light haze quickly flew down to Li Xuan’s body.
"No, it was discovered, fleeing." After seeing the horror of the immortal, Li Xuan was shocked at the bottom of his heart. If he fell into the hands of these immortals, he was afraid that he would die and die.
"Haha, Li Yili, find an excuse to want to slip away? Will not scare me away like them?" The wretched voice once again sneered. Subsequently, the green haze figure followed the past.
The green haze figure does not know that someone is secretly peeking at them, seeing each other suddenly slipped away, and thought that the other party did not want to entangle with themselves.
(To be continued)
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