Chapter 1218: Clumsy Mecha

"Okay, I'll be back soon!" Chen Feng touched You Jia's head and kissed her forehead heavily. To be honest, he had no bottom in driving a mecha that didn't look good. of.
With the help of scientific researchers, Chen Feng boarded the mech that was set up to be appreciated by tourists and turned on the operating system. As a result, a bunch of incomprehensible texts popped up. Fortunately, the driving method of the mech is similar. , Chen Feng quickly mastered the skills to control it, and moved to the entrance of the exhibition hall lightly on tiptoes, waiting for the creation organization mecha to break in.
In the process of driving the mecha, Chen Feng shook his head. The more he controlled the mecha in action, the more he felt that the victory of today’s battle was slim. The situation of this mecha in all aspects was very poor. He could just walk around. Feel the stiffness of the joints in various parts, which is a very fatal flaw in the fierce battle.
Moreover, the energy of the mecha is less than one-third. No matter how economical Chen Feng is, he can support a half-hour strenuous exercise. After a long time, he cannot guarantee it. In short, he must use this machine to be used. Only the three mechas of the Creation Organization can be destroyed by the mechas on display.
"It would be great if I could drive my own modified machine. Dealing with these three mechas would not be easy or easy." Chen Feng kept recalling his modified machine in his heart. If he was driving it, he would not need to hide. In the exhibition hall, you can directly launch an active attack, destroying all the enemies in the shortest time.
However, the reality is very sad. Chen Feng can only squat at the gate of the exhibition hall while driving this unsatisfactory mecha, looking for the opportunity to kill the enemy with one blow.
Chen Feng has not much time to attack. Once the other two Genesis mechas find him, he will no longer have the opportunity to destroy the close mecha alone, so he must hit with one hit and directly harvest the opponent’s life. Just work.
You Jia hid on the other side of the gate, she was far away, because Chen Feng's battle for a while would inevitably destroy the gate of the exhibition hall. If she leaned too close, she would be easily injured by mistake. Such mistakes are not allowed.
The Mecha of the Creation Organization kept approaching, and finally stopped outside the exhibition hall, the probe wanted to see the situation inside the exhibition hall.
The first mecha of Guro is relatively famous, and pilots operating near Guro will more or less hear its rumors, so the pilot in this mecha of the Genesis Organization is also one of them, regardless of whether Being able to find the escaped scientific researcher, he wanted to take this opportunity to see what the mecha that was highly respected by Luo Luo looked like.
Looking at the place where the mecha should be placed, the people of the Creation Organization saw everything. He opened his mouth slightly in surprise and continued to stretch out, trying to see what was inside and why it should be placed. The mecha there disappeared.
"Opportunity!" Chen Feng had been hiding at the gate for a while, seeing the other party actively stretched his upper body over, and the head of the cockpit was above him. This was an excellent opportunity to kill the other party!
Chen Feng leaned forward immediately, and the beam saber in his hand pierced the gate of the exhibition hall without hesitation, and continued to pierce the head of the Genesis Organization mecha without any hesitation.
The sudden attack shocked the pilots of the Creation Organization, but it was too late for him to evade. Under Chen Feng's powerful synchronization rate, the Mecha of the Cloisters displayed superb strength and speed, "Stab! "A beam sword stabbed into the head of the enemy plane.
You can’t keep your hand in every attack. Once you hit it, you must bring out its greatest threat. This is Chen Feng’s goal set for himself when the mecha is in poor condition. Stir it vigorously, turning the cockpit of the enemy plane into a paste, and the pilot inside is very cool.

The sudden blow perfectly fulfilled Chen Feng's plan. Killing the opponent in an instant would give him more time to prepare for the next move.
Due to the fact that this mecha is too difficult to use, Chen Feng estimated that even half of his usual combat power had not been used. In actual combat, he even discovered the fragility of the weapon system. The blow just now made the beam. The sword has suffered considerable damage, and the energy output system is very unstable. It is almost impossible to persist until the other two mechas are killed.
It's not that Chen Feng didn't think about snatching the enemy plane that he had just defeated, but whether he had time to replace the mech, even if he went up, if the Genesis Organization mech was locked again, it must be used by the pilot himself. Then he will be busy for nothing.
Without time to deal with the enemy plane that was just killed, Chen Feng swept it aside with a wave of his hand, and looked back at You Jia who was hiding in the other part of the gate.
The eye-catching sight made Chen Feng very at ease. You Jia hid in a safe place and was not threatened by the collapse of the gate that was smashed by the mecha. He raised a small hand to himself and said that he must cheer.
Chen Feng controlled the mecha and nodded to You Jia. He received You Jia's thoughts, and then the Meteor strode towards the Genesis Organization mecha on the left.
The other two Genesis Mechas searching in the city heard the movement in the exhibition hall and raised their heads to wait and see, just in time to see Chen Feng throwing their companions to the ground.
Unexpectedly, after smashing the mecha guarding the city, another mecha appeared, and it still emerged from the pyramid exhibition hall of the famous tourist attraction. The pilots of the creation organization were all confused. I don't know what it is. Happening.
Then this mecha actually killed the companions it had searched in the past. How could this be tolerated? The two mechas approached Chen Feng together, trying to at least subdue him first.
As the distance between the two parties shortened, the creation pilot who was selected by Chen Feng to attack wanted to understand the origin of this mecha, he sneered disdainfully: "Huh! Driving this mecha actually dared to attack me. It's too long to live!"
The mecha in the Pyramid Exhibition Hall is not only famous in the tourism industry. As the first mecha to be put into actual combat in Cairo, it is still widely known in the pilot class, but most pilots generally do not think highly of it.
Because this mech was built relatively early and did not use any superb technology, the data related to power, speed, weapon power, etc. are all commonplace, and it was retired long ago and placed in the exhibition hall for viewing. There is no system and professional maintenance in all aspects of the armor. How much combat power can such a mecha retain? Isn't it funny to drive it to fight?
Therefore, the pilot of the Genesis Organization looked down on the mecha flying in front of him very much. He saw that the opponent was struggling to fly, and he thought that he could use some of the actions his mecha could do to play with the opponent.
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