Chapter 1219: Double kill

So does the mecha that Chen Feng drives really can't fly? The answer is no. He deliberately slowed down and pretended that the mecha could not fly, so as to confuse the opponent's psychology and get a better chance of attack.
Facts proved that Chen Feng’s disguise was effective. The pilots of the Creation Organization really saw him. He didn’t even bother to use the beam rifle. He drove the mecha to quickly charge and wield the beam saber in an attempt to destroy this unpredictable machine. A cut into several pieces.
Chen Feng continued to patiently control the mecha forward. It was the first step for the opponent to be confused. He had to reach the opponent before he could explode the greatest power. If the opponent saw the flaws, he would fall short.
Finally, the two mechas got close, and each other could clearly see the lines on each other's mechas. The pilots of the Creation Organization saw the scars on the mechas driven by Chen Feng, as well as the appearance of being in disrepair. He felt that he had the chance to win, facing such an old antique that had long been abandoned by the times, he consciously had no chance of defeat.
The pilot of the Genesis Organization still doesn’t know who is driving this mecha, but it’s not important anymore. It’s too late to investigate slowly after he kills the opponent. He confidently raises the beam sword and wants to take the opponent. The head of the mecha was cut off: "Although I don't know who you are, I admire your courage. Now, go to death!"
"Cut, how can you succeed? I am the one who survived today!" Chen Feng sipped. In order for You Jia to stay in the exhibition hall, he must be the one who finally won. This is only the second one. An enemy, he cannot fall here.
The opposing side's numbness was exactly what Chen Feng needed. At the moment when the two sides were about to come into contact, he no longer concealed his strength, he sprinted forward, and the beam sword with a problem in his hand quickly stabbed the opponent's mecha head. Ministry, I want to replicate the opponent's second kill just now.
Chen Feng's sudden uprising was much beyond the expectations of the pilots of the Creation Organization. He originally thought that he could easily defeat the opponent, but he never thought that the opponent would pretend to be weak and hide a means that could threaten his life.
However, the pilot of the Creation Organization was not ready to deal with Chen Feng's attack. The beam sword in his hand continued to attack Chen Feng's cockpit, and his mecha's head slammed into the attacking beam sword.
Not only to attack and kill the opponent, but also to protect his own safety, Chen Feng raised his left arm and used the shield on it to try to resist the opponent's attack. Although he was not very confident in the defensive capabilities of this mecha, it was better than nothing. Directly use armor to take the opponent's attack.
The beam sword burst out dazzling sparks on the shield. Now the weapons used by the mecha have been upgraded again, and they are not what mecha can resist in the past. In less than two seconds, Chen Feng’s mecha’s shield is dead, and the beam sword is dead again. Cut along the original direction on the left arm.
The armor on his left arm cannot be compared with the shield. Chen Feng can clearly see the beam sword deepening on his left arm. If nothing changes, I am afraid that the left arm of his mecha will soon say goodbye to him. .
At the same time, the beam sword held by Chen Feng's right arm hit the face of the Genesis Organization mecha. The light of the beam sword continuously cuts the defense of the opponent's face. As long as it can penetrate, this blow can determine the battle. the result of.
It is a pity that Chen Feng’s beam sword disappointed him. The fierce collision caused a complete breakdown of the problematic energy output system, and only half of the opponent’s face armor was damaged before the beam sword lost energy. A sword hilt hit the opponent's face straight.

His face was skewed by the sword hilt, but the pilot of the Creation Organization laughed so much that his stomach hurts. The other party tried his best to get such a result. If he changed his mind, he was afraid of death. Of course, in the current situation, the opponent is indeed not far away from death, and only waiting for his own beam sword to cut off the opponent's left arm, he can take the opponent's life.
The sudden destruction of the beam sword surprised Chen Feng, but the movements in his hand did not stop. He had prepared a second plan in advance, opened his hand and gave up the useless hilt, and grabbed the mecha of the Genesis Organization. head.
The Genesis pilot’s laughter did not stop, but he felt the threat of death. He quickly increased the output of the beam saber to cut off the opponent’s arm, and retracted his left hand to prevent the opponent from continuing to attack his mecha Head.
Chen Feng finally got the chance to kill the opponent. Where did he get the opponent to break free, use the strength of the milk to tighten the palm, and must squeeze the opponent's cockpit before the left arm is cut. This is his victory. Best chance.
Huang Tian paid off. Chen Feng spent so much effort to let the opponent relax his vigilance. Now he has grasped the opponent's weakest defensive face, and there are no other factors hindering the attack. It would be unreasonable if he could not succeed.
Under Chen Feng's full output, the face of the Mecha of the Creation Organization gradually deformed, and was finally caught into a discus. The cockpits inside were all squeezed in one place, and the pilot had no room to escape.
The most important cockpit of the mecha was breached, and the mecha of the Creation Organization immediately fell on Chen Feng's mecha. The beam sword in his hand did not continue to attack, and Chen Feng successfully defeated an enemy plane.
Carefully pull out the beam sword from his left arm. There is a fierce battle behind. Chen Feng can't let his left arm show too much damage and overthrow the Mecha of the Creation Organization to the ground. Now he has to concentrate on dealing with the final An opponent.
The last mecha of the Creation Organization watched his two companions die in the hands of the mecha that broke out suddenly, which made him startled and angry. It was just a mecha with a reputation greater than its strength. Is it possible to kill two mechas that are far more powerful than it?
The pilot of the creation organization guessed that the person driving this mecha must be very strong, so he increased his vigilance. Seeing that Chen Feng’s mecha weapon seemed to have some problems, he no longer narrowed the distance, but far away. Shooting with a beam rifle, trying to consume the armor and energy of Chen Feng's mecha.
Chen Feng pulled out the beam rifle and fired back, but the gap between the weapons of the two sides was too great. Whether it was the distance or power that the beam could attack, his mecha was far inferior to the opponent, no different from being beaten passively.
After firing several times in a row, Chen Feng simply gave up the beam rifle. Even if these beams could hit the opponent, they would be like tickles. It would be better to rush up to fight hand-to-hand with bare hands, which can also produce more effective output.
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