Vol 7 Chapter 1648: Grey area

   When the two returned to the weird alleyway.
   The weird aura originally exuded from here, although it exists, has been greatly reduced. There are only a few silk-like lines floating between the lanes, not overflowing the street at all.
  『Is it deliberately drawing our attention just now... Has anyone noticed that I or Pope is different? 』
   Han Dong and Pope looked at each other and walked into the lane side by side.
   The moment I stepped into the roadway, the noise between the streets was reduced by half, as if there was a barrier separating it from the external streets.
   And every step further, the sense of barrier will be obviously strengthened.
   When it reaches a certain depth, the external noise completely dissipates in exchange for an unusual sense of silence.
   At the same time, a metal door with a dark gray atmosphere constantly escaping appeared at the end of the tunnel.
   There is a very special mark on the door-"a head with no facial features and tentacles growing at the bottom of the neck."
   "Something is coming."
   When Han Dong feels.
   A certain horror figure seeps out from the side wall, corresponding to a horrible face covered with tentacles resembling maggots and eyeballs in the gaps.
  The lumpy and soft body almost filled the alleyway.
   There are multiple spiral pronunciation cavities between the flat palms. Through the coordination of different pronunciation holes, it can form a special tone of uneven height, which reverberates in the lanes.
  "Have you two ever worked with us?
   If not, further verification is needed... The ability to capture the spread of the fog can only show that your insight is good, but if you want to use our service, you have to verify your strength. "
   When Pope was about to step forward.
   Han Dong suddenly stood in front of him, and whispered: "I'll come..."
   Pope noticed the hidden meaning in this sentence, combined with Han Dong's characteristics, took the initiative to take a step back.
   "How to verify?"
   "As long as you can force me back and touch the iron gate leading to [Organization] with any part of your body, it will be verified."
   Han Dong nodded thoughtfully, "Oh, it sounds easy... but you also seem to be very strong."
   A trace of saliva oozes from the tentacled face, "I haven't eaten high-quality creatures for a long time, and you have a special smell... Then start the assessment."
   The monster pounced directly from the front.
  When he moved, dense tentacles grew from the corners of the lanes, crawling back and forth like maggots...A certain domain effect is taking shape, and these maggots will also attach to Han Dong's body.
   Han Dong didn't move, letting the opponent rush forward.
   The crow mask suddenly fell, revealing Han Dong's face and a head with no extraneous marinated eggs.
   The gray tentacles growing out of the back of the head form a strange symbol in the air, and even show a strange mark on the center of the eyebrows.
   pause time.
   The monster that pounced on Han Dong instantly reduced his ferocity,
   was originally a swollen body filled with passages, and immediately shrank to the size of a dwarf... Only the tentacles and heads that filled the face remained unchanged.
   The swooping posture one second before immediately transformed into a very pious kneeling mode.
   "You really are... the gray envoy!
   I just said how there is a strong but not quite right breath, I didn't expect it to be you!
   My lord, why did you come to Arkham? How can I help you? "
   As expected.
   Han Dong felt strange at first, why did the other party deliberately release a breath to attract attention... It turned out to be caused by the same induction.
   The organizations and strange demons hidden in the lanes are all affiliated with [Gray Walker].
  Unfortunately, Han Dong was awarded the title of "Grey Envoy" for his best performance in the London game. Once awarded, these titles will be directly imprinted on any alien hearts related to the walker.
   "We want to investigate the information of a ‘special person’. Due to the particularity and concealment of the other party, there is very little or almost no relevant information."
  "Special Envoy, our organization happens to like to collect this kind of ‘unique’ and ‘unpopular’ rare information. Maybe you can find the answer here.
  Please come in, we will do our best to serve you.
  【Gray area】Welcome the arrival of the envoy.
   My name is Marsalino. Group maggots, adults can call them maggots... I prefer these tiny creeping creatures. "
   "Well, take us in, and introduce your organization by the way."
   "Okay! Come with me.
   We come from the gray country created by our king with the highest level of land deeds combined with its supreme image-[Sharnoth].
   We were very uncomfortable with the world when we first came here,
   Until the creation of [Gray Area] in Arkham,
   can not only give us the pleasure of ‘spying’,
   can bring us a sufficient amount of income,
   At the same time, it can also become the important ‘eye’ of the king staying in Arkham.
   The [grey area] we established is fundamentally different from the information stations outside.
   Whether it is information or customers, we have a high threshold.
   We will use our own characteristics to collect all kinds of high-level intelligence that meets the standard at all costs,
   At the same time, it has created a unique membership system, only for the capable and trustworthy monsters, and has cultivated many high-quality customers for a long time.
  In the gray area, there are only two identities "client" and "worker".
Since the envoy of    wants to inquire about information, you have come here as a client, and we are even willing to be your clerk for free. "
   "It doesn't need to be... the target we are going to deal with is extremely troublesome. Let's see if you don't have relevant information here."
   Then, an incredible scene happened.
   Han Dong originally thought that the organization was set up on the inside of the metal door...Who knows, when the ‘maggot’ walking in front opened the metal door, there was only a dead end behind him.
   The opening of the metal door is more like touching some kind of switch.
   A large amount of gray gas overflowed between the lanes, and some kind of ‘camouflage’ was slowly being lifted.
   Han Dong sighed in surprise: "Oh! That's it... It's a clever method. I didn't expect that the whole lane was actually a disguise method set up by you.
   When we walked into the laneway, did we step into the [grey area]? "
   The lane is turned into a simple gray space.
   Regular geometric seats are placed in the hall, and various gray individuals with ‘chaotic’ faces are scattered here.
  Whether they are sitting, standing or climbing on the wall, they all cast a look of awe at Han Dong.
  "Please rest assured, our special envoy, our attention to customer privacy should be the highest in the information port, let alone your entrustment... May I ask which biological information do you want?
   Even if you don’t know the name, it’s okay to only describe the relevant features. "
   "The name, characteristics, and type are all clear... You should have heard of it too."
   Out of caution, Han Dong still did not call his name directly, but handed a note with the name written to the maggot.
   When the other party saw the name above, the maggot tentacles covered their faces swayed wildly, and even fell off the subject and fell to the ground.
   "Special Envoy, do you want to track down such dangerous existence?"
   "Yes, is there any information?"
  "...Wait a minute, this touches the existence of [王], the relevant information is sealed in the deepest place, and I need to submit an application to retrieve it.
   There happened to be a special piece of information about Him recently. "
   "Oh? Is it really there?"
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