Vol 7 Chapter 1649: Broken dimension

   Regarding what's happening right now.
   Pope just quietly watched the whole process, and there were some waves in his heart.
   He naturally knew that Han Dong was [Grey Special Envoy],
  'S status is almost equivalent to his position in the virtual space...but he didn't expect that there is such a special organization hidden in the information port, he has never heard of it before.
   Moreover, this group of beings who are constantly exuding gray aura and can change themselves and foreign objects in disguise are extremely rare in the main world.
   Pope searched the memory files deep in the brain library, and finally found the corresponding biological information.
  "This group is from Charnos-[The Faceless].
   is really rare. According to the encyclopedia, this kind of alien monsters do not exist naturally...but they are special alien monsters created through the unique system of "Gray Walker".
   Their essence originates from the ‘infidels’ with human attributes.
   Very few recognized pagans can go to Charnos through a special sacrificial ceremony.
   After an extremely long journey and able to endure endless suffering, their souls will set foot on the royal capital area of ​​Charnos and receive the [perfect recognition] from the Supreme.
   At this time, their souls will be led to the palace of the Gray Walker.
   Surrounded by the gray aura, he completely forgot the self and reincarnated as a kind of supernatural demon with extremely high talents and natural mastery of gray secrets-[Faceless].
   I didn’t expect that such a group would actually be active in Arkham,
   acts as the [eye] of the walker...it's terrible.
   However, as long as you can get information about Morgan, it doesn't matter. Moreover, such a special high-level organization may have very detailed information, even directly related to the clues and intelligence of Morgan's hidden place.
   Sure enough, it is useful to bring Nicholas with him. "
   While Pope stood still silently, many faceless people cast curious eyes. They wanted to know who could act with the ‘special envoy’.
   When they saw Pope’s star-like eyes, they immediately understood.
   only waited less than three minutes.
   The faceless person who claims to be [Maggot] has already completed the submission and approval of Han Dong’s application.
   A paper bag wrapped in sticky plaster was handed over.
  "Special Envoy, the rarity of this document reaches [S].
   is the information that we took a great risk and took months or even years to get. Except for your current team, please make sure not to spread it outside.
   In addition, you and your friends need to review the information with us, please follow me. "
   The two were led to a special enclosed private room.
   "Only you are qualified to view the information. If I accidentally see it, I will be severely punished, so I will wait for you outside.
   After reading it, just reseal the information and leave it in place. "
   "Okay, you can go out."
   The secret room is locked.
   When Han Dong touched the file bag,
  The gray mucus flowing on its surface immediately penetrated into the body from the fingertips,
   After identifying the identity, it turns into a faceless wax seal and is printed on the surface of the document bag.
When    took out the document and spread it out on the desktop, Pop couldn't restrain his curiosity and immediately leaned forward.
   The reading speed of the two is almost the same.
   Only a few seconds passed, the expression of surprise appeared on the faces of both of them at the same time, and a sense of joy flashed between the eyes.
  Because the information clearly states the hidden place of [Francis Morgan],
   and also attached a visual photo obtained through memory extraction,
   Although it is not very clear, some things can be seen-a special planet wrapped in green, located in the deep space of the universe with a broken mirror structure.
   At the end of the material, there is also the name of the "worker" who provided the clue. They also signed the clue to verify the authenticity of the clue.
  "There is really hidden information!
   Suspected of being in a broken dimension... No wonder the agents of the University of Mississippi have not been informed for so many years.
   is indeed a lunatic, it should be through some means to transfer a planet to a broken dimension, and then use a special form of biological covering to form a self-sufficient ecological space. "
   This is the first time that Han Dong heard the term "broken dimension".
   "Pop, where is the broken dimension?"
  "In ancient times, because of your human arrogance and ignorance, the "world catastrophe" was finally caused.
   Although the end of the war was our victory, the price paid was extremely heavy.
  You should also know that the world has become riddled with this cataclysm. It has been torn open with multiple broken openings that are difficult to repair...even one or two openings are enough to make the world collapse.
   Sally’s [mother] was seriously injured because he was raided by the enemy while repairing one of the huge broken openings.
   These rifts in the world still exist, although they will not affect the entire world, but the essence of the world is quietly passing away...the space corresponding to the rifts is turned into a broken dimension.
   is an extremely dangerous and unstable slit area that subverts the laws of space.
   Conventional spatial methods cannot be effective internally. Even the [Void] is like sinking into a chaotic quagmire. If you don’t pay attention, it will sink to the bottom completely and never rise to the surface of the mud. "
   "No wonder... hiding in this kind of place is really not easy to find."
  "The credibility of this information is very high. If it is really in the broken dimension, our battle plan must be changed, and some necessary materials to travel between the broken dimensions must be prepared in advance.
   This credit will naturally go to Han Dong. "
   "It doesn't matter.
   Let's go, and meet Dean Dell and them quickly. "
   When leaving the gray area, Han Dong also received a special business card.
   As long as there is any need for help, investigation or assassination in the main universe, you can contact this group of people... They will complete the commission with extremely high efficiency.
  Of course, the relevant fees will still be charged according to the lowest standard.
When the    team met, they learned that news about [Morgan] was really hard to find. UU Reading www.uukahnshu.com was also regarded as a taboo by some organizations.
   Besides, I still ran into some troubles in the middle.
   Ancient language professor-Warren Rice, when asking for information, unexpectedly discovered that the clerk wanted to quietly report his investigation of [Morgan].
   It seems that someone is secretly staring at any outsider who wants to collect information on ‘Morgan’.
of course.
   When Warren perceives this situation, he only needs to say a few words gently, and this person immediately interrupts his thoughts, and hides himself and cuts off his head, committing suicide.
   "Broken Dimension! Where did this news come from?"
   "The credibility is very high. The news comes from [The Faceless]. It is the corresponding relationship behind Nicholas..."
   "The Faceless?"
   The three professors all looked at Han Dong with different eyes.
   Among them, Professor Karen, who has touched the dark side more, casts a strange look. Although she also knows that the faceless is hidden in the dark side of the information port, she is not very familiar with it.
  "Since you are in the broken dimension, you must prepare enough supplies for survival.
   Let's go, let's go to the market to see if there are any good products... It is best to receive some live creatures with strong vitality. "
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