Chapter 180: Life outside the city (below)

粉笔 Five chalks controlled by the witch at the same time, on the large blackboard, write down the recorded out-of-city life categories.
Limited to low-level life and some basic knowledge.
的 The training site visited by Han Dong and others is 60 kilometers away from the holy city, but it still belongs to the [controllable area], which is the area that the holy city knights have investigated.
of course.
I just ‘investigated’.
The scope of human control is limited to the Holy City.
For the outside of the city wall, even the land next to the city wall may cause great changes, and suddenly a large number of ghouls are drilled from the inside.
The farther you are from the holy city, the more dangerous it will be.
This is why 10% of the personnel immediately left the field when the commander Kaimon gave a distance of 69 kilometers.
These people are not inferior, but they are unwilling to take such a huge risk during the probation period.
Most of the anomalous bodies wandering in the surveyed area outside the city are low-order.
The common low-order existence is divided into three categories, which are listed below:
野 [Wild monster]-During the global invasion of higher levels of life, the total amount of wild animals decreased rapidly, and it was estimated that it was reduced by about 90% (except for some insects).
The remaining wild animals are affected by various weird factors, which cause their own genetic layer to change, or become contaminated by contaminated objects and cause aberrations.
Common monster changes are divided into the following three categories:
Polymerization-mostly occurs in small wild animals, such as rodents. Such aggregated monsters have also appeared many times inside the holy city, and there have been several 'crowd-rat incidents' in civilian areas.
First, some residents found a large number of rats in groups to attack humans.
If you look closely, you can see that these mice are not group actions at all ... their fur and even flesh are all connected together.
When tadpoles are stimulated, the herd can be directly turned into a large mouth of blood to devour the target.
Anthropomorphic, common in mammals.
Take [werewolf], for example, it is obviously different from the werewolf in conventional folklore.
粉笔 Use chalk to draw an image of a werewolf on the blackboard to express its characteristics.
Quite scary convex spine structure! A large white spine protrudes outside, and small tentacles grow between the spine gaps, indicating that it has been seriously polluted.
The body surface also spawned a large number of wolf heads.
Shoulders, waists, knees, there are similar twisted wolf head structures all over the body, can bite all living creatures nearby ... more than a few times more scary than ordinary werewolves in common folklore.
Maternal-rare variants.
An extremely small number of animals and plants, after contact with higher-order existence.
较长 Through a long period of degenerate evolution, it will evolve into a highly prolific mother.
Tadpoles usually occupy a sealed area, such as abandoned villages and underground caves. Progeny are bred arrogantly inside and the area is concealed by a fog.
Most of the mothers have reached the level of alien monsters, and general knight training will not be encountered.
Mainly refers to some dead things that are affected by ‘breath’, given ‘liveness’, and even produce independent consciousness (mostly evil).
The classification of evil is quite complicated.
You can separate gargoyles, moss stone demons, stones ...
The most common is corpse evil.
A dead human comes into contact with ‘breath’, and the probability of turning into
is the largest. Most of them are skeletons ... Of course, it is also different from the skeletons in ordinary people ’s impression.
In short, be careful about any dead things outside the city.
This is the category that needs to be explained the most. It has great threats.
Cultists-the most common category, and the favorite form of human cultivation for high-level existence outside the city.
培养 Cultivate ordinary humans as absolute loyal cultists.
As long as this group of believers can meet some requirements such as 'hunting', 'sacrifice', 'fulfilling', etc., they will be given certain benefits.
The cultists who have benefited will also become more loyal.
The threat of a cultist alone is not great, even an ordinary trainee knight can easily solve it.
I need to pay special attention to the place where there are a lot of cults.
As long as the number of cultists exceeds double digits, the degree of danger will increase exponentially ... Once mishandled, it will be enough to cause large-scale casualties.
Once they became aware of the danger, this group of cultists would not have any consideration at all, and a large-scale sacrifice would be performed on the spot.
Summon the terror in the middle and even the high.
Moreover, a large number of cultists gathered together to sing, which would also cause great pollution damage to individuals from the spiritual level.
A cultist is a group of individuals who have sound bodies and souls, but have completely degraded their minds.
Although puppets are still humans, they are nothing more than a group of puppets under control.
In addition, it should also be noted that the cultists are also assigned to different ... due to the different high-level existence, these cultists will also be different.
Amazing people-special individuals that have been evolved by cultists through 'self-sacrifice', 'fallen', etc., still maintain a human attitude.
I have another name for strangers in the cult-elder.
少 Very few cultists will undergo a high-level abnormality during the worship process.
I thus let myself break through human limits, no longer tied to the flesh, and derived some extremely dangerous abilities.
This kind of alien can switch between 'Human Attitude' and 'Alien Attitude' at will, thereby completely hiding its own danger, which is an extremely dangerous existence.
According to records, in the elite training in history, the most common cause of death of trainee knights is strangers.
They have evolved an independent and sound consciousness system, insidious and deceitful, an absolutely evil and dangerous existence, which requires special attention.
Ascaris appender
Before talking about this special group, we must talk about the behavior of insects different from ordinary animals when the new era begins.
This group of invertebrate little things did not have strange changes similar to [Wild Monsters] ~ ~ The sensitive perception and the internal discipline make most insects feel the 'doomsday' coming. A very extreme way to protect yourself.
The tadpoles are similar to the tadpoles, and they swallow each other within the same group, leaving only one that is similar to the king worm.
The remaining king worms will still feel dangerous.
Therefore, they chose the appropriate host for possession before the humans at that time were completely extinct.
He continues to grow with the potential of mankind, trying to survive this doomsday catastrophe.
Even so, they are still unable to fight against [the alien] and higher beings.
的 Worn appenders around the world were killed during the struggle.
Before the establishment of the holy city, a small part of the insect attachers found a relatively safe place for ‘permanent hibernation’.
However, as higher lives occupy the world, the ‘breath’ is spreading all over the world.
Even if you bury yourself deep in the ground, it is difficult to escape the invasion of breath.
They gradually degenerate during hibernation ... slowly become a kind of independent and special worm appendages that are not managed by any higher order existence.
They not only retain some of the characteristics of humans and insects, but also become extremely evil because of the effects of long-term pollution, and launch an indiscriminate attack on humans.
When he saw the introduction of "worm attached" on the blackboard, Han Dong unconsciously looked at Mia next to her.
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