Chapter 181: Stranger

There is limited information on a blackboard.
But he has shocked Han Dong enough and is more curious about the world outside the city.
It's like the whole world has undergone earth-shaking changes after humans took control of the world ... During the two hundred years that higher beings have occupied the world, new civilization systems, new races, and colonial methods will lead the world into a new era.
Existing historians have designated the day when the holy city was established and humans crouched in a small space, and have sought to survive-[Dark Age].
Darkness descends, and only the fire of destiny can lead humankind to continue in this boundless darkness.
Uh ...
Han Dong raised his hand and signaled that he wanted to ask a question.
The witch was impatient, "I said, this class is just a brief introduction to you, and it is enough for you to prepare for training.
If you want to know more information outside the city, when you come back alive, go to the library by yourself. Or ask your mentor directly.
That's the end of today's lecture ... Mia, follow me.
This time you are out of town for the first time, it is necessary to do some witchcraft preparations. "
"it is good……"
Mi Mia reluctantly glanced at Han Dong and left with the witch.
Han Dong had a happy face instead. It was the best case for Mia to be taken away in this way, so as not to linger on him all the time ... Moreover, Han Dong could also directly ask Mr. Black and White if he had any questions.
"Do you want to know this?"
I was just a second after the witch left.
Mr. Black and White gently squeezed the chalk with white gloves and circled a word on the blackboard.
When the witch gave a low-level explanation of the existence, she used the word 'different demon' many times, which was mentioned in the "maternal body" and the deep evolution of the cultists.
But the witch seemed to avoid it intentionally, and did not give any explanation about the so-called 'charm'.
It is as if Han Dong and their out-of-town training camps will not encounter this kind of existence.
Han Dong nodded and replied: "Well ... when these low-level lives, monsters, and human beings described on the blackboard are evil.
Essentially is the life of the original world, influenced by the 'Dark Age', formed by its own evolution, right? What is life outside the city? Is it the [Monster] mentioned on the blackboard?
What kind of existence is? "
Han Dong is very curious about the real life outside the city ... what kind of higher life groups are awake in the dark and bring near-apocalyptic disaster to human beings.
Mr. Wu Heihe explained patiently: "The lower-level life explained by the witch is academically classified as an" exotic organism. "
He is indeed, as you said, formed on the basis of the life of the original world and affected by foreign objects.
【异 魔】.
He is the chief culprit leading to the end times.
Academically, they are classified as "original species", their number is not very large, and their reproduction ability is "limited". To be able to reproduce, the monster must meet certain conditions.
‘'Fantasy' generally refers to this large class of higher life, which can also be subdivided internally. There are differences in the origins, formation methods, own abilities, and threat values ​​of various strange monsters.
[Library] is located at the deepest place.
Stored a book of "The Book of Aliens", which records the aliens that the Holy City has come into contact with, each of which is quite dangerous.
Since you are more than fifty kilometers away from the holy city, there is a very small possibility that you may encounter such a native species.
低 These low-order lives are explained by witches, and their origins are inseparable from [characters]. "
那 "That ..." Han Dong pointed to the back of his left hand, which is where the "Yellow Seal" is located. "Is this mysterious man in the yellow robe also a strange monster?"
Mr. Black and White shook his finger, "No ... there are many kinds of strange monsters, but they are basically divided into the" median "level, and the [yellow clothes] that we secretly build relationships with belongs to the" higher "level.
I said that the status of the benchmark [yellow clothes] outside the city is like the status of the Great Plague in our holy city. "
"High position !?"
"The simple division of low, medium and high is just for your young people's understanding.
In essence, there is a more complicated and detailed classification ... After you follow the Knights of Beamon this time, come back and learn more slowly.
The outside world is far more dangerous than you think.
For two hundred years, the existence of higher life has changed the outside world into a new world adapted to their inhabitation and life.
The distance between the training and the city this time is indeed very long.
In addition, the training camp also chose abandoned manor houses with a large number of [humans].
Once you are in danger of being unable to fight and without the timely support of the Cavaliers.
I ’ll call it ‘it’ to help. "
"it is good!"
Uh ...
Han Dong went straight to the dormitory bedroom afterwards.
整理 Put the knowledge outside the city learned today into a notebook in detail.
He is also increasingly eager to learn about the city.
"When the training is over, be sure to go to the library and have a basic understanding of the outside world system ... a bit interesting."
剩余 During the rest of the day, Han Dong communicated with the two prisoners in the prison, so that they also prepared to leave the city to fight against life outside the city.
Han Dong, who was planning to rest early, just came out of the bathroom wearing a bath towel.
The room door knocked.
I wasn't looking for Mia ... but Cass.
When I opened the door, I found Cass carrying a bag of exquisite animal skins, which seemed to contain a lot of things.
Zakas has always remembered the fact that his father was 'saved'! He treats Han Dong completely as a brother.
Considering Han Dong's first training out of the city, he prepared a series of necessary props for Han Dong. UU Reading Book
The two sat by the bed, Cass opened the animal skin backpack, and probably introduced how to use these props.
"Brother Cass, are these things worth a lot of money?"
小 "What's wrong ... like this long-term portable kerosene lamp is made by Koslin, no money. Some other props are bought at market prices, not much."
Because of the different training methods in different grades, we can't act together.
However, you are freshmen, and the Knights of Bemont will secretly take care of you a lot ... However, with the strength of Brother Allen, it is not a problem through training. "
Due to Cass's previous enthusiasm, when he squeezed into the bedroom, he forgot to close the door and left a gap.
At this time, another female guest came to see me, it was Mia.
Holding a document in her hand, it is exactly the details of the new team member that Han Dong entrusted her to organize.
"Student Nicholas, I will bring you the materials you ..."
Halfway through his words, Mia froze.
Han Dong, who was only wrapped in a bath towel, was sitting next to a bed with a handsome and strong blond brother.
And there are various metal and leather props scattered on the bed ...
幕 This scene has a great visual impact on Mia!
Blushing and looking extremely excited, she quickly put the document in her hand by the door and whispered, "You go on, I won't disturb you."
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