Vol 10 Chapter 2143: arrival

The so-called [Seven Curses].
It is the cursed seal created by the most powerful seven old kings who live in the northern continent, headed by the worm god, and each automatically uses the power of their roots.
There are two main purposes,
One is to completely seal the origin of the unclean at the bottom of the deep root,
The second is to completely refuse the contact between the creatures in the northern continent and the lower surface. As long as the individual who has the idea of ​​approaching the [Great Rift] will be affected by the curse, he will be directly cursed to death, or he will be cursed and marked unknowingly. been hunted.
Even the ancestors and all the impurities were transferred to [Evil Outer Domain]
But the 'things' left behind are enough to make the aliens completely scattered. Once they are accidentally brought out, they may even cause a wide-scale infection, and even derive the second type of "unclean life".
The seal of the Seven Curses still exists.
Han Dong, who fell into the big rift, felt the touch of these curses.
With its most perfect adaptability and source vortex transmission when necessary, it penetrates layers of cursed seals.
Finally, sticking to the worm's diaphragm full of mucus, it drilled through the thick fleshy wall full of small worms, and successfully penetrated all the boundaries of the curse.
The picture right now is quite shocking.
The depths of the great, deep and dangerous fissure,
The roots are intertwined and run through the walls, growing large pale white roots, which together extend to a deeper position.
These roots do not feel any vitality to the touch, and there is no plant touch, more like a cold stone.
"Are these 'deep roots' concomitant with the birth of impurity? Or the underground pillars created by the ancestors... After all, the existence of the ancestors will definitely not build square pillars.
This is likely to be used to stabilize the underground space. "
As Han Dong amplifies his own induction, he slightly feels the 'source fluid flow' between these giant roots.
"Sure enough! There are still good things left here... Maybe it can be used as my energy supply."
Follow the thickest root, down quickly.
The further down you go, the more roots there are.
After about 5,000 meters of descent, you can even see some pale white waterfalls flowing backwards.
Han Dong fell steadily in a shallow stream,
This is the forbidden land of the Northern Continent, the bottom of the deep root - [Unclean Land].
"Huh? There are still remnants of civilization... However, this kind of structure is really unacceptable."
The ellipsoidal buildings that were raised in the shape of tumor piles were stacked in disorder, and there was no structural layout to be found at all.
Pale white and foul-smelling streams also flow here randomly,
Even some streams will pass through the interior of the building... It is conceivable that the unclean people in the past may directly use the streams flowing through their homes to complete various things related to 'water'.
Han Dong didn't have time to go door to door to check,
After a rough area scan and a mental map of the subterranean structure,
Immediately search for the source of the underground stream and come to the true center of this unclean place.
[Origin Pool] has a prototype. The place of origin has an area similar to the source pool, which is also the center... Come to think of it, the first ancestor was born here. "
A huge pool appeared in front of me,
Not just underground streams,
The huge, criss-crossing deep roots also converge here... or, in other words, the deep roots spread out from here.
Looking at the overview,
These deep roots extending upward from the pool seem to outline the 'skeleton outline' of a kind of flower... It seems to herald the 'birth of a white lotus' here.
The color of the pool is naturally not as turbid as the [Origin Pool],
The fairness is even a little translucent, but the disordered substances inside are genuine.
If you let an ordinary alien take a sip, it will quickly turn into an impure person.
Han Dong remembered the rules when he met the ancestor of the demon, and took off his clothes directly on the shore.
Stepping into this icy pool with bare feet that no one has touched for so many years,
As the first wave swayed across the water... The white lotus on Han Dong's abdomen also began to flicker with a faint white light.
This long-dead underground world has a feeling that it is being restarted.
Han Dong stepped on the water in the purest form to the center of the huge pool, and stretched out the main body of the roots that touched it... Ka~ The hard white layer on the surface of the roots actually broke and cracked.
Between the cracks, the activated roots began to wriggle slightly.

【real world】
lunar surface.
Goodman, carrying a suitcase, arrived together with Hidden Brain, who was carrying the Space Brain.
Staring at the blue planet in front of you,
Hidden Brain took the pyramid fragments found among the wreckage of the gray world, and performed holographic scanning and analysis of the nature of the planet.
"The clues do point to this planet, but there is no matching area... I need a certain amount of analysis time. If Mr. Goodman doesn't mind, you can do a 'parallel analysis' with me.
After all, my "sub-brain" is in your head. "
Such as parallel processing of dual-core CPU.
They completed the complete deconstruction of the earth in tens of minutes,
It was even analyzed that this planet is the area closest to the periphery of S-01 in the "plane dimension", which can establish the shortest distance path to the black tower.
Hidden brain whispered:
"I didn't expect that a planet that was given to indigenous humans to live would be so special. It seems that this group of alien demons has very special ideas about 'human beings'."
Goodman on the side was not interested in this planet at all, he just wanted to find clues related to Han Dong as soon as possible.
With the help of the supercomputer provided by [Montenegro Base],
Goodman tried to analyze the earth between four-dimensional coordinates,
Soon, a very small amount of "time element" was found, and this time element was extracted separately, and then the earth between the four-dimensional coordinates was re-projected to the three-dimensional coordinates.
Burning text
Directly showing two completely different, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Earth separated by "unit time yuan".
When Zang Nao saw the simulated picture passed by Goodman, he couldn't help but exclaimed:
"Perfect time division in confined space!
Maintain the absolute stillness of the spatial coordinates, and form two planets that do not interfere with each other and exist on the same point and face... Who is this? Too exaggerated. "
Goodman didn't say much.
Carrying a briefcase, he descended into a hidden cave in the Arctic Circle.
Hidden brain naturally followed,
He not only wanted to find the trace of Mr. Teacher, but also to supervise Goodman, and at the same time, he was also very interested in the brain of 'Han Dong'.
When they were about to peel off the time element and go to the dark side of the world,
A sound from the virtual space came.
"Congratulations on the discovery of the deeply hidden special kingdom-[End Northern Continent-Hippapolis]"
"Type": Supreme Kingdom
"Restriction": A maximum of two [Kings] are allowed, no more than ten rank individuals can invade the area, and the number of low rank individuals is not limited.
Zang Nao smiled and said: "
Two kings, aren't we just right?
However, our king level is still a lot worse... I don't have many [kings] under my command, and Mr. Goodman doesn't seem to have the habit of cultivating his subordinates.
Wait a moment, I will issue a recruitment order through [Brain Network]. "
The hidden brain is the center of the network among the out-of-control,
Following the release of this piece of information about the North Central Continent, many king-level responses were immediately received.
After a period of screening,
Eight out-of-control [Queens] with different characteristics are provided to quickly descend to the North Pole, and some of them are candidates for the committee.
"The king level is enough! As for the low-level personnel, let me provide them... My brain army has not been out for a long time."
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