Vol 10 Chapter 2144: meet

Goodman put his palm on the wall of the ice cave,
With a burst of digital time stripping, it is easy to come to the dark side of the earth, and the [End North Continent] is separated by the smallest unit of time.
One king after another stepped out of the caves one after another,
Or a 'beekeeper' wrapped in protective clothing and carrying a huge beehive.
Or a very seductive woman with a purple wing, 'Lady Indira'
Or a man in a psychiatric suit who keeps stuffing medicine into his mouth, with a haggard and pale face, 'patient zero'
Wait... a total of eight [Queens].
This group of people are all well-known powerhouses, and the Black Tower attaches great importance to them. Each of them corresponds to fairly sound research materials, and they can also extract from them 'out-of-control products' that are beneficial to the development of the Black Tower. .
They also attended the recent "Brain Ring Conference" as a member candidate.
The most troublesome thing here is, of course, the [King] Goodman and Zangnao.
Even if the two are compared on the committee, they belong to the strong ones in the forefront.
Goodman's "Composite Index" was the earliest among the top five among the committees, and with the absorption of "Brain Pages", he is now even in the top three.
As for hiding the brain,
Its comprehensive strength is a mystery,
He has never shown his own strength in any place, let alone participated in direct battles... Often he is behind the scenes.
It is said that he was caught and imprisoned by B.B.C because he was too bored to play outside and wanted to go to the Zero World of the Black Tower to find a more perfect brain.
During captivity,
Many employees and the out-of-control who came into contact with him have unfortunately lost their minds.
Since the establishment of the committee, he has been the most trusted "deputy" of the President.
It is also known as the "brain of the out-of-control" in private, and plays a key role in thinking integration and supervision between joint escape and follow-up actions.
"It's a beautiful world of ice fields... It's a pity that this group of monsters adopted the method of "time division" on this planet, and this frozen ground ice field is equivalent to being "abandoned by half".
The restriction here is by no means just two [Kings].
I hope that there are still a sufficient number of ancient demons here, and my "brain bank" just needs to be expanded. "
Hidden brain opened his barrel-shaped robe.
One after another, the brain army flew out from the inside, and the number was as many as tens of millions.
And each one is released, and the different forms of brains are released from "restrictions", allowing them to construct themselves according to their previous appearances.
Dense nerve tentacles grow between the brains, weaving the flesh.
In the end, a "brain corpse" of different shapes was formed,
Both men and women are bald,
The back of the head is engraved with the 'brain seal' representing the control of the Tibetan brain
They also uniformly wore black barrel-shaped jackets similar to Tibetan brains.
With the order of Zangnao, the army of brain corpses spread out in a net shape, and immediately launched a carpet-like search, exploration and invasion of the entire northern continent.
Clues were soon discovered.
Hidden brain whispered:
"As I speculated, many areas of this world have been abandoned due to being separated from the dark side... However, it does not mean that there is no life form.
According to the residual traces left between the glaciers,
Perhaps they were alerted to our arrival in advance, and carried out a large-scale migration in a unified manner, and concentrated all the remaining troops.
Let's go too. "
Ten powerful king-level out-of-control people followed behind the brain corpse army, each using different detection methods to prevent the arrival of danger in advance.
Following the migratory trail left on the surface of the glacier, I saw the highest peak in the northern continent-【Igils Iceberg】at the equator.
Under the control of the hidden brain,
The army of brain corpses kept a distance of several kilometers from the iceberg, and they were equidistant from each other, enclosing the iceberg.
Through the sharing of visual field images between the brains, the details of this big iceberg are transmitted to the hidden brain,
Naturally, the [Zhongbei Aboriginal] who were concentrated among the icebergs through the "Great Migration" were also discovered.
What makes Hidden Brain even more concerned is being under the iceberg, or the living thing that is dragging the iceberg.
"It seems that something big is dragging this national-level iceberg below, and it still looks very relaxed... What a big physique, I don't know if the brain will be as huge."
Just as everyone was staring at the iceberg,
Goodman has already used the radar brainwaves continuously released by the "Black Mountain Base" to capture a trace of Han Dong's breath, and he has determined that he is not in the iceberg.
Rather, it is located in a deeper area of ​​the world.
When the hidden brain learned this information, it gave a suggestion:
"Isn't Mr. Goodman's goal in this iceberg? It's better than this... The general attack on the big iceberg is handed over to us, and Mr. Goodman will directly deal with your personal affairs.
Come back to support us when you solve the target.
Anyway, my "sub-brain" is also installed in your brain, and we can get in touch with you at any time if there is any problem.
Of course~ If Mr. Goodman is in danger, I can also transfer it at any time through the sub-brain and provide support within my ability. "
Goodman was too lazy to say anything,
Now that it has been determined that Han Dong is here,
His stiff office worker face raised an extremely disobedient smile.
Stepping on the briefcase, ignoring the extreme cold released by the big iceberg and the hidden dangers, forcibly flew over... The blocking attacks that hit him along the way, either dodged in advance or easily resolved with one hand, did not pose any threat at all.
Watching the distant Goodman,
Hidden brain saw a little something wrong.
"The behavior of this group of guys is a bit strange, the blocking behavior just now was quite perfunctory... It seems that Goodman was deliberately let go. Are you trying to use Goodman's relationship with that kid to set a trap to lure him there?"
However, this guy Goodman really took the bait even if his head was hot.
It's not that easy to beat him.
You monsters have to work hard, it’s best to fight with Goodman to lose both, so that I will have a chance to get Goodman’s unique high-level brain in the world - [Montenegro Base].
Let's play with the forces in this big iceberg first~ Let this group of queen-level guys play the vanguard, UU reading www.uukanshu.com I have to save my brain power, and I will slowly pick up the leaks in the later stage. 』
With the order of Tibetan Brain, the army of brain corpses immediately put pressure on all areas of the iceberg,
The existence of eight queens followed closely,

Goodman, who was bypassing the iceberg, naturally sensed something was wrong.
Even so,
His speed did not diminish in any way.
It soon fell to the edge of the [Great Rift].
He can now clearly capture Han Dong's breath, and can even simulate the specific situation of Han Dong standing on the edge and falling to the bottom.
"Do you want to introduce me into this sealed zone? Such a means of enticing the enemy is too crude."
Goodman took out a "crowbar" from the briefcase as he fell.
Every time you pass through the cursed barrier corresponding to the [Seven Curses], you will directly knock down... the knocks that go beyond the rules level will directly smash the seven curses.
When he broke all the curses and came to the bottom along the deep roots...the scene in front of him made him stunned.
Han Dong did not hide as he expected.
Instead, he appeared in a 'special posture' in the center of the pool, more like waiting for his arrival.
Through the radar scan of the Montenegro base,
There is one and only Han Dong below, there is no ambushing force, and the so-called trap does not exist at all.
Shirtless Han Dong,
Sitting cross-legged in the center of the pale white pool,
There are dense white roots on his back, connecting all the deep roots in the underground area,
Every one of them wriggled like a living thing, sending a stream of the most primitive and disordered nutrients to him.
When he opened his eyes, a cloudy white liquid flowed in front of his eyes.
"Is it finally here? Mr. Goodman..."
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