Chapter 712: Out of the box

【happy hour】
全新 A new torso replacement from Penny Wise, to get Han Dong's first happy hour.
Reach the perfect ending of the chain task, and get the treasure chest reward, which is the second happy hour.
Although the main purpose of Han Dong's trip is to obtain the trunk ... but when it comes to fun, this treasure chest with unknown rewards is the most powerful (long live the box).
There must be hidden treasures inside, and you need to verify what is out of the box.
In the second half of the second episode of the episode, Duck Cass and Diana, apart from following the demon group to deal with the clown virus infected people distributed throughout the place, basically no sense of existence.
I do n’t even know what happened in the hospital or what Han Dong did to achieve a perfect ending.
And the squad battle that was said in advance was also ended because the two captains were heads-up head-on, they just watched the battle.
Diana's perception of Han Dong has been very different from that of a few months ago ... I understand why the leader of Kuran gave such a high evaluation, and also understand why when Han Dong was a trainee knight, he became a
Core character.
The two are naturally embarrassed about the upcoming treasure chest rewards.
"If the treasure box is opened with finished equipment, we will allocate it as needed."
"Captain, do you take it all?"
"I don't have any equipment. Besides, even if I contributed the most to the incident, you still have a certain proportion ... Since everyone is a team, it must be allocated according to our adaptability and needs."
的 The lobby of the private apartment.
The "Returning Soul Treasure Chest" that only Han Dong's team could see was placed in the lobby.
Material similar to plastic,
The background color is white, and the black vortex pattern is also drawn on it.
The front of the treasure chest corresponds to the horrible face of Penny Wise, and the lock corresponds to the horror mouth with sharp teeth,
气球 A balloon is attached to its side.
Apparently, the design style of the treasure chest is the core character in "The Return of the Clown"-Penny Wise.
Han Dong immediately stepped forward and poked the balloon in the upper right corner.
Then reached out and clasped the upper and lower jaws of the clown's head structure ... Unpacking!
I was also at the moment of opening the box.
The earl, who was in deep sleep, was suddenly awakened by the exhaustion of conscious fighting.
Just because the earl breathed in a breath of redness that had not been smelled in half of Europe ... This smell is very different from high-purity blood brewing. It is rich, sweet and implies strong energy.
"Nicholas! What have you got ..."
Earl Bian's consciousness was only an object. Without Han Dong's permission, he could not see the outside.
This time, Han Dong did not respond directly to him, because he was completely attracted by the sight in front of him, and all his attention was in the treasure chest.
There are three items in the "Soul Return Treasure Chest" given by the finale, and two of them are accessories for achieving the finale and additional rewards.
Accessory [1]: "Fist of Dawn"
Type: One-handed hammer
Quality: Unique (Purple)
Basic Attributes: Light attributes and heavy crush damage to enemies when attacking.
Equipment special effects:
"Dawn Defender (Passive)": When you hit the enemy, you can increase the light and heal your own injuries (if there is no injury that requires medical treatment, you can turn it into a "Light Shield" to protect the user). The healing amount is equal to the light damage caused by the attack. value.
This effect creates double hatred.
"Strike Hard (Active)": Consumption of energy. When throwing a weapon at full strength, the hammer head can be transformed into a righteous punch wrapped in light, causing 300% weapon base damage to the throwing area and the life body in the area. Causes dizziness for up to five seconds.
技能 This skill can generate a lot of hatred.
时 At the end of the throw, the weapon can be returned to the user's hand by pulling the light.
Exclusive effects:
"Undefeated Will (Passive)": When the individual's health is below 30%, [Dawn Overlord-Jultos] will be poured into the user's body, increasing the maximum health limit by 30% and the defense value by 200%. , Get the defensive experience of Jurtos.
Lasts for 30s and can be triggered every five minutes.
"So lucky?"
Zakas happened to lose his weapon in this incident, which directly provided Kas with a hegemonic exclusive weapon.
I didn't allow Cassto to say anything. Han Dong lifted the heavy one-handed hammer in the treasure chest and turned it to Cass.
When catching the weapon, Cass was naturally in love, and immediately tried to wave it, flashing multiple lights in the apartment ... even though it was a hegemonic weapon, the damage was not low.
Don't look at this as an accessory.
Purple equipment is not what you want and you can put it in the holy city.
Next is another interesting accessory.
Accessory [2]: "Node-Liderui Town" share transaction book
交易 The transaction book can be used only once, and at most 10% of the world's equity can be obtained from the owner of the town of Reedry through the form of a transaction.
"Huh? This ..."
东西 In the eyes of Han Dong, this thing is more valuable than the unique equipment just now.
个人 He personally wants to get high-level nodes like Reidry Town. If he can bring the residents of Derye Town out, it will be enough to form a terrorist army that will make ordinary ordinary demons frightened.
Of course, it's impossible to take them all out.
If he can get a 10% stake, Han Dong may come to Derui Town from the gate of destiny to move freely at any time in the future.
And listening to the mayor's meaning, the town of Reedry seems to continue to [upgrade] to reach a higher world level.
From the perspective of the residents contacted by Han Dong, all the residents carefully selected by the town mayor have great potential ~ ~ can continue to upgrade as the town grows.
Future development is worth looking forward to.
"Wait a while, I have to talk about Professor West anyway, let's put the equity issue together."
After looking at two accessories, it was finally his turn to present the items placed in the center of the treasure chest.
A defective product ...
Due to the existence of this defective product, Yun forced to suppress the light emitted from the unique equipment "Fist of Dawn".
"Master of the Bloodsworn. Roghorion's Bloody Skull (Broken)"
Appearance: There are four eye holes on the left and right sides, mouth and nose structure connected (tapered), there are weird skulls with multiple protruding structures on the top and sides of the skull. size.
※ Most of the characteristics of damaged equipment are weakened or lost
修复 It is possible to repair under certain conditions and conditions. Once the repair fails, the equipment will be completely broken.
Type: Jewelry
Integrity: 57% (moderate damage)
Quality: Reduced to "Epic" due to damage
Limited to users: believers, higher blood life
Basic effect: greatly increase the speed of individual life recovery and increase blood affinity.
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